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Turkish police special ops cross Syrian border captured alleged bombers

Very nice operation indeed...Those Assadian terrorists are responsible of that terrorist bomb blast...Now they will face justice
Very nice operation indeed...Those Assadian terrorists are responsible of that terrorist bomb blast...Now they will face justice
you must be naive.... AKP made this act, to say the bombing was Syria's fault..
while in reality Turkish government cooperation with Nusra terrorists explains everything... just some people need brain to think...
you must be naive.... AKP made this act, to say the bombing was Syria's fault..
while in reality Turkish government cooperation with Nusra terrorists explains everything... just some people need brain to think...

Well, there is camera footage..and we see those Assadian terrorists there...And now they will face the justice..You can blabber as much as you want..Holds no value my dear Assadian forumer
Well, there is camera footage..and we see those Assadian terrorists there...And now they will face the justice..You can blabber as much as you want..Holds no value my dear Assadian forumer
camera footage of what? are you talking about the explosion? i saw that video but that video shows nothing and who did that explosion...
and that border gate is with F$A terrorists... whom your akp terrorists government support ... how did the F$A terrorists let a car filled with explosion pass by??
so US , west and some other middle east countries formed new Taliban terrorist group. Later they will give excuse to invade Syria just like Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have one question for US and other countries whoever backing rebels. USA has democratic and Republican parties and they do not like each other. So according to them we shall arm opposite party to take control of government ?, same question to other rebel's supporting countries. Good we are keeping it in mind. @BronzePlaque can you please answer my question ?
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camera footage of what? are you talking about the explosion? i saw that video but that video shows nothing and who did that explosion...
and that border gate is with F$A terrorists... whom your akp terrorists government support ...

Video shows that car which blasts and who parked it there...Thats more than enough..

BTW off-topic,



Quarter Finals Baby!!!
Video shows that car which blasts and who parked it there...Thats more than enough..

how did the F$A terrorists let a car filled with explosion pass by?? the car wasn't PARKED the video shows the car waiting in line

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so US , west and some other middle east countries formed new Taliban terrorist group. Later they will give excuse to invade Syria just like Iraq and Afghanistan.
I have one question for US and other countries whoever backing rebels. USA has democratic and Republican parties and they do not like each other. So according to them we shall arm opposite party to take control of government ?, same question to other rebel's supporting countries. Good we are keeping it in mind. @BronzePlaque can you please answer my question ?

So assad is innocent angel now?

Turkiye is doing the right thing, support untill victory.
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So assad is innocent angel now?

Turkiye is doing the right thing, support untill victory.

supporting terrorist is good thing? those terrorists have already bombed you... this border gate bombing was done by them... and now they blame Syria's government.. because Turkey doesn't want to look bad that they supported the same terrorists who bombed the gate...
So assad is innocent angel now?

Turkiye is doing the right thing, support untill victory.
1. first answer my question
2.may be assad is not innocent angel, neither west too.
let them settle their own thing.
go study bangladesh history , we had dictator too and we took him down by ourselves.

this is no logical way to support by arms. It is noting but arms business and war games.

give you another head up , You all guys in war against Al-Qaida but statistics shows Saudi Arabia is the main supplier of Al-Qaida terrorist. So why Does not NATO attack Al-Qaida base in Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia is their biggest ally ? is not it better to attack main base rather than attacking random places ?
so US , west and some other middle east countries formed new Taliban terrorist group.

Its called Free Syrian Army..Not a terrorist Organization, though i agree some fanatical elements exist..They will be eliminated right after Assad steps down from his throne

I have one question for US and other countries whoever backing rebels. USA has democratic and Republican parties and they do not like each other. So according to them we shall arm opposite party to take control of government ?

Not everything in the world is US and/or Israel, West conspiracy my friend..Saddam = Hafez al-Assad..Both were lunatic and genocidal..Remember Hama massacre (1981) during Hafez al-Assad era..His son is no different..Doing the same thing, even worse..Just because US supports opposition doesnt mean their motive is un-justifiable
Assad has your answer my friend..


Syria Supports PKK Intel' Reports Say
that was Hafez not Bashar... and all Syria PKK relations ended in the 90's...
come up with something new...

Its called Free Syrian Army..Not a terrorist Organization, though i agree some fanatical elements exist..They will be eliminated right after Assad steps down from his throne

Not everything in the world is US and/or Israel, West conspiracy my friend..Saddam = Hafez al-Assad..Both were lunatic and genocidal..Remember Hama massacre (1981) during Hafez al-Assad era..His son is no different..Doing the same thing, even worse..Just because US supports opposition doesnt mean their motive is un-justifiable
what is difference with PKK and F$A?? you are saying F$A are freedom fighters... then why aren't PKK freedom fighters? they are fighting for freedom??? F$A have bombed and killed many civilians.... and you still call them freedom fighters?
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