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Turkey to modernize Pakistani Perry class frigates with Genesis


May 21, 2006
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According to latest issue of a Turkish defence magazine called S&H, Turkish officials came to terms with Pakistani officials to modernizate Pakistani Perry frigates with Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System. Counterparts will append the signitures until the end of this year. According to agreement, First ship will be modernizated in Turkey, Istanbul and Other 3 would be in Karachi shipyard.

Pakistani Officials taking information about "Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System" Perry frigate modernization program...

Pakistani Officials visited Milgem corvette as well...A picture from Bridge

Huge news.. what associated systems will be part of this package? SM2s ? or any other details ?
Detail info :

Weapon and Technology: GENESIS Ship Integrated Combat Management System on FFG 7 class frigates

The G-Class Frigate Combat Management System Modernization Program (G-GSMP) was initiated by the Turkish Naval High Command for the modernization of G-Class frigates by removing the obsolete Combat Management System and integrating GENESIS (Ship Integrated Combat Management System). The scope of this programme is to carry out the system development, integration, hardware and software testing of the G-GSYS / Ship Integrated Warfare Management System, provision of the necessary training and ongoing maintenance services for the life-span of the system using domestic national resources.

GENESIS Project aims to develop the Command Control Softwares by national opportunities and maintenance of life period of the system with low cost methods.

G-GSYS modernization; nationally developed interlayer and Command-Control application software are going to be performed by usage of mostly national opportunities and with devices and systems which are going to produced in our country by consuming Ready-Made commercial products.

By modernization program; production of G-GSYS hardware, adaptation and modification of the software according to changing necessities, integration and testing of the system, lecturing of required education and maintenance and service support of the system during its life period are going to be accomplished.

By G-GSYS: having used present sensors in G-Class Frigates reconnaissance, surveillance, determination, following and classification processes are going to be performed with full automatic methods at campaign environment; air underwater acquainted and above water tactical picture is going to be composed, evaluation of threats and that of automatic and command committee decision supporting conditions required by the necessities of Naval Forces Commandership are going to be performed in order to capture the tactical superiority at campaign environment; undersea defense battle, air defense battle, above water battle and electronic battle duties are going to be supported by commanding to weapons with the best engagement planning.

Advantages will be gained with new system;

* Modern and Reliable System
* High Performance
* Open Architecture
* Capacity of watching Tactical Contacts more than 1000
* Modern Sensor Data Fusion
* Automatic Threat Evaluation
* Weapon Engagement Opportunities
* Link-16 / 22 System Integration Opportunity

may be counted as summary.

First two ships which is modernized by GENESIS programme has been delivered and third ship is planned to be delivered by the end of 2008.
Awsome news any specks on the sys ?
It says other 3 in Pakistan,

When are we getting the other 3?
this confirms my long-held view that Pakistan inducted these frigates keeping in mind that our Naval relations with Turkiye are strong, and that, as is with the case with the F-16s, Turkiye has the licensing and rights to modernize, modify, arm, and manufacture parts and equipment for the OHPs

it comes as great news to me, and great news to the Naval service and all Pakistanis and Turkish brothers/sisters
It says other 3 in Pakistan,

When are we getting the other 3?

i believe they r talking about turk navy's perry boats! not PN's perry.
we've just inducted one and its not even in our arsenel yet!
This will definately help in boosting the naval requirements of Pakistan.
will they (OHPs) be accompanied with the Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk helicopters?
According to latest issue of a Turkish defence magazine called S&H, Turkish officials came to terms with Pakistani officials to modernizate Pakistani Perry frigates with Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System. Counterparts will append the signitures until the end of this year. According to agreement, First ship will be modernizated in Turkey, Istanbul and Other 3 would be in Karachi shipyard.

Pakistani Officials taking information about "Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System" Perry frigate modernization program...

Pakistani Officials visited Milgem corvette as well...A picture from Bridge


Read the first paragraph.
Why would they say about Turkish ships? They are already GENESIS adapted.
According to latest issue of a Turkish defence magazine called S&H, Turkish officials came to terms with Pakistani officials to modernizate Pakistani Perry frigates with Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System. Counterparts will append the signitures until the end of this year. According to agreement, First ship will be modernizated in Turkey, Istanbul and Other 3 would be in Karachi shipyard.

Pakistani Officials taking information about "Havelsan Genesis Combat Management System" Perry frigate modernization program...

Pakistani Officials visited Milgem corvette as well...A picture from Bridge


That is not the bridge of a Milgem corvette. That is inside a OHP.


This is the bridge of the Milgem.

I have heard this news a while back but since then nothing has materialized so i would wait for new info to come out on this.
Huge news.. what associated systems will be part of this package? SM2s ? or any other details ?

No weapons or sensors, just the combat management system, the command information 'backbone' of the ship.
@ Penguin

looks like our analysis are coming out to be true. Waiting to see those MK13 along with SM2 on these frigates =D
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