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Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'


Dec 27, 2009
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JERUSALEM, Israel - Turkey rebuffed Israel's request to help stop another provocative flotilla planning to breach the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

"We listened to the message given by the Israeli side and told them this is an initiative by civil society," Reuters quoted an anonymous Turkish official as having said.

The pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish "humanitarian aid" group, IHH, have been organizing the 15-vessel flotilla with more than 1,000 international activists on board, some of whom have reportedly said they're prepared to martyr themselves.

The IHH organization, with its ties to Hamas and other Islamic terror groups, told Reuters that "in Turkey, governments don't tell NGOs what to do and what not to do."

IHH head Bulent Yildrem referred to Zionism as a "virus that has infected all humanity."

This year's attempt is planned on the anniversary of the May 31 fiasco with the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara in which nine activists were killed after attacking Israeli Navy commandos attempting to board the ship.

According to some reports, the Mavi Marmara will serve as the flagship again this year.

In a letter delivered on Thursday, Israeli Ambassador Meron Reuben urged U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to speak out publicly against the planned provocation.

"In the past year, the United Nations, under your leadership, played an important role in preventing the launch of provocative flotillas by extremist elements in Lebanon," Reuben wrote.

"Israel is not interested in confrontation, but is firmly determined to enforce the naval blockade and will continue to remain closely engaged with other members of the international community to try and halt this unnecessary provocation," he wrote.

Reuben reiterated once again that Israel must prevent arms smuggling to the Gaza Strip, citing the Israeli Navy's March 18 interception of 50 tons of Iranian-manufactured weapons on board the Victoria. The freighter set sail from Syria's Latkia port and docked overnight in Turkey before heading for the Gaza Strip.

"It is clear that this anticipated flotilla is designed to serve as a political provocation and not to advance a humanitarian goal," Reuben wrote to the secretary-general, noting again there are established ways to deliver humanitarian goods to the Gaza Strip.
What happaned? Elections in Turkey are near?
What happaned? Elections in Turkey are near?

well, it says that turkey doesn't give a sh*t about the flotilla.

yeah the elections are near, less than two months :D
The pro-Palestinian Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish "humanitarian aid" group, IHH, have been organizing the 15-vessel flotilla with more than 1,000 international activists on board, some of whom have reportedly said they're prepared to martyr themselves.

The IHH organization, with its ties to Hamas and other Islamic terror groups, told Reuters that "in Turkey, governments don't tell NGOs what to do and what not to do."

IHH head Bulent Yildrem referred to Zionism as a "virus that has infected all humanity."

This year's attempt is planned on the anniversary of the May 31 fiasco with the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara in which nine activists were killed after attacking Israeli Navy commandos attempting to board the ship.

I like the part above. It really shows their stance on the issue. Nevermind that the IHH from Turkey is a different one than the one in Germany, who's received aid from questionable organizations. No they are using their third eye to see the "Truth" :)

And also the part where the activist attacked the israeli forces... they're very dangerous. hahaha and quoting that guy.... hahaha please present a videorecording showing where he says that, otherwise it's just propaganda or BS.

Enough joking, it's going to be interesting to see how Israel is going to handle it this time. I hope the activists are more zealous this time :), of course unarmed, and I hope there will be some 10-20 journalists present. I wonder how bad things will turn out if a 2nd disaster occurs :)
yeah the elections are near, less than two months :D
Aha, this explains why they moved sailing forvard. I hope IHH wont send expired medicines this time.
Aha, this explains why they moved sailing forvard. I hope IHH wont send expired medicines this time.

you are always keep saying the same thing "expired medicines"..it was a symbolic move cant you understand..

and at least they are sailing forward,whatever the reason is...
you are always keep saying the same thing "expired medicines"..it was a symbolic move cant you understand..

and at least they are sailing forward,whatever the reason is...

So you are telling me that they had enough money to organize such a huge event and couldn`t spare money for the actual purpose of giving aid to the Palestinians?
I know your way of thinking ovarel but honestly, why can`t you just admit that the flotilla was an attempt to delegitimize Israel more than it was to actually help Palestinians?
Forget about Gaza, forget about Israel, admit that the organizers just had malice in their hearts.
Why dont people learn from mistakes ?

Last time Israel botched up the interception because it had not planned well, Now they will plan in advance, look into all the loopholes and finally prevent the flotilla again from achieving anything useful.

Such a waste of time for instant shot at fame.
Because all they care about is harming Israel, nothing else. As the president of IHH said "We are not afraid to become martyrs.".
So you are telling me that they had enough money to organize such a huge event and couldn`t spare money for the actual purpose of giving aid to the Palestinians?
I know your way of thinking ovarel but honestly, why can`t you just admit that the flotilla was an attempt to delegitimize Israel more than it was to actually help Palestinians?
Forget about Gaza, forget about Israel, admit that the organizers just had malice in their hearts.

delegitimize israel=help palestinians

its the same thing :)
well, to be honest i dont think that much people really care about this now. i myself dont give a sh*t because now i know the purpose of the leaders of this organization. i just hope israeli marines uses different methods to stop them instead of getting choppers full of marines in on the boat, where there is almost guarantead that fights will happen!

look at other organizations in turkey that gives help to palestinians, why isnt the media covering that!

afther iran sent weapons that was bound to gaza, i support the border control of israel. but only if it is inside the 12 mile area or whatever it was!
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