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Two thirds of children live in poverty in Turkey: Report

Two thirds of children live in poverty in Turkey: Report - LOCAL

I thought Erdogan makes miracles?
The reality is that when NATO won't need him anymore, it will collapse as the economic growth is artificial
From your source:
Two out of every three children in Turkey live in poverty according to European Union standards, according to a report prepared by Bahçeşehir University’s Center for Economic and Social Research (Betam).

Life standarts may be bad compared to European Union (the most rich Continent on the planet) but its still much much better than world avarage. :coffee:

On the other hand, its good to compare yourself with the best, this will be a motivation for further development. :tup:
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From your source:

Life standarts may be bad compared to European Union (the most rich Continent on the planet) but its still much much better than world avarage. :coffee:

On the other hand, its good to compare yourself with the best, this will be a motivation for further development. :tup:
Of course they don't compare the wages, they compare what the children in the West have and what thevturk children have

Even the price is not the same, the most important is that you have it or not
Of course they don't compare the wages, they compare what the children in the West have and what thevturk children have

Even the price is not the same, the most important is that you have it or not
Yeah, many Turkish children dont have Smartphones, Tablets, PC or Consoles but they have food and access to Education and Healthcare this is what matters.
Yeah, many Turkish children dont have Smartphones, Tablets, PC or Consoles but they have food and access to Education and Healthcare this is what matters.
Are you sure? I hope the child looking like Mowgly doesn't represent the reality
Are you sure? I hope the child looking like Mowgly doesn't represent the reality
This picture of gyps kids doesnt represent anything.
The situation of Children in Turkey is good compared to World avarage, a survey that compares the situation with EU doesnt mean Turkish children are generally poor.

From 2003 data the World undernourished situation is alarming, as evident from the map below


Child Malnutrition | Restless Beings
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First of all I'm surprised that a chienese guy shared such news about other countries' poverty rates... However since you are a known jew-illimunati obsessed nuts, I will ignore who is the OP for this time and try to enlight you about what you have posted.

The poorest region of Turkey is South-East where kurds live. And those kurds are famous with their high fertility rate, average 7-8 babies per family. ( ave 8 children for each family in Muş ) The reason why region stayed poorer is Terror. PKK terrorized all of the investments, kidnapped the doctors, engineers, teachers, killed them... They took kurdish children from families and made them terrorists etc... As a result PKK fvked the region and the people lives there (most of them are children)...

But things are changing fast in east.. West of Turkey is already in a good condition compared to east. no such a thing like hunger etc. State provides free health care, social aid, education etc. So it's better you get busy with your country's proverty rate.. We are fine and will be better...
First of all I'm surprised that a chienese guy shared such news about other countries' poverty rates... However since you are a known jew-illimunati obsessed nuts, I will ignore who is the OP for this time and try to enlight you about what you have posted.

The poorest region of Turkey is South-East where kurds live. And those kurds are famous with their high fertility rate, average 7-8 babies per family. ( ave 8 children for each family in Muş ) The reason why region stayed poorer is Terror. PKK terrorized all of the investments, kidnapped the doctors, engineers, teachers, killed them... They took kurdish children from families and made them terrorists etc... As a result PKK fvked the region and the people lives there (most of them are children)...

But things are changing fast in east.. West of Turkey is already in a good condition compared to east. no such a thing like hunger etc. State provides free health care, social aid, education etc. So it's better you get busy with your country's proverty rate.. We are fine and will be better...

Child Malnutrition | Restless Beings
Enlight :sarcastic:
I think none of the members here are really objectives
This picture of gyps kids doesnt represent anything.
The situation of Children in Turkey is good compared to World avarage, a survey that compares the situation with EU doesnt mean Turkish children are generally poor.

From 2003 data the World undernourished situation is alarming, as evident from the map below


Child Malnutrition | Restless Beings
2003 data?
First of all I'm surprised that a chienese guy shared such news about other countries' poverty rates... However since you are a known jew-illimunati obsessed nuts, I will ignore who is the OP for this time and try to enlight you about what you have posted.

The poorest region of Turkey is South-East where kurds live. And those kurds are famous with their high fertility rate, average 7-8 babies per family. ( ave 8 children for each family in Muş ) The reason why region stayed poorer is Terror. PKK terrorized all of the investments, kidnapped the doctors, engineers, teachers, killed them... They took kurdish children from families and made them terrorists etc... As a result PKK fvked the region and the people lives there (most of them are children)...

But things are changing fast in east.. West of Turkey is already in a good condition compared to east. no such a thing like hunger etc. State provides free health care, social aid, education etc. So it's better you get busy with your country's proverty rate.. We are fine and will be better...

Fukoka, formerly known as Elis is NOT Chinese but Vietnamese.
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