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Turkish FM to be removed from office, CHP deputy claims

I'm sorry but that's absurd. We have huge economic and security interests in Middle-East and we can't risk to lose any ground in these interests just to pursue a isolationist foreign policy.

This idea of a "Turkic Union" as in one governing system, one established state, one citizenship, one nation is never going to happen. Not only this idea doesn't have any footing in the reality of world system, it also assumes other Turkic states are willing to join and create such a confederate structure. It ignores history, geography, economic aspirations of Central Asian people and linguistic differences between each of these states.

Middle-East will not always "stay the same". This statement is a result a pure orientalist thinking about the region. Anyone who read history of 19th-20th century would have some kind of an idea why Middle-East have such problems.

Also, a country pursues its interests on creating a future. Historians already doing a fine job about documenting and writing books about the past. States don't have a luxury to choose whom to cooperate by choosing countries which didn't shoot a bullet at them. This logic won't bring us any reasonable conclusion. Look at Germany, Britain, Spain, UK, USA, Mexico, Italy..

I'm really sorry for our country's performance in the foreign policy realm. We should have followed Iran's example by defending human rights and aspirations of people in Maghreb and Bahrain but oppose to those in Syria...

Lets focus on Latin America, East Asia and emerging African nations. Less hassle, less headache
mate dont listen to some , they have little strategic thinking , we could both benefit HUGELY , why shouldnt we when we can ? isnt that right .

90% what you said right , except turkish union , its not one established state , thats united turkic states , union is very possible , but we can benefit enough without a union .
There are already established organizations in regards to cooperation between Central Asian countries and Turkey. TÜRKSOY and Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States are two of them. Also brief history can be read from Turkish Foreign Ministry website. I fully support to foster current relationship more as not only improved cooperation is beneficial for all the states involved, it also creates more strong relationship linkages between Anatolian and Central-Asian people.
There are already established organizations in regards to cooperation between Central Asian countries and Turkey. TÜRKSOY and Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States are two of them. Also brief history can be read from Turkish Foreign Ministry website. I fully support to foster current relationship more as not only improved cooperation is beneficial for all the states involved, it also creates more strong relationship linkages between Anatolian and Central-Asian people.

Ok if we are to dominate the middle east then we should topple Israel in science and tech. Have more energy security than Saudi Arabia. Have more Financial centers than UAE. Have more ports than Oman. ETC
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