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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

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Apr 11, 2011
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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

Belgian police have stopped what they call an "imminent" terrorist attack, killing two heavily armed suspects and arresting one.

The two were killed in a counterterrorism operation Thursday, in the eastern Belgium town of Verviers. The plot raises concerns about security in Europe a week after Islamist militants killed 17 people in Paris.

At a news briefing, a representative for the national prosecutor's office said police raided a terrorist cell intent on conducting "major and imminent" attacks in Belgium. Some of the cell's members had returned from Syria. One person was detained in the raid, he said.

He made no mention of possible links to last week's terrorist attacks in France.

Verviers, Belgium
Belgium's public television station RTBF reported that one person was "gravely wounded" in the raid.

Earlier Thursday, Belgian authorities said they had detained a man they suspected of supplying weapons to Amedy Coulibaly, who prosecutors say killed a police officer and four people in a Paris kosher supermarket last week.

RTBF said police raids were also under way in Brussels. Belga news agency said police were hunting a man who witnesses said had brandished a weapon and shouted religious slogans in Arabic at a Brussels metro station.

In a report that could not be immediately confirmed, the website of La Meusenewspaper quoted an unidentified police officer as saying: "We've averted a Belgian Charlie Hebdo."

Two French brothers, who like Coulibaly claimed allegiance to Islamist militants in the Middle East, killed 12 people January 7 at the Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

Trial's verdict postponed

Meanwhile, a verdict in the trial of more than 40 members of an outlawed Belgian-based group accused of recruiting young men for jihad has been postponed for a month. The verdict had been expected this week.

The trial, against members of Sharia4Belgium, began in October in Antwerp. It's one of Europe's largest such efforts to prosecute extremists who recruit potential terrorists.

Belgium has seen significant radical activity among its Muslim population. Per capita, Belgium has Europe's highest number of citizens or residents who've fought alongside Syrian rebels in the past four years. The Washington-based International Center for the Study of Radicalization estimates nearly 300 citizens have traveled to fight in Syria from late 2011 to December 2013, Reuters reported.

"We have seen Belgium at the center of things for quite some time," the center's Matthew Levitt told Reuters.

The country's jobless rate reaches up to 50 percent among people ages 18 to 25 living in Brussels' commune of Molenbeek, the news agency reported. It said many young people in poor areas feel marginalized, especially those whose parents emigrated from North Africa two decades ago and found good jobs in car manufacturing. Such opportunities faded when the plants closed.

Some material for this story came from Reuters.
After France, now it started in Belgium...Europe is no more peaceful ...
No wonder Islam nor Islamist word didn't come up:

All three gunmen, he said, were Belgian nationals.

The wounded suspect, arrested and taken to Brussels, was said to be a Chechen known to the Belgian authorities.

Two dead in Belgium as police foil 'grand scale' terrorist plot | World news | The Guardian

White criminals did a crime again...

bout 300 Belgians have travelled to Syria, the highest per capita concentration in Europe for a country of 11 million. That compares with about 600 so-called foreign fighters who have left the UK.

The Belgian police are looking to possible links between a suspected arms dealer arrested in the southern town of Charleroi

This sounds bad:

Guns, munitions and explosives, as well as police uniforms and a large amount of money, were all seized by police during the operation. Prosecutors said the group had planned to kill police officers.

but the number keeps changing from newspaper to newspaper:

Thirteen people were arrested in total, and five people were charged on Friday with "participating in the activities of a terrorist group", prosecutors said.


No link has been established between the terrorist plot in Belgium and last week's attacks in Paris on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police and a kosher supermarket.

Twelve suspects are being held by police in the Paris region over last week's attacks, and France remains on its highest terrorism alert level.

BBC News - Belgium deploys troops following anti-terror raids
No wonder Islam nor Islamist word didn't come up:

All three gunmen, he said, were Belgian nationals.

The wounded suspect, arrested and taken to Brussels, was said to be a Chechen known to the Belgian authorities.

Two dead in Belgium as police foil 'grand scale' terrorist plot | World news | The Guardian

White criminals did a crime again...

bout 300 Belgians have travelled to Syria, the highest per capita concentration in Europe for a country of 11 million. That compares with about 600 so-called foreign fighters who have left the UK.

The Belgian police are looking to possible links between a suspected arms dealer arrested in the southern town of Charleroi

This sounds bad:

Guns, munitions and explosives, as well as police uniforms and a large amount of money, were all seized by police during the operation. Prosecutors said the group had planned to kill police officers.

but the number keeps changing from newspaper to newspaper:

Thirteen people were arrested in total, and five people were charged on Friday with "participating in the activities of a terrorist group", prosecutors said.


No link has been established between the terrorist plot in Belgium and last week's attacks in Paris on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, police and a kosher supermarket.

Twelve suspects are being held by police in the Paris region over last week's attacks, and France remains on its highest terrorism alert level.

