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Type 052D destroyer will have ZM-1 anti-missile laser weapon: blogger


Aug 9, 2008
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Oh boy

china news China new guided-missile destroyer 052D, will be the American nightmare's start!

China new guided-missile destroyer 052D, will be the American nightmare's start!
Currently present in the new missile destroyer , the installation of new RUB6000 system in China , according to the latest data now show that it belongs to China's domestic self-developed products. Is similar to the U.S. Navy to fight against the " laser-guided Laser guidance " the best means of precision strike . Currently, the Chinese Navy to use this new type of RUB smoke particles interfere with the system , different from earlier in the "Harbin "on the use of " flash "rocket jammers . The distance of 5-12 km in the new jammers can be effective against the basic , commonly used in the current international terrain matching guidance GPS + joint precision weapons . 5-10 km off target Probability can be as high as 70 %. And in six of its current attachment of the new destroyer RUB 1-5 seconds in the 30 km width of the formation of a " blind fog particles . "

This blind spot , the block will likely include the GPS , including live , digital signals, light signals , including communication and command guidance system. RQT21 developed in China since the source type active / passive frequency jammer , you can control the V -band maximum . That is proof , why close the U.S. Navy to deploy portable X -band radar, the purpose of the HNA . However, the U.S. Navy X -band radar, the first small to begin deployment until 2009 , then in the middle of the fault , the large marine X -band , not too close to the China Sea . So , the U.S. Navy will face a lot of "signal block of the " consequences.

Equipped with the weapons , the installation of China's " vertical launch system " , a total of about 96 with the new missile defense interceptors , and the Chinese Navy with eight new Eagle 12, a remote anti-ship cruise missiles. The latest missile has a range of about 180-240 km , and learned that the warhead has great power. It is reported that Chinese navy is specially developed for use against aircraft carrier fleet . And once this non-fatal hit by a missile site, will be a more than ten thousand tons of large warships sunk or hit.

052D -axis forward speed of 32 knots are
Life when the 14,000 sea miles 14

9500 full load of 12,000 light emission ( tons) Length 180 Width 20. draft 6.5 ( m)

Ship bow and the bridge has 16 VLS system every six VLS with 96 VLS cells were

Ship to air missile fired -996 120 km Red Sea

-128 pieces of Eagle anti-ship missiles of 240 km

Anti-submarine missile 30 km long gold tassel -58

Can be achieved with the lower surface defense system composed of multi-layer defense system to intercept

ZM-1 strategic laser weapons range of 13 km to achieve missile interception

Block 2 torpedo fish -7 3 with anti-submarine torpedo mounted 324MM

Chinese Aegis radar system, four S -band SPY-ID (V) active phased array radar, a SIP-329 (V) early-warning radar system 21 numbers and deceptive drama
Ship 2 K-25B helicopter anti-submarine helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and several aircraft WZ-2000 .

The author notes that China has " guided missile frigate " began to develop on the 052 , 052A full load displacement is 5500-6000 tons . The new 052B, C -level of its tonnage, but also large , followed the latest 052D -class "multi-purpose destroyers , " the full drainage will be more than 10,000 tons. According to the U.S. " International Military Defense , " Report: China's Navy 2010 will complete the initial so-called " joint naval program (The union navy plans) ". In this plan, China will start construction of at least 24 new "054A", "054B" level of other new frigates. 12 new "052B, C -class " which , 052C will be able to create up to four . In the construction of "052D" level , in order to avoid being involved in "missile cruiser "concept in the context , it will very likely be limited to 9,800 tons full load displacement of the following . The latest destroyer , will be launched around 2010 . The main combat mission, will direct a similar type of ship the U.S. DD51G function. Improve the implementation of the carrier battle group level 2-3 defense ring.

Defense system in the fleet , according to the latest European "Navy" Report: China's current missile destroyer in the new , the installation of new RUB6000 system in China , according to the latest data now show that it belongs to China's domestic self-developed products. Is similar to the U.S. Navy to fight against the " laser-guided Laser guidance " the best means of precision strike . Currently, the Chinese Navy to use this new type of RUB smoke particles interfere with the system , different from earlier in the "Harbin "on the use of " flash "rocket jammers . The distance of 5-12 km in the new jammers can be effective against the basic , commonly used in the current international terrain matching guidance GPS + joint precision weapons . 5-10 km off target Probability can be as high as 70 %. And in six of its current attachment of the new destroyer RUB 1-5 seconds in the 30 km width of the formation of a " blind fog particles . " This blind spot , the block will likely include the GPS , including live , digital signals, light signals , including communication and command guidance system. RQT21 developed in China since the source type active / passive frequency jammer , you can control the V -band maximum . That is proof , why close the U.S. Navy to deploy X -band radar movable purpose of Hainan Airlines . However, the U.S. Navy X -band radar, the first small to begin deployment until 2009 , then in the middle of the fault , the large marine X -band , not too close to the China Sea . So , the U.S. Navy will face a lot of "signal block of the " consequences.

Weapon configuration , the installation of China's " vertical launch system " , a total of about 96 with the new missile defense interceptors , and the Chinese Navy with eight new C803A, long-range anti-ship cruise missiles. The latest missile has a range of about 180-240 km , and learned that the warhead has great power. It is reported that Chinese navy is specially developed for use against aircraft carrier fleet . And once this non-fatal hit by a missile site, will be a more than ten thousand tons of large warships sunk or hit.

It can be said digital control system in China has begun to upgrade , will complete its water - water - space - one of four foundation command communication system. Has increased from the "domestic homeland defense "to" international ocean strategy. " But the reason tells us that the IDF forces in China are not " seemingly powerful " , we still have a lot of problems to be solved at the same time , the traditional strategy of improving our view, is the Navy 's delayed development and the rise of the extreme. Therefore, we currently do not have much to be proud of the capital, because we are still in the early stage of development , compared to the U.S. fleet , we have the gap is still huge. Therefore, from the real military power of China there are many way to go !​
Doesn't sound very real.

Why not??
A destroyer is a much better laser platform than a 747. China doesn't have to bother with miniaturization like the YAL-1. It can also store way more chemical fuel. The YAL-1 is good for only 20 shots.
well is this is the destroyer in which PN is interested can you post any pics of this beast and can you say this is similar beast like russsian navy has i forget the name of that destroyer in russian navy but it was heavily equipped with weapons
currently the PLAN is building 4 052C+, with improved radar and better electrions, plus more powerful anti ship weapons.

However, 052C+ is still 7000 tons and carry 48 VLS HHQ-9A. :(
currently the PLAN is building 4 052C+, with improved radar and better electrions, plus more powerful anti ship weapons.

However, 052C+ is still 7000 tons and carry 48 VLS HHQ-9A. :(

Well this isn't the Type 052C+

This is the Type 052D
According to some CDers, Type 052D is not going to the one that has over 10,000 tons of displacement.

The next one is going be, maybe Type 052E gonna be PLAN's own DDG-1000.
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