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Turkish FM to be removed from office, CHP deputy claims


Dec 31, 2010
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POLITICS - Turkish FM to be removed from office, CHP deputy claims

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will soon be removed from his office, main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) deputy Gürsel Tekin claimed during a televised interview on CNNTürk yesterday.

Tekin said the "talk in political circles" was that Davutoğlu was going to be removed from office soon and replaced by Namık Korhan, Ankara's former ambassador to Turkish Cyprus.

AKP is good at economics. I have to admit more radical changes happened under the AKP admistration than in 90 years since the republic history. But Ahmet F***ed up our foregin policy so hard. Now we got problem with most of our nieghbour..
What does Davutoglu's foreign policy has to do with Syria, Greece, Greek Cyprus, Armenia? Didn't we always have problems with these guys except Syria? In fact our ties with Syria was improving steadily right until Assad started his mass killings.

Do you guys think we should remain silent while our neighbours are getting massacred daily? Of course Turkey needs to take a stance. In fact what we did wrong is being inactive against Assad. We should answer the same night they brought our plane down. But it takes balls, and it seems we are short of that
We didn't stayed silent because there was a issue of interests, although Assad is not removed as predicted, thats a strategic fail.
What does Davutoglu's foreign policy has to do with Syria, Greece, Greek Cyprus, Armenia? Didn't we always have problems with these guys except Syria? In fact our ties with Syria was improving steadily right until Assad started his mass killings.

Do you guys think we should remain silent while our neighbours are getting massacred daily? Of course Turkey needs to take a stance. In fact what we did wrong is being inactive against Assad. We should answer the same night they brought our plane down. But it takes balls, and it seems we are short of that

can i post a good video ? and i dont have to say anything.

slowly say bye bye to AKP


so to all Turkish members , tell me if this party not infact traitors.

however AKP media dont show these obviously

Solid proof iam showing , we need to get rid of these as soon as possible.


youtube dan bir mesaj

Osman Pamukoglu 2 sene once demisti " dagdakileri kahraman yapacaklardir" . Hakliydi ...

message from youtube

açılım açılım diyerek bu vatanı bölüp satanlar,din istismarı yaparak yalakalıkta köpekleri bile geçenler şehitlerimizin ve şehit analarının adını pis ağzınıza almayın

Please open your eyes my people .

Year 2012 , slowly AKP plans are working.

no need for other people , erdogans words himself

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can i post a good video ? and i dont have to say anything.

slowly say bye bye to AKP


so to all Turkish members , tell me if this party not infact traitors.

however AKP media dont show these obviously

Solid proof iam showing , we need to get rid of these as soon as possible.


youtube dan bir mesaj

Osman Pamukoglu 2 sene once demisti " dagdakileri kahraman yapacaklardir" . Hakliydi ...

message from youtube

açılım açılım diyerek bu vatanı bölüp satanlar,din istismarı yaparak yalakalıkta köpekleri bile geçenler şehitlerimizin ve şehit analarının adını pis ağzınıza almayın

Please open your eyes my people .

Year 2012 , slowly AKP plans are working.

no need for other people , erdogans words himself

After that funeral accident tayyip banned any kind of funeral news with an excuse like "Its not appropriate to use marty funerals as propaganda".Today no one knows how many soldiers dies in a week thanks to AKP s banning those news ama buda yetmez evet!

We didn't stayed silent because there was a issue of interests, although Assad is not removed as predicted, thats a strategic fail.

Indeed no need to go sentimental , AKP believed everything will be go as other arab states , again they wanted to stay on winning side they gambled and lost the moment our two pilots killed.
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AKP is good at economics. I have to admit more radical changes happened under the AKP admistration than in 90 years since the republic history. But Ahmet F***ed up our foregin policy so hard. Now we got problem with most of our nieghbour..

Turkey is a large and a significant country in the ME. It has been trying for 90 years to indulge itself in the Western world and representing itself as a EU country, but it wasn't accepted. I think Turkey should have it's own identity and policy. You can't change the reality that Turkey is a part and parcel of ME historically, geographically, demographically and religiously. The last 90 years proved that Turkey can't strip itself out of the region. Denying the truth will not change it. You don't have any problems with Arab neigbores but rather with Iranian proxy regimes. It's unfortunate that some Turkish members have such a negative attitude toward Arabs, although Turkey has an unprecedented popularity and respect in the Arab world. As for now, Turkey doesn't have a trusted and reliable ally. It's time to put our hands together and build a trusty and worthy relationship.
Turkey is a large and a significant country in the ME. It has been trying for 90 years to indulge itself in the Western world and representing itself as a EU country, but it wasn't accepted. I think Turkey should have it's own identity and policy. You can't change the reality that Turkey is a part and parcel of ME historically, geographically, demographically and religiously. The last 90 years proved that Turkey can't strip itself out of the region. Denying the truth will not change it. You don't have any problems with Arab neigbores but rather with Iranian proxy regimes. It's unfortunate that some Turkish members have such a negative attitude toward Arabs, although Turkey has an unprecedented popularity and respect in the Arab world. As for now, Turkey doesn't have a trusted and reliable ally. It's time to put our hands together and build a trusty and worthy relationship.

You should keep your self updated regularly. Pakistan is considered trusted and reliable ally by Turkey!
Turkey is a large and a significant country in the ME. It has been trying for 90 years to indulge itself in the Western world and representing itself as a EU country, but it wasn't accepted. I think Turkey should have it's own identity and policy. You can't change the reality that Turkey is a part and parcel of ME historically, geographically, demographically and religiously. The last 90 years proved that Turkey can't strip itself out of the region. Denying the truth will not change it. You don't have any problems with Arab neigbores but rather with Iranian proxy regimes. It's unfortunate that some Turkish members have such a negative attitude toward Arabs, although Turkey has an unprecedented popularity and respect in the Arab world. As for now, Turkey doesn't have a trusted and reliable ally. It's time to put our hands together and build a trusty and worthy relationship.
The negative view toward Arabs is because some Turks feel they were betrayed by Arabs on the verge of Ottoman collapse.I asked some Turkish guys and they told this to me.They feel Arabs are an important reason that Ottoman empire collapsed.
Why is it always those middleeastern countries that are colonized by western countries, have American drones flying above their heads have to most criticism towards Turkey? First get your own act together before giving advice to others.
The negative view toward Arabs is because some Turks feel they were betrayed by Arabs on the verge of Ottoman collapse.I asked some Turkish guys and they told this to me.They feel Arabs are an important reason that Ottoman empire collapsed.

Yes but it already decaying empire an was viewed as an oreintal backwater by the European powers.. Thanks to lack of reform. But i'd pefer an Iranian over an Arab any day. Look at what happens when both of our nation got involved into arab affairs.

Why is it always those middleeastern countries that are colonized by western countries, have American drones flying above their heads have to most criticism towards Turkey? First get your own act together before giving advice to others.

Blame it on the zionist jews (scarasm)
Why is it always those middleeastern countries that are colonized by western countries, have American drones flying above their heads have to most criticism towards Turkey? First get your own act together before giving advice to others.
What drones are you talking about?! And are we the ones who are colonialized by the west and fight NATO wars?! Get a brain man!
problem neydi


what was the problem,, why was he sacked
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