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Turkish MP Calls on Minister Davutolu to Resign

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Turkish MP Aykan ERDEMIR from CHP calls on the Turkish minister of foreign affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu to resign after Syrian Electronic Army leaked an official Qatari meeting with the Turkish minister, and he asked the Qatari crown prince to exert pressure on Al Jazeera news channel over its coverage of Turkey's government activities

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Good going of davudoglu and this stupid person. I dont know what to say about him.
I take it that this man is in opposition to the current government. But if Turkey has this kind of influence over international networks just imagine what greater powers have.
This stuff happens almost daily, Not even worth mensioning, Turkish Politicians have been going for each others throaths as long as i remember....
I don't think that anyone still believes that the AKP including Davutoğlu are interested in democracy or liberty. It's a shame that they're now after foreign media now that the national media has been silenced.
I don't think that anyone still believes that the AKP including Davutoğlu are interested in democracy or liberty. It's a shame that they're now after foreign media now that the national media has been silenced.

how national media silenced by government? enlighten us a little about that please.....

which papers or tv channel shut down by now? or which journalist arrested or prisnored due to opposition or statement againist government....?

they are many parties, NGOs, papers and TVs overtly support dictator Assad againist their own country interest. who tried or intented to prevent their activities...?

if you want to remember how national media silenced in turkey you must go back before period of AKP came in power..

remember how many journalists killed by unsolved nurders..if any well known journalist would dare to mention in favour of PKK..that time?
now everyone could support every side that they want to support..PKK, Iran, Assad others?..
how national media silenced by government?

which papers or tv channel shut down by now? or which journalist arrested or prisnored due to opposition or statement againist government....?

they are many parties, NGOs, papers and TVs overtly support dictator Assad againist their own country interest. who tried or intented to prevent their activities...?

if you want to remember how national media silenced in turkey you must go back before period of AKP came in power..

remember how many journalists killed by unsolved nurders..if any well known journalist would dare to mention in favour of PKK..that time?
now everyone could support every side they want to support..PKK, Iran, Assad?..

Lol, you are joking right? Turkey is breaking records in the area of arresting journalists.
Lol, you are joking right? Turkey is breaking records in the area of arresting journalists.

how many of them are real journalists and of which crimes they are being accused ?

journalists like Cengiz Candar and Can dundar who now overtly alongside with PKK if they would work like this in 90s or period of pre- AKP government then im sure you know what would happen to them...
how many of them are real journalists and of which crimes they are being accused ?

journalists like Cengiz Candar and Can dundar who now overtly alongside with PKK if they would work like this in 90s or period of pre- AKP government then im sure you know what would happen to them...

Turkey’s press freedom situation has reached a crisis point, with the country assuming the world’s top spot for the number of journalists imprisoned in its jails, a new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has shown.

“The Turkish government is engaging in a broad offensive to silence critical journalists through imprisonment, legal prosecution and official intimidation,” the report said.

CPJ has identified 76 journalists imprisoned in Turkey as of Aug. 1, 2012. Following a case-by-case review, the CPJ concluded that at least 61 journalists were being held in direct relation to their work or newsgathering activities, the highest global figure in the last decade.

The CPJ’s 53-page report featured letters sent from imprisoned journalists and government responses to CPJ inquiries.

“As tensions between Turkey and Syria escalate a choke on information and climate of fear could deter important, probing news coverage,” the report read, continuing that approximately 30 percent of the imprisoned journalists were accused of participating in anti-government plots or being members of outlawed political groups.

About 70 percent of those jailed were Kurdish journalists charged with aiding terrorism by covering the views and activities of the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK).

Over three-quarters of the imprisoned journalists have not been convicted of a crime, but are being held as they await resolution of their cases, the report said.

Up to 5,000 criminal cases against journalists

According to the report, up to 5,000 criminal cases were pending against journalists at the end of 2011.

“Articles in the penal code give authorities wide berth to use journalists’ professional work to link them to banned political movements or alleged plots. Some of the most frequently used articles criminalize basic newsgathering activities, such as talking to security officials or obtaining documents,” the report said.

“As a rising regional and global power, Turkey’s economic and political success should be matched by respect for the universal right to freely exchange news, information, and ideas,” CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon said. “Turkey’s tendency to equate critical journalism with terrorism is not justified by the country’s security concerns. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan should cease his attacks on the press and instead provide justice for journalists while pursuing reforms that guarantee freedom of expression,” he said.

Free Press in Crisis in Turkey, CPJ Says, 22 October 2012 Monday 9:47
how many of them are real journalists and of which crimes they are being accused ?

journalists like Cengiz Candar and Can dundar who now overtly alongside with PKK if they would work like this in 90s or period of pre- AKP government then im sure you know what would happen to them...

