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Turkey Scrambles Jets After Russian Plane Flies Near its Black Sea Coast


Feb 9, 2014
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(Reuters) - The Turkish Air Force scrambled eight F-16 fighter jets after a Russian surveillance plane flew parallel along its Black Sea coast, the military said on Tuesday, amid increased tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine.

The incident occurred on Monday and the Russian plane remained in international airspace, according to a statement on the website of the military General Staff.

Ukraine's Crimea peninsula, which juts into the north of the Black Sea, is at the centre of the current standoff between Russia and Ukraine's new pro-Western government. NATO member Turkey forms the southern coastline of the Black Sea.

Turkey scrambles jets after Russian plane flies near its Black Sea coast| Reuters

Turkey scrambles jets after Russian plane flies near its Black Sea coast | General |
Worldbulletin News

(The airplane an Ilyushin Il-20 TSK: Karadeniz'de F-16'larla önleme yaptık - Hürriyet GÜNDEM)
I wonder if our new AWAC was used today:sniper:
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I just saw Putin's live conference,they guy looked mad and nervous.He's testing/bulying all his neighbours:

-invade Ukraine
-he just accused Poland of "training terrorists/fascists in Ukraine"
-suddenly there are appeals for Russia to intervene in Transnistria to from russian parliament members (happenned today)-threat to Moldova,Romania
-out of the blue military exercises next to Finland.
-planes testing Turkish Air Space

The guy is insane!
has the aircraft been ID'd and was radio contact established or did it return to Russian territory on its own
its becoming routine. the same happened like 3 months ago. same pattern, same airplane. once in a while electronic reconnaissance plane flies by turkish coast, then moves toward bulgaria.
Nothing new! They send a bear every now and then to Europe as well :-)
Report: Palestinian Air Force opens three fronts against Russia, NATO and limited strikes against Tel Aviv :coffee:
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