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U.S. applauds Taiwan's peaceful efforts in regional disputes


Mar 21, 2013
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United States

Washington, Oct. 3 (CNA) A high-ranking U.S. official on Thursday commended Taiwan for its peaceful approach to resolving disputes with neighboring countries.

Kin Moy, deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, cited the agreement signed between Taiwan and Japan in April on fishing in the East China Sea as an example of Taiwan's efforts to work "peacefully and constructively with its neighbors to manage and resolve disputes."

Another example, he said, is the resolution of a row with the Philippines over an altercation between the Philippine coast guard and a Taiwan fishing vessel.

"The United States welcomes cooperative dispute resolution, reducing tensions through dialogue, and promoting peace and stability in the region," Moy said in a speech on U.S.-Taiwan relations at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

"Dispute resolution also establishes procedures which reduce the likelihood of future miscalculations or unwanted, harmful confrontations," he added.

He also said the United States commends the progress achieved in cross-Taiwan Strait relations in recent years and encourages both sides to continue these efforts.

The strong U.S.-Taiwan security partnership has provided the security and confidence necessary for improvements in cross-strait ties, he said, reiterating his country's opposition to the use of intimidation or coercion to resolve differences.

On Taiwan's bid to participate meaningfully in international organizations, he said such participation represents an important acknowledgment of Taiwan's status as a positive and responsible contributor to the international community.

"The United States fully supports Taiwan's membership in international organizations where statehood is not a requirement, and encourages Taiwan's meaningful participation in organizations where its membership is not possible," he said.

With the U.S.'s support, Taiwan has participated as an observer in the World Health Organization and in the 38th International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Assembly as a guest of ICAO Council President Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, he noted.

(By Tony Liao and Y.F. Low)

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