Before the elections Erdogan sued plenty Journalists that were critical of him just to drop the cases after the elections, he silenced them for the moment, good enough for him. And now do yourself a favor and look up all those journalists in prison, look at all those that have been in prison but are free again because no evidence was found whatsoever. Also pay attention to all those that are currently under arrest but will be free again soon. There is a reason why they're doing this.

Also please look up the Dogan Media case and the ridiciulus fine they were almost forced to pay. Only after the whole world questioned the motives behind the fine was lowered. The thing is there was no way that they could pay that fine.
The company would be forced to sell its assets: Hürriyet, Radikal, Posta, Fanatik, Milliyet, Vatan, Kanal D, Star TV and CNNTurk.

You are clearly not up to date or blind.
approximately 30 percent of the imprisoned journalists were accused of participating in anti-government plots or being members of outlawed political groups.

About 70 percent of those jailed were Kurdish journalists charged with aiding terrorism by covering the views and activities of the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK).

i ask again, how these all accusations has someting to do with freedom statement, free journalism or critism againist government?

in which full democraitic west countries, being involvement with some groups of generals and officers in ploting or organizing mlitary coup aganist an elected government by democraitc way is freedom of statement?

in which full democraitic west countries being involvment with a terorist party in activities of kidnapping , threating or killing citizens who not vote for them in election or exacting citizens with heavy fine who critisize their organizasiton is freedom statement ?

there is no need to repeat that, in all fields west institutions use ratings as economic or politic trump againist 3.rd. world countries..for exam. many of bankrupt west countries credit rate is above turkey's..

Also please look up the Dogan Media case and the ridiciulus fine they were almost forced to pay. Only after the whole world questioned the motives behind the fine was lowered. The thing is there was no way that they could pay that fine.
The company would be forced to sell its assets: Hürriyet, Radikal, Posta, Fanatik, Milliyet, Vatan, Kanal D, Star TV and CNNTurk.

i ask you also same questions above...

as for Dogan Media Case...there are two reasons of arguments between Dogan media and AKP government.

firts, Dogan Media was used to feed from goverments for years...they made billions-$ from public financial source by supporting ruling parties..that media group could chalange to any government in case of disagreements on bribery or corruptions and see itself more powerful than ruling parties in tthe eyes of public..

when the AKP govenmnet cut milk off dogan media group it started campaigns to discredit government with fake news and black probagandas..in correspondaing, fiscal inspectors of government begun to check its accounting records, files and noteboks..after inspectors dedected many tax evasion cases it punished with heavy fine Cease....to pay his tax penalty he sold some assets and companies..
Is press freedom different in Russia, America's or China? Honest question.
i ask again, how these all accusations has someting to do with freedom statement, free journalism or critism againist government?

in which full democraitic west countries, being involvement with some groups of generals and officers in ploting or organizing mlitary coup aganist an elected government by democraitc way is freedom of statement?

in which full democraitic west countries being involvment with a terorist party in activities of kidnapping , threating or killing citizens who not vote for them in election or exacting citizens with heavy fine who critisize their organizasiton is freedom statement ?

Oh poor AKP, it always being the victim somehow :(

there is no need to repeat that, in all fields west institutions use ratings as economic or politic trump againist 3.rd. world countries..for exam.most of bankrupt west countries credit rate is above turkey's..

Yeah mate, hep İsrail'in oyunu bunlar zaten...

Actually, Turkey has always been the shining castle of democracy under the administration of AKP, hamdolsun.
i ask again, how these all accusations has someting to do with freedom statement, free journalism or critism againist government?

in which full democraitic west countries, being involvement with some groups of generals and officers in ploting or organizing mlitary coup aganist an elected government by democraitc way is freedom of statement?

in which full democraitic west countries being involvment with a terorist party in activities of kidnapping , threating or killing citizens who not vote for them in election or exacting citizens with heavy fine who critisize their organizasiton is freedom statement ?

there is no need to repeat that, in all fields west institutions use ratings as economic or politic trump againist 3.rd. world countries..for exam. many of bankrupt west countries credit rate is above turkey's..

i ask you also same questions above...

as for Dogan Media Case...there are two reasons of arguments between Dogan media and AKP government.

firts, Dogan Media was used to feed from goverments for years...they made billions-$ from public financial source by supporting ruling parties..that media group could chalange to any government in case of disagreements on bribery or corruptions and see itself more powerful than ruling parties in tthe eyes of public..

when the AKP govenmnet cut milk off dogan media group it started campaigns to discredit government with fake news and black probagandas..in correspondaing, fiscal inspectors of government begun to check its accounting records, files and noteboks..after inspectors dedected many tax evasion cases it punished with heavy fine Cease....to pay his tax penalty he sold some assets and companies..

So they're de facto trying to silence the media as you said it. The thing about freedom of the press that it goes for everyone, whether you like it or not. And the AKP us clearly not interested in people expressing their opinion if it's against them. No one can deny that. Look at all statistics in the world they all show you the same thing. Don't be a fool.
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