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Turkey violating Geneva Conventions using ambulances for weapons transport

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Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Turkish ambulances are being used for the purposes of transporting weapons to terrorist groups in Syria, according to Russian news reports.

“Witnesses in Kushakli, Harran and Buculmez, towns bordering Syria, also have reported that ambulances are carrying arms to the Arab country and back, and are moving wounded to Turkey, as declared by the deputy of the province of Hatay, Mevlut Dudu” (see article: Captured terrorist in Syria confesses to having received training in Turkey Captured terrorist in Syria confesses to having received training in Turkey - English pravda.ru ).

Under the Geneva conventions, you cannot target medical vehicles - it is a war crime!

The Geneva Conventions are a set of international rules that govern the treatment of prisoners, the sick and wounded, and civilians during war. Under the Geneva Conventions, for example, ambulances and military hospitals and their staff are officially “neutral and are not to be fired upon.”

Nearly all countries of the world have agreed to the Geneva Conventions, including Turkey, a NATO ally and military friend of the United States.

Article 1. Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field. Geneva, 22 August 1864 states:
“Ambulances and military hospitals shall be recognized as neutral, and as such, protected and respected by the belligerents as long as they accommodate wounded and sick” (source: International Humanitarian Law - Geneva Convention 1864 ).

Turkey appears to be violating the Geneva Conventions in this regard by using Ambulances to transport weapons.

“The rules applying to ambulances or other ground vehicles are pretty straightforward”, said one Pentagon source, who refused to be identified in this report out of fear of being punished by higher ups.

“Like medical personnel, they “may in no circumstances be attacked,” but must be “respected and protected,” according to Articles 35 and 19 of the First Geneva Convention of 1949. They also should be marked with the Red Cross or Red Crescent emblem. They are subject to inspection and lose their protection, subject to a prior warning and a reasonable time limit, if they are used to commit acts harmful to the enemy that are outside their humanitarian duties. If these accounts are true, then Turkey is violating the Geneva Convention, plain and simple”, he said.

According to the U.S. State Department Turkey has received $21 billion dollars in aid from the United States, $14 billion of that in direct military aid (see article: TURKEY received $21 billion economic/military US foreign aid Turkey ).

We contacted NATO officials in Brussels, Belguim who refused "official comment" on Turkey's blatant violations of the Geneva Conventions, calling the reports "baseless and unsubstantiated."

Turkey violating Geneva Conventions using ambulances for weapons transport - Wichita Military Affairs | Examiner.com
does geneva convention allow 1 year old babies to be killed in gaziantep by syria?
Normally bombs don't have brains of their own. That's why civilians are killed unfortunately. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person. The Americans have killed a million people in Iraq. Collateral damage is part of every war. Syria is at war and the people of Syria are stuck between both sides.

Any country that supports the terrorists are doing their part to kill innocent civilians. If you cared about babies, you wouldn't support your govt's actions in Syria which are prolonging the war.
Normally bombs don't have brains of their own. That's why civilians are killed unfortunately. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person. The Americans have killed a million people in Iraq. Collateral damage is part of every war. Syria is at war and the people of Syria are stuck between both sides.

Any country that supports the terrorists are doing their part to kill innocent civilians. If you cared about babies, you wouldn't support your govt's actions in Syria which are prolonging the war.

who said i support my government? i hate erdogan alot today , should i go and kill him or cut my self up so he stops his policies? Plus i didnt even give a damn about syria or oppisition , i didnt even want any problems but after syria the 'lion' government shot our unarmed f-4 i said bomb the heck out of this esad and our government is still a wussy couldnt do anything anyway forget that but i never seen turkey export terrorism like some and especially considering syria in 1990s supporting pkk it seems that its not you done this and i done that , in 1990s did we support oppositions in syria again lol? there was none.
if you care about babies, then tell your government to stop supporting terrorism, and support peace and peace talks

Say the truth liar. If you want peace, why didn't you accept a democratic election?
if you care about babies, then tell your government to stop supporting terrorism, and support peace and peace talks

i said all the way before what had to happen before too late , essad shoudl have said elections with UN representatives and any oppisition party etc but its too late now.

if you want to see syria supporting terrorism and killing innocent babies since 1990s then watch this ( you dont need to understand turkish you can see just from body , go to 2:05 , army officer threatening if syria carries on we will invade them ( not dirrectly invade) , and mubarak even went to syria to say to terrorist hafez esad that turkey is very serious and kick out pkk leader from your country now.

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Normally bombs don't have brains of their own. That's why civilians are killed unfortunately. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person. The Americans have killed a million people in Iraq. Collateral damage is part of every war. Syria is at war and the people of Syria are stuck between both sides.

Any country that supports the terrorists are doing their part to kill innocent civilians. If you cared about babies, you wouldn't support your govt's actions in Syria which are prolonging the war.

No we didn't killed a million people in Iraq. That would be the terrorists bombing mosques and at markets and so on. Like what is going on right now in Iraq with Americans already gone. So your statement is invalid.
No we didn't killed a million people in Iraq. That would be the terrorists bombing mosques and at markets and so on. Like what is going on right now in Iraq with Americans already gone. So your statement is invalid.

All of that terrorism happened because of USA, when Saddam was there you wouldnt hear of car bombing, however when you went in you destroyed the country, and you support terrorism there, you just dont know that because your government wont tell you, since your media is just washing your brain.
Normally bombs don't have brains of their own. That's why civilians are killed unfortunately. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person. The Americans have killed a million people in Iraq. Collateral damage is part of every war. Syria is at war and the people of Syria are stuck between both sides.

Any country that supports the terrorists are doing their part to kill innocent civilians. If you cared about babies, you wouldn't support your govt's actions in Syria which are prolonging the war.

Well, apparently bombs and you have similarities. You can't tell shrapnel not to hit a certain person, but you can tell a terrorist not to plant bomb near a bus stop in a very crowded street, no?

Please, just do not try to justify that digusting attack...
tehran top 3 worst cities in the world , owned by arabs now come and getting owned by us.

What?............... did you read what i said?

You're not making any sense, dont change the main topic here, which is Turkey sending weapons to terrorists via humanitarian tools, Turkey is following the steps of USA, where USA start wars in name of Humanitarian and Democracy.
You're not making any sense, dont change the main topic here, which is Turkey sending weapons to terrorists via humanitarian tools, Turkey is following the steps of USA, where USA start wars in name of Humanitarian and Democracy.

Pal, Assad is a goner. No matter what FSA is, a terrorist organization or freedom fighters, Assad is no better than them. You should have thought that before shooting at jets flying over international waters, supporting terrorist organization against Turkey, dropping bombs on your own cities and killing thousands of your citizens...

Unfortunately it is too late for Turkey to get out of this mess. The only way out for Turkey is the fall of Assad, thus we must do anything to achive that. Sending weapons with ambulances? So be it...
i cant beleive one of the biggest de-stabilizers and exporters of suicide and terrorists bombs block is talking about to us about violation , did the iranian who blew up himself in taiwain with the grenade violate it ?
Pal, Assad is a goner. No matter what FSA is, a terrorist organization or freedom fighters, Assad is no better than them. You should have thought that before shooting at jets flying over international waters, supporting terrorist organization against Turkey, dropping bombs on your own cities and killing thousands of your citizens...

Unfortunately it is too late for Turkey to get out of this mess. The only way out for Turkey is the fall of Assad, thus we must do anything to achive that. Sending weapons with ambulances? So be it...
thank you for admitting you support terrorism.

That jet wasn't in international water, it was in Syrian water, plus Turkey then made an excuse saying Syria didn't shoot it.

Anyways, Turkey will suffer as well.
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