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Turkey builds portable wall on border with Syria

xenon54 out

Jun 2, 2013
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A portable concrete wall is being built on the border with Syria in the southern province of Hatay as part of security measures.

The wall, which is composed of concrete 3-meter-long blocks, is being built in the border town of Reyhanlı’s Kuşaklı village in an effort to prevent illegal crossings and smuggling.

The wall will reportedly be 1,200-meter-long and weigh nine tons when it is finished. The concrete blocks will able to be transferred when necessary.

The construction began two days ago and 150 concrete blocks have been placed so far.

The same kind of walls were previously used in some areas in Syria’s border town Atme.

In the southeastern province of Gaziantep, another wall was built in January in order to stop people from illegally bypassing checkpoints.

Turkey has vowed to maintain its “open door” policy to those fleeing the fighting, although it has closed border crossings from time to time following clashes near the frontier.

Refugees, smugglers and rebel fighters have been able to cross the border undetected in many remote areas, bypassing the main gates and leaving Turkey with a major security challenge.

The construction of a two-meters-high wall between Nusaybin and Qamishli further east along the Syrian border on October had resulted in protests on both sides of the frontier, prompting the mayor of the district of Şırnak to start a hunger strike.

Turkey had also previously announced the construction of a 2.5-kilometers-long wall along the Cilvegözü border gate with Syria to prevent smuggling activities.

Turkey builds portable wall on border with Syria - LOCAL


Hopefully it will help against the illegal activities on the border. :tup:
how is a cement block gonna help in blocking ISIS activity on turkey's border ?

good luck anyway .
Dont get me wrong but it worked in Berlin and Gaza why shouldnt it work here?
no worries
in berlin it didnt work , in gaza it worked because the ones who were hostile were the ones who were bulding the wall . thats the irony .
Mexico-US border it works. Not 100% but it serves its purpose. In combination of UAV and as you can see roads along the wall, it will be good deterrent.
Ok lets continue the irony then...
yeah , thats not gonna work either . no need to jump up and scream about it .

the only thing thats gonna work is 24/7 drone survailance , which we are carrying out . suggest the same to turkey ....
yeah , thats not gonna work either . no need to jump up and scream about it .

the only thing thats gonna work is 24/7 drone survailance , which we are carrying out . suggest the same to turkey ....
dude, everyone does that, even we do it, and im sure Turkey does that too
why only 1200m long ?

and a wall itself cant stop anybody , how you protect it make the difference.
how is a cement block gonna help in blocking ISIS activity on turkey's border ?

good luck anyway .

Re-read the article again my friend..

" Refugees, smugglers and rebel fighters have been able to cross the border undetected in many remote areas, bypassing the main gates and leaving Turkey with a major security challenge.

Turkey had also previously announced the construction of a 2.5-kilometers-long wall along the Cilvegözü border gate with Syria to prevent smuggling activities. "

Its not meant to block ISIS activity but to prevent illegal smugglers and refugees...Its clear for everyone that a brick wall cant block any terrorist activity ın this region
why only 1200m long ?

and a wall itself cant stop anybody , how you protect it make the difference.
The wall is beeing built in segments, the article says there are also walls on other places, they begin with impotant areas where its difficult to observe.
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