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Turkey's workplace safety standards are poor and it leting to disasters out come

You think their wealth is godgiven ? many societies has some characteristic features coming from historical background, Jews as a society are hard and clever workers, they know how to trade, its not their fault if others are not as successful as them. Being rich does not automatically makes them evil. Btw its not like all Jews are rich businessmen anyway.

I'm telling you a bunch of jews controlling the world and you are talking about simple richness...

Ok, that's enough...
I'm telling you a bunch of jews controlling the world and you are talking about simple richness...

Ok, that's enough...

Who says ? conspiracy theories, third rate internet sites surely knows everything that public does not knows.

If there are influential Jews thats because they're rich, simple as that, rich people are influential.
I'm telling you a bunch of jews controlling the world and you are talking about simple richness...

Ok, that's enough...

NO! The world is ruled by SHAPE-SHIFTING REPTILIANS!!!

Hierarchy of world domination:
1. Shapeshifting reptilians
2. NWO
3. Illuminati
4. Masonists
5. The evil JOOS
6. JEW ZIONIST bankers.
This whole Jew, traitor, mason thing is AKPs ''creating a enemy'' tactic and it works well among hardcore AKP voters, when something happens than it was the jews and traitors fault but never the Goverments because they are perfect muslims and never make a mistake.

There is a accident where 300 people die but our PM is making stupid statements and slapping randomly people, his assistant is kicking a protestor who is lying on the ground, but they still try to show themselves as victims even in this case.

The accusing of people beeing Jew, traitor, mason is nothing more than a desperate try to shift the focus away from AKPs mistakes and indicates that AKP is running out of excuses, but it wont work anymore nobody is buying this except of hardcore AKP fans.

And then they say dont mix politics in this, but for gods sake all this is the result of AKPs stupid politics.

This is Soma where the accident happened, are they also terrorists, traitors and vandals? Why is police using tear gas and water cannons against the relatives of the victims?
All this shows how nervous AKP is, they cant even let the relatives of the victims protests against them, they cant stand the slightest criticism.



Who says ? conspiracy theories, third rate internet sites surely knows everything that public does not knows.

If there are influential Jews thats because they're rich, simple as that, rich people are influential.

I hear that Jews can control time and space.
I'm telling you a bunch of jews controlling the world and you are talking about simple richness...

Ok, that's enough...

Absolutely bullshit and anti-Semitic.I know Turks love this kind of conspiracy. Use your brain, is it possible that a bunch of Jews can control the world? This one of the idiotic sentence that I have read from you, ever.

I hear that Jews can control time and space.
Not to mention life and death!
Absolutely bullshit and anti-Semitic.I know Turks love this kind of conspiracy. Use your brain, is it possible that a bunch of Jews can control the world? This one of the idiotic sentence that I have read from you, ever.

I see that you are also brainwashed with the word 'anti-semitic' by media... Firstly if i were an anti-semitic i would be against all Arabs too... Arab are also semitic people... Search who are semitics... Secondly i am not against all jews i am aganist criminal ones... Thirdly these jews are not alone... Queen is their partner actually we can also say Queen is their boss... If you come back a few centuries back you can see britain sent their agents to middle east in general against Ottoman lands and broke these lands into pieces... As you already know Britain is so successful about agency... They are so successful about hiding behind the events... Then they located their puppets into this region then they located cancer of middle east as Israel to this region... US has no brain they are bodyguard of israel & servant of Queen... US is something like this...


Best way to reach your goal is achieving it by being invisible... You shouldn't be in view that much...

You know what ?.. Even US can't do any shit to Israel in today's conditions...

BTW as i talked about these kind of things let me add something...

al-kaida is a terrorist organization of these countries... Queen, jews, us... 9/11 is purely an inside job... After this what you see ?.. Whenever let's say US... Whenever US wants to invade a land firstly you see al-kaida rises there first... Then US says "Owww... There are terrorist on these lands... We will go and fight against these terrorists and we will save people"...

Wowwww... Then they go there and kill so many innocents... They fvck up that country so bad... Now you see al-kaida is rising in Nigeria... This is because of Africa's future & oil in Nigeria... For example china is trying to enter Africa by building factories there... We as Türkiye going there with humanitarian way... We want to make deals with African people in a way that they will also win... We want to establish partnerships with them... We want to rise Africa and make those people can be able to stand on their own legs...

But we see that west again try to enter there with crimes, killings... Damn on you west...
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@Kaan can you shut down this thread... This is politic thread... If you will not then ban me from this thread also... thx...
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