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Two billion Muslims do nothing Shame. Retired General Asim munier is only man in 2 billions with atomic bomb

Prince of Jeehaarrdd
Arab regimes are against this.
Saudis are against Khilafat. For whose sake is Jeehhaarrd??
Imam of Kaaba said submit to the ruler, is that Islam or thousands of years of culture.

"Who cancels a concert for a political event (i.e. genocide)."

This was stated by a Saudi royal court advisor who has the rank of a minister or similar. He is also Director of General Entertainment Authority whose college degree is not in the Arts but in Saudi Security Studies! So their 'entertainment' and 'cultural' events like Halloween and half nude women shows are planned policy implementation.
Is it fair to identify Sudan civil war as Muslim??? No, because they are mostly lay people! This is one of many examples of wars in developing countries deliberately targeting civilians in contradiction to Islamic principle.

In today's Christiandom, it is assumed they adhere to or aspire to some standard of morality or they are not called Christian! Same should apply with Muslim; and for this a paradigm shift is required.

Religion is not race, nationality, tribe, ethnicity, politics or culture. If you care about religion, you should be against the ideology of nationalizing and politicizing by religion. It is simply nonsense to identify only by religion, yet Pakistani two-nation theory and Bharati Hindutva do exactly that. Logically, this must have its origin in an ancient war between two cousin Indo-Scythian tribes (Mahabharat war).
He is an Arab, but no one will identify him as a Muslim who is investing billions in America! So, Muslims all over the world will not receive credit and honor for his investment decisions and actions here!

On the other hand, Muslims and Islam get identified with sinister, criminal, terroristic activities, making all Muslims responsible for the acts of people whose religious background maybe Islam.

This Islamophobia has to end because it is a crime against individuals. Even Pakistanis are guilty of it. The purpose is to instill fear and hate using Islam, not faith and righteousness.
You have to adopt some moral standard of labeling people by religion. Do people identify Mexican drug traffickers and dangerous cartels as Catholics?? No, but if they happened to be lay Muslims they would be called Muslim as if they are all experts in Quran and advocates of law and jurisprudence. This has to change.
34 years in prison for liking and following pro democracy twitter post.
Can people who are not free in their country, free Palestinians (or others)? Ofcourse not.
Wow, finally an Arab says what I said above.
"Palestine will not be completely free until Arabs around it are free... despotism and zionism are two sides of the same coin."

100% correct. Arabs must free themselves from slavery, most of their rulers are willing to imprison, torture, or kill to keep them under their control. Easier said than done as this is deeply embedded in their culture since thousands of years. They even fabricated Hadith to promote tyranny (contrary to Quran) and murdered the Prophet's grandson to re-establish it.
@annms2975 2 years ago
"Its our land we can do whatever we want. You have no right to tell saudis what to do"

Likewise, you should have no right to use Islam for Saudi agenda. End the OIC, MWL, and other religion based political organizations. They are totally unworthy of respect. Honestly, Zionists, Evangelicals, European far right and Hindutva are much more respectable. They are intelligent, consistent, and nobody will saw-off body parts to be dumped in acid if they disagree over something.
UAE is long involved in the deaths, massacres, genocides, and misery of millions across the Middle East and Africa. So, do they love Arabs/Muslims????
@asyamans2085 5 days ago
That is a psycho strategy. "I will weaken everyone to look better next to them".

💯✅. Arab tribal mentality is similar to mafia and drug cartel bosses, perhaps worse.
OMG! 😱 What?? 😱 What?? 😱
Saudi god does not mind South Asian sitting beside him as an equal???? Are our eyes deceiving us?? This is surely a miracle that must be celebrated by a holy nasheed. Funny how in the West, nobody bats an eye when a White sits beside Asian, Chinese, African or Arab.
^^ They are breaking fast during Ramadan displaying some piety, otherwise in a normal situation a typical Gulf Arab would not sit beside an Asian worker. In the past, I heard reports of mosques in Kuwaiti areas putting South Asians in the back rows. Societal values matter.
This is true but tyranny is entrenched in Arab/Middle Eastern culture since ancient times. They murdered the Prophet's grandson to re-establish tyranny and they fabricated Hadith to support tyranny.
Saudi Arabia promised Trump $600 billion, $100 billion more than he asked for. We can guess $1.5 trillion from GCC. This is for someone who instituted Muslim ban and said Islam hates us. GCC paid no heed to it because they identify as Arab. That is why OIC is a scam.

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