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Turkish General Elections 2015 (June 7, 2015)


Feb 9, 2014
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As agreed to several months ago separate political threads can be opened other than the Turkish Politics thread on special occasions, imo this General Elections are a special occasion.

After the elections, it will be AKP's last term hopefully. They might have to go for a coalition since the polls are like 40-43%. I don't believe that he will get enough power to change the Republic regime into an executive presidency. What important for this election is the political arm of PKK a.k.a HDP. They stand on a fireball. If they pass the 10%, welcome presidency, welcome Kurdistan (!). If they fail to achieve the ten percent; welcome back counter-terrorism operations in Southeast Anatolia which is the way it should be IMO.

Of course for Turkish posters most of these are known key facts.

After the elections, it will be AKP's last term hopefully. They might have to go for a coalition since the polls are like 40-43%. I don't believe that he will get enough power to change the Republic regime into an executive presidency. What important for this election is the political arm of PKK a.k.a HDP. They stand on a fireball. If they pass the 10%, welcome presidency, welcome Kurdistan (!). If they fail to achieve the ten percent; welcome back counter-terrorism operations in Southeast Anatolia which is the way it should be IMO.

Of course for Turkish posters most of these are known key facts.

And how exactly do you forsee the creation of kurdistan from south-east Turkey if HDP gets into parliament?
Akp achieved what nobody has done,they have united opposition:-). HDP, MHP, CHP, BBP and SP. So why are people saying Akp divide people? With this strategic plan are the oppostion thinking to win:(. Pathetic nothing more, so again Akp.
Akp achieved what nobody has done,they have united opposition:-). HDP, MHP, CHP, BBP and SP. So why are people saying Akp divide people? With this strategic plan are the oppostion thinking to win:(. Pathetic nothing more, so again Akp.

They are more or less united because the corrupt islamist akp has every institution in their power, personal basic freedoms are being limited more and more very passing day and if that isn't enough erdogan wants a presidential system so he can have even more power.

And since akp is the sole party in charge for the last 13 years, who else would they be riling up against?
It's akp's failures, corruption and evilness that has divided Turkish politics and society, not their successes.

It's time for you to lay off the kool-aid and wake up, please.

PS: You still haven't answered my previous question.
They are more or less united because the corrupt islamist akp has every institution in their power, personal basic freedoms are being limited more and more very passing day and if that isn't enough erdogan wants a presidential system so he can have even more power.

And since akp is the sole party in charge for the last 13 years, who else would they be riling up against?
It's akp's failures, corruption and evilness that has divided Turkish politics and society, not their successes.

It's time for you to lay off the kool-aid and wake up, please.

PS: You still haven't answered my previous question.

First you have to prove what kind personal basic freedoms are being limited. Can you explain what presidental system work, only thing you are talking about is erdogan have more power after that. What makes him more powerfull?

Turkish politics was always divided, nothing new are you talking about. I don't have to talk about demirel and sezer,and before them elected by the sag goverment and not by the population:-).

The thing is right wing politcal people are not in charge. 13 years of left wing political against 70 years of right wing is nothing. So imaging how many years your political view is suppressed other people:(.

And your question was for me? Or a general question?
First you have to prove what kind personal basic freedoms are being limited. Can you explain what presidental system work, only thing you are talking about is erdogan have more power after that. What makes him more powerfull?

Turkish politics was always divided, nothing new are you talking about. I don't have to talk about demirel and sezer,and before them elected by the sag goverment and not by the population:-).

The thing is right wing politcal people are not in charge. 13 years of left wing political against 70 years of right wing is nothing. So imaging how many years your political view is suppressed other people:(.

And your question was for me? Or a general question?

- How about the freedom to express your opinion? Little kids being sued for insulting erdogan with prosecutors demanding prison sentences.

- Freedom of information: how many times have social networking sites and youtube been blocked because the akp didn't like certain content?

- Sezer was and is a very respected man that followed the laws, Demirel too but he endured a coup.
But those guys are history now and current geopolitical situations are also very different, so comparing would not be fair.

- Are you seriously calling the akp a left wing party? They are conservative islamists with total disregards for workers.
What have they done for the families of the Soma mining disasters victims? Why are survivors being sued for damages? Why was no one from the government being held accountable despite all the workers deaths in the last years?
And in a country where people works their *** off for a couple pennies while having to pay for the most expensive gas and other rising living expenses: why is the presidential palace built with such ridiculous expensive extravagance for a president that is supposed to fill a ceremonial role according to the constitution?

And as far as I can remember, previous governments did not come up with ideas to ''fire a couple rockets at our soldiers'' in order to drag Turkey into a full scale war with any country.

Regarding my question:that was meant for someone else, my apologies.
- How about the freedom to express your opinion? Little kids being sued for insulting erdogan with prosecutors demanding prison sentences.

- Freedom of information: how many times have social networking sites and youtube been blocked because the akp didn't like certain content?

- Sezer was and is a very respected man that followed the laws, Demirel too but he endured a coup.
But those guys are history now and current geopolitical situations are also very different, so comparing would not be fair.

- Are you seriously calling the akp a left wing party? They are conservative islamists with total disregards for workers.
What have they done for the families of the Soma mining disasters victims? Why are survivors being sued for damages? Why was no one from the government being held accountable despite all the workers deaths in the last years?
And in a country where people works their *** off for a couple pennies while having to pay for the most expensive gas and other rising living expenses: why is the presidential palace built with such ridiculous expensive extravagance for a president that is supposed to fill a ceremonial role according to the constitution?

