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U.S Ambassador to China out on the street to cheer for revolution that never came

Some people try their best to troll and be the highest poster ..


This was no coincidence or accident at all. He absolutely had ulterior motives. Here is Huntsman’s personal profile briefly.

Wealthy Mormon origin from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) and formal governor of the State of Utah.

Did his “Mission” as an LDS Elder in Southern Taiwan back in the ‘80’s and learnt Mandarin there.

Mormon Elders’ single foremost objective is to “recruit” new members, even in Muslim countries like Indonesia and Arab States. The LDS Church has the World’s largest genealogical data base on private citizens and families around the World. It’s in the billions. The LDS was persecuted in the US back by other Christian sects in the 1800’s and chased across the continent to finally settled in Utah, a rather infertile place that no ones else wanted to homestead in. So they are very much at home with organized crowd movement tactics from their historical background and missionary training.

If anyone has ever seen these youthful looking missionaries on bikes, you would know that it’s tough work and that tenure forges a strong constitution in these youngsters in dealing with rejection with persistence and perseverance, all essential characteristics for business and politics. Those that came out of it with a failing grade usually have serious social issues similar to a post traumatic syndrome as many of the American veterans of war suffer from.

So this is a very cagey politician. If the gathering had gotten huge and boisterous, he would have mixed it up with the people and gotten plenty of exposure using his diplomatic immunity to push the envelope as far as possible. It would have garnered him plenty of press both in the USA (the USA flag patch on his jacket) as well as a major boost of notoriety on the global stage, and he does have Presidential aspirations. God forbid if the Beijing MP’s had even touched him there unknowingly, he would have been a martyr of sorts.

He walked the line tight and he was dangerously close to interfering with domestic affairs and law enforcement of a foreign country in which he is the official top diplomatic representative of his own government. Very opportunistic politics driven move by Huntsman for sure.

Mitt Romney, GOP 2008 Presidential candidate and likely will run again in 2012. Harry Reid, one time US Senate Majority Whip is the other prominent Mormon politicians in the US. The GOP is unlikely to field a Mormon team going up agaist Obama in 2012 because Obama will then win in a landslide.
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i actually dont think he's there to support this call for revolution, its a very public place clearly hes not even trying to evade the media(wearing the us patch?) not exactly discrete and what exactly has he done to show that he supports anything? he was there thats it, his story is that he was shopping and saw something go down so he went closer to see, i would have done the same
i actually dont think he's there to support this call for revolution, its a very public place clearly hes not even trying to evade the media(wearing the us patch?) not exactly discrete and what exactly has he done to show that he supports anything? he was there thats it, his story is that he was shopping and saw something go down so he went closer to see, i would have done the same

I find it extremely curious how unbelievably gullible and naive you are being.
i actually dont think he's there to support this call for revolution, its a very public place clearly hes not even trying to evade the media(wearing the us patch?) not exactly discrete and what exactly has he done to show that he supports anything? he was there thats it, his story is that he was shopping and saw something go down so he went closer to see, i would have done the same
Beijing city is thousands of square kilometres and the popular shopping areas are also over a hundred square kilometers. What are the chances that American Ambassador Huntsman would be in the exact spot at that moment in time on the date and time and location of an Internet organized protest rally? He obviously had advance notice of this and was there to witness "history in the making". You can win the lottery as well but it is very very unlikely.
Some speculate that this is a political stunt to help him as a 2012 presidential hopeful.


Posted by Ryan Lizza
Jon Huntsman’s stroll through an anti-government protest in Beijing last Sunday has caused a minor sensation. In China, searches for his name have been blocked on certain sites, and an actual video of him at the protest has now surfaced. Interestingly, the clip, which is reportedly not blocked in China, is in the form of an anti-Huntsman Chinese propaganda video posted on YouTube. The embassy, meanwhile, said he was in the area by chance. (Evan Osnos noted, in a post about last weekend’s protests, that the organizers invited people to “to stroll, watch, or even just pretend to pass by.”)

For those not following the Huntsman subplot, he recently resigned as President Obama’s Ambassador to China, and is now planning to run for President. In fact, today, the all-knowing Mike Allen placed Huntsman, a former governor of Utah, at number four on his list of “the likely GOP field, in order of relevance.” Huntsman’s great political dilemma is that he can’t possibly sell his last two years of worthy, uncontroversial service in the Obama Administration as a credential to a party defined by its anti-Obamaism. As Obama, who may have appointed Huntsman Ambassador to scuttle his Presidential plans, gleefully noted last month, “I’m sure that him having worked so well with me will be a great asset in a Republican primary.”

But the fallout from Huntsman’s adventure in a Beijing market clotted with protesters raises an interesting question: What if, in his last two months before he leaves his Beijing post, Huntsman provoked some sort of diplomatic row that emphasized an ideological split with the President? What if he demanded that Obama give more aid and support to the pro-democracy movement? That could certainly make some waves in Iowa.

I can’t think of a recent Presidential candidate who used his or her diplomatic confrontations as a campaign platform, but my editor, Nick Thompson, the author of “The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and the History of the Cold War,” reminds me that Kennan’s very public spat with a Communist regime served him well politically later in life. In 1952, when Kennan was President Truman’s Ambassador to the Soviet Union, he off-handedly told the press that his life as a diplomat in Moscow was akin to his life as an internee in Berlin at the start of the Second World War. The remark did not go over well in Moscow. Stalin didn’t appreciate being implicitly compared to Hitler, and he banned Kennan from the Soviet Union.

Years later, when Kennan testified in opposition to the Vietnam War, Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon headed off any criticism that Kennan was some sort of peacenik by reminding his colleagues that Kennan, in Thompson’s words, “was the only man in the room to have been thrown out of Moscow by Joseph Stalin.”

There is little in Huntsman’s sober, responsible, and ideologically moderate career in government to suggest he would deliberately cause an incident to get himself booted from China—and at this late date in his tenure there it would likely be seen as a stunt—but then again, Presidential aspirations do funny things to people
Read more News Desk: The Huntsman Walk : The New Yorker
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