BBC News - Belgium deploys troops following anti-terror raids
don't ... just don't justify terrorism.
don't ... just don't justify terrorism.
WHERE point out am I justifying it?

Stop eating trash from media like words apologist and justification...Learn their meaning before throwing them around...It sure saves one from appearing like a total idiot on a public platform!
WHERE point out am I justifying it?

Stop eating trash from media like words apologist and justification...Learn their meaning before throwing them around...It sure saves one from appearing like a total idiot on a public platform!
You need to learn what's going on in the name of your religion through out the world. Calling me an idiot might satisfy you for a while but your religion will be questioned over and over again till you realize there is something wrong with people who follow it.
You need to learn what's going on in the name of your religion through out the world.
So if someone goes and does anything they wish under any religion or whatever fanatic hits them even nationalism that THING should be blamed over the person's own doing? Genius!

Lets call AMERICAN NATIONALISM bad coz soo many people kill in the name of the American flag!
Lets call freedom bad coz people do soo much shit under its hood!
Lets call Liberalism bad coz they drone you and force feed you to accept it!
Lets call guns bad coz IT (the thing) kills!
Lets call the inventors of guns bad coz he led to murder...

Did I miss anything else?
your religion will be questioned over and over again
Why will it? THAT is the question one needs to ask!

you realize there is something wrong with people who follow it.
Everyone realizes that there is something wrong with the people but do you?

Can you distinguish between an Arabic book wrapped with the Quran's cover and the Quran? Nope

THAT is how equal to them you are! Ignorance at its peak isnt something to be proud off!

I leave you with a White telling you it maybe you will understand better when he speaks my words:

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons
Can you distinguish between an Arabic book wrapped with the Quran's cover and the Quran? Nope

THAT is how equal to them you are! Ignorance at its peak isnt something to be proud off!
Onus of interpreting or understanding the Quran is on the person who believes it, quite frankly it's worth nothing to me. Moreover it's what the people who "PRETEND" to follow the so called "BOOK" where blame lies not on the people who have nothing to do with it.
No wonder Islam nor Islamist word didn't come up:

They were just being polite :). Read the the Guardian link you posted again. Says pretty clearly that it was a Jihadist plot.

White criminals did a crime again...

Isn't that a bit racist? Can't say I blame you. Must be tiring to watch your people start s**t everywhere in this world.
They were just being polite :). Read the the Guardian link you posted again. Says pretty clearly that it was a Jihadist plot.
Ahh yes I missed that thank you for pointing it out!

sn't that a bit racist? Can't say I blame you. Must be tiring to watch your people start s**t everywhere in this world.
Nope...You cant be ashamed of the colour of your skin now can you! Its not your choice if you are white..unless you went for plastic surgery! :unsure:

I am just mimicking how people love to put some stupid prefix before a criminal be it jihadist, islamist, black or whatever...A criminal is a criminal!

Does it not sound racist or some other -ist then?

Racist? nah not at all, it's their right to enjoy freedom provided by the whites and than blame them for their own shortcomings.
If you dont understand simple show of the mirror I suggest you not take part and embarrass yourself repeatedly :enjoy:

Onus of interpreting or understanding the Quran is on the person who believes it, quite frankly it's worth nothing to me.
Hence the understanding of the word Islam and Muslim should be used ONLY by those who understand it as it means nothing to others they should leave it with things they do understand: criminal, terrorist and thats it....

Only fair to practise what you preach?

Moreover it's what the people who "PRETEND" to follow the so called "BOOK" where blame lies not on the people who have nothing to do with it.
Yet people who have nothing to do with it are bashed, their religion, their nationality, their race, ethnicity (nothing is spared actually) but god forbid if they are educated enough to point the obvious mistakes that led to it....

THAT is called blaming not pointing the truth....Oh the world is soo afraid of the truth it is laughable!
If you dont understand simple show of the mirror I suggest you not take part and embarrass yourself repeatedly :enjoy:

Simple show of the mirror? what does that suppose to mean? Just because I am brown I must endorse your racists attitude?
Hence the understanding of the word Islam and Muslim should be used ONLY by those who understand it as it means nothing to others they should leave it with things they do understand: criminal, terrorist and thats it....

Only fair to practise what you preach?

Yet people who have nothing to do with it are bashed, their religion, their nationality, their race, ethnicity (nothing is spared actually) but god forbid if they are educated enough to point the obvious mistakes that led to it....

THAT is called blaming not pointing the truth....Oh the world is soo afraid of the truth it is laughable!
Yup people are limiting to what they could make out of it, hence jihadi terrorists are being blamed for this attack. If you feel so hurt about mud that being thrown at your religion you better address the issue not the people who are trying to protect themselves.

People are being bashed because some of them (like You) are playing the part of apologists by raising hue and cry about islamophobia.

