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Turkey suspends selling Anka to Egypt as a punishment

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Baykuş;4640455 said:
The second pilot is probably responsible of holding the doors closed so that they don't fall apart during flight.

The second pilot is also responsible for manually rotating the rotor blades with his hands... Strength of second pilot decides speed and endurance of this machine
Turkey needs the actual supplier to fix the drones.
Israel fixes, returns four aerial drones to Turkey in possible sign of warming ties | The Times of Israel

Anka will be the same issue.
Turkey cannot produce UAV's on it's own. Anka is not fully Turkish.

Here are the supplied parts from outside.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

I am sure the Egyptians are devastated :lol:
Turkey needs the actual supplier to fix the drones.

No we don't.

Heron is a Israeli drone...Thus they have to do the maintance.

Anka will be the same issue.

No, it won't.

Turkey cannot produce UAV's on it's own. Anka is not fully Turkish.

No we can, All intellectual and legal rights belongs to Turkey so it is a Turkish drone.

Here are the supplied parts from outside.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

All lies except engine part.

You post this trash but you don't know which part of the ANKA build by "X" company.

You even don't know about Shahed 129's engine.......

Your continuous and non-sense posts show your jealousy of Turkish aviation products. If you have noticed not one Iranian member joined in discussion in your behalf because they know that you are talking absolutely bull-shıt.

Anyways, welcome to PDF as a laughing-stock for Turkish section.
6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

targeting pod on ANKA ? :cheesy: LOL epic trolling
Turkish propaganda :disagree:

Either prove thess points wrong factually or sit down and be nice little girl and stop replying with trash.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

A vast majority of this UAV is foreign.:azn:
Turkish propaganda :disagree:

Either prove thess points wrong factually or sit down and be nice little girl and stop replying with trash.

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon

A vast majority of this UAV is foreign.:azn:

How about crawling back to the cave you came from whilst the sh!tty author of this trashy article provides any proofs to support his stupid claims?

"Don't trust everything on the Internet"
- Abraham Lincoln​
Once again, you do not prove his claim wrong factually and only say he is wrong.
Provide evidence why he is wrong. You obviously can't because he's points are right and most of this UAV is not even Turkish :woot:

Turkish propaganda :lol:
Once again, you do not prove his claim wrong factually and only say he is wrong.
Provide evidence why he is wrong. You obviously can't because he's points are right and most of this UAV is not even Turkish :woot:

Turkish propaganda :lol:

The author is the one who made his claims = the burden of proof is on him.
But I understand if illiterate and ignorant fools like you chooses to believe in anything anyone says :coffee:
As I thought, these poor braindead fanboys which live for Turkish propagnda cannot disprove his claims :lol:

6- The “all-Turkish” ANKA boasts a foreign engine, foreign automatic take-off and landing system, foreign landing gear, foreign flight data computer, foreign radio, foreign sensor and may even feature a foreign targeting pod soon
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