And as far as I can remember, previous governments did not come up with ideas to ''fire a couple rockets at our soldiers'' in order to drag Turkey into a full scale war with any country.

Regarding my question:that was meant for someone else, my apologies.
Since you're living abroad, have you voted already?
Since you're living abroad, have you voted already?

No I have not. I am alays interested in Turkey and hope for the best for the Turkish people.
But I have only lived in Turkey for a short time and have no plans to re-settle in Turkey at the moment. therefore I find it unfair towards the people in Turkey itself to cast a vote for their future.

But if I would vote it would be for CHP and if I lived in Istanbuls 3rd district I would have voted and campaigned for Mr. Osman Pamukoglu.

After the elections, it will be AKP's last term hopefully. They might have to go for a coalition since the polls are like 40-43%. I don't believe that he will get enough power to change the Republic regime into an executive presidency. What important for this election is the political arm of PKK a.k.a HDP. They stand on a fireball. If they pass the 10%, welcome presidency, welcome Kurdistan (!). If they fail to achieve the ten percent; welcome back counter-terrorism operations in Southeast Anatolia which is the way it should be IMO.

Of course for Turkish posters most of these are known key facts.
AKP had 35% percent in their first term, and it wasn't a coalition. It has to do with individual provinces, and how many members they are able to get out of them I think.

They are more or less united because the corrupt islamist akp has every institution in their power, personal basic freedoms are being limited more and more very passing day and if that isn't enough erdogan wants a presidential system so he can have even more power.

And since akp is the sole party in charge for the last 13 years, who else would they be riling up against?
It's akp's failures, corruption and evilness that has divided Turkish politics and society, not their successes.

It's time for you to lay off the kool-aid and wake up, please.

PS: You still haven't answered my previous question.
The division and polarization doesn't come from AKP or any single party. It comes from all the political party's, who are only demonizing each other. They are all doing it. Your post you say corrupt government etc. this all has to do with how opposition party's have tried to demonize AKP. CHP supporters think AKP are Islamist anti-republic, anti-secular. AKP, MHP and other similar parties think CHP are anti-Islam, etc. You for instance said AKP is evil, I have also heard other people say CHP is evil. All this is due to political party's demonizing each other and general fear mongering.
All this does is make the people that voted for your party more militant and/or make people hate your competitor with a passion, and it won't help garner new votes at all. Matter of fact, it can push others away from your political party. @BordoEnes wrote this in another thread which seems to be a perfect example to the previous sentence: "I dont support Erdogan myself anymore considering he is "slightly" losing it, but i always admired the way he grabbed power and maintained it without shedding blood."

By demonizing each other, they are trying to win elections. Instead of actually promoting what they are about (mission/vision, projects etc). Actually, this tactic isn't about winning at all, it's about not losing the % they already have.

The reason AKP has been winning consistently this past decade is because they are the party that promoted their vision and projects the best out of all other party's. And they have an overall good track record.

I read somewhere here (maybe this thread, maybe another), that AKP was able to mislead uneducated people with Islamist rhetoric pretty well. But most people around me, that would vote for AKP, always say something in the sense of; 'they are the one's working, doing good for the country with projects' etc. And none of them are uneducated by by any means by the way.

But whenever I talk with someone who's more on the MHP or CHP side, they usually always talk about how bad AKP is. But this isn't unsurprising, because all Kilicdaroglu and Bahceli seem to do is talk about how bad AKP is. This was especially the case in last year's municipal elections. This election they are saying stuff like, 'extra salary towards retired people'. And yeah, we could debate that it's populistic or whatever, but it is a MAJOR step forward from the 'that's how bad AKP/CHP/MHP etc' is rhetoric. And when CHP anounced it's 'central Turkey plan', I was actually pleased. I must say I am skeptic about it though, due to their performance as opposition so far, but it is a solid first step. One of many I hope, because we need politics to be on a high level.
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Whatever the result, everybody should respect it and move on. I see anti-AKP newspapers of Turkey already saying stuff like "Oh, the election might be rigged"

This is bad. Elections are being monitored by multiple independent agencies, along with the governmental election commission, and 400,000 security personnel are over-looking the electoral process across Turkey.

Very hard to do any rigging on any effective scale. Elections in Turkey are usually free and fair, and Inshallah--this one will be free and fair as well.

Best of luck Turkey on this important day. Hopefully, the best result comes out of these elections for Turkey.
No I have not. I am alays interested in Turkey and hope for the best for the Turkish people.
But I have only lived in Turkey for a short time and have no plans to re-settle in Turkey at the moment. therefore I find it unfair towards the people in Turkey itself to cast a vote for their future.

But if I would vote it would be for CHP and if I lived in Istanbuls 3rd district I would have voted and campaigned for Mr. Osman Pamukoglu.
Why would it be unfair, it is unfair if you dont vote. Other people living abroad do also vote.. (mostly for AKP)
People who are in Turkey: Have you guys voted yet? How is the atmosphere in Turkey? Are people participating in the elections in droves?

Updates, please. Keep this thread going

@Neptune @Hakan @FutureMe @Sinan
My prediction; Akp wins the elections, CHP runner-up, MHP third place as always and HDP below %10. HDP will pull other parties' rate to a lower place which is worse for CHP. No coalition will be established, and Akp will not get the power to change the constitution. Akp's vote rate also will be lower than last elections. So I don't think there will be surprise. Let's hope the best for our country.
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