Instead of preaching to us try using the same logic with people who perverted your religion for their own agenda, and see how long you would survive.
don't ... just don't justify terrorism.
So have you found the post where I was justifying anything? Do yourself a favour and stop getting brainwashed by simple terms that seem awesome coz journalists use them without knowing their definitions or where to put them in!
Simple show of the mirror? what does that suppose to mean? Just because I am brown I must endorse your racists attitude?
RIP common sense!

It means to show the other a mirror reflection of how racist they sound when they paint out something WITH connotation...

Black bugler
Islamic terrorist
Brown kid

Yup people are limiting to what they could make out of it, hence jihadi terrorists are being blamed for this attack.

Isnt it the job of the media to educate the people? THAT is what newspapers were first published for...to notify and raise awareness not to BS

Everything should be cross checked but in todays world the first moron who releases the news is the winner of customers and ratings!

If you feel so hurt about mud that being thrown at your religion you better address the issue not the people who are trying to protect themselves.
Well the people protecting themselves should also ADDRESS the issue that they went to different nations and screwed up! Its a 2 way street....France took money from countries for their freedom and destroyed countries infrastructure...you know the crying that Indians give that colonial rule left good infrastructure well Africans dont have that to be proud of coz they paid for it! Not only with their sweat - with the labour for building it - BUT ALSO their money AFTER THEY no longer were colonies!

Well come to 1 sided world where all this was hidden....and still hasnt been addressed! What about the time France gave weapons to both the rebels and the govts? Whose addressing this?

So can I say stop addressing the people protecting themselves from such treatment?

If you are a saint or an angel then there is no dirty laundry but if you have heaps I SUGGEST you sort it before pointing fingers at whose attacking you and why!

People are being bashed because some of them (like You) are playing the part of apologists by raising hue and cry about islamophobia.
Again the same wordplay?

Apologist :a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.

Where did I defend something? YOU on the other hand are defending their bad past that is coming to bite....YOU are def a definition of an apologist!

As for Islamophobia...Fear of Islam...well it is because of apologists like you that is on the rise...Where you hide what you are doing and just show what the consequences of hundreds of years of oppression and weapons supply leads to!

I am only exposing the why and at the same time not for what is happening...

Instead of preaching to us try using the same logic with people who perverted your religion for their own agenda, and see how long you would survive.

The very fact that my religion is safe...coz we dont associate with them whom you are forcing us to make as part of our religion...100+++ scholars have repeatedly said it so claiming BS doesnt make it come true! but apologists like you make BS limelight and truth hidden but hidden or not truth is truth!

Figured didnt find the post where I have justified ANYTHING yet screaming your lungs out like the troll you are

How people who are speechless coz how stupid they sound:
audioBoom / A James O’Brien masterclass in how to deal with people demanding that Muslims apologise for #Charliehebdo

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons
RIP common sense!

It means to show the other a mirror reflection of how racist they sound when they paint out something WITH connotation...

Black bugler
Islamic terrorist
Brown kid

Isnt it the job of the media to educate the people? THAT is what newspapers were first published for...to notify and raise awareness not to BS

Everything should be cross checked but in todays world the first moron who releases the news is the winner of customers and ratings!

Well the people protecting themselves should also ADDRESS the issue that they went to different nations and screwed up! Its a 2 way street....France took money from countries for their freedom and destroyed countries infrastructure...you know the crying that Indians give that colonial rule left good infrastructure well Africans dont have that to be proud of coz they paid for it! Not only with their sweat - with the labour for building it - BUT ALSO their money AFTER THEY no longer were colonies!

Well come to 1 sided world where all this was hidden....and still hasnt been addressed! What about the time France gave weapons to both the rebels and the govts? Whose addressing this?

So can I say stop addressing the people protecting themselves from such treatment?

If you are a saint or an angel then there is no dirty laundry but if you have heaps I SUGGEST you sort it before pointing fingers at whose attacking you and why!

Again the same wordplay?

Apologist :a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.

Where did I defend something? YOU on the other hand are defending their bad past that is coming to bite....YOU are def a definition of an apologist!

As for Islamophobia...Fear of Islam...well it is because of apologists like you that is on the rise...Where you hide what you are doing and just show what the consequences of hundreds of years of oppression and weapons supply leads to!

I am only exposing the why and at the same time not for what is happening...

The very fact that my religion is safe...coz we dont associate with them whom you are forcing us to make as part of our religion...100+++ scholars have repeatedly said it so claiming BS doesnt make it come true! but apologists like you make BS limelight and truth hidden but hidden or not truth is truth!

Figured didnt find the post where I have justified ANYTHING yet screaming your lungs out like the troll you are

How people who are speechless coz how stupid they sound:
audioBoom / A James O’Brien masterclass in how to deal with people demanding that Muslims apologise for #Charliehebdo

This week's Charlie Hebdo to feature more anti-Islam cartoons
Yes its the duty of non muslims to educate other non muslims what muslims are all about. :enjoy:
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