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Turkish electronic system can target Israel

Israeli anger was justified, the handling was laterally stupid and unprofessional

Ayrılık - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VIDEO / Israel rebukes Turkey over brutish TV portrayal of IDF Israel News | Haaretz

I wonder what Turkish reaction would have been if it Israeli national tv air movie/tv series about Turkish conflicts and depict Turkis in negative image that you Turks donts see yourself as such(regardless of the reality)
Can israeli fighter jets target turkish fighter jets?
And because of certain Turkish people for obvious reasons.

Lets ignore my opinion of Erdogan for a second, but do you really think that normalization is possible with a right-wing coalition in Israel?

I really dont understand why would there be any obstacle?
There were great relationship between Turkey and Israel before Erdogan got elected, When Israel didnt had right in the government? Majority of countries having good relationship with Israeli right government, Erdogan just had other plans in mind, he wanted to be the ruler of regional power and to unite everybody in the region he thought the path lie through ISRAEL BASHING lol, now what? nothing! no Egypt no Syria no Lebanon and no Israel.
no Egypt no Syria no Lebanon and no Israel.

Nobody trusts and relies on arabs in Turkey... tested and approved... no harm to add israel into the list.. so, we're fine

Erdogan just had other plans in mind, he wanted to be the ruler of regional power

I doubt if israel only plans to protect its soil and people from monster muslims..
ha ha you just dodged by question twice. Lets try again: Can Israeli Jets Target Turkish Jets?
Oy vey! How anti-semitic and Nazi, how dare you evil muslim Turks?:cray:
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