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Turkey begins work on ICBM


Jun 14, 2010
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Turkey begins work on ICBM


The Turkish Armed Forces have begun working on a project to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), broadcaster NTV reported on its website today.

A decision to launch the project was made in a July 17 meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Board, headed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel. Erdoğan had previously requested that the military develop missiles with a 2,500-kilometer range.

The board decided to form a satellite launch center that would have a two-fold effect on Turkey's aerospace and military endeavors. First, the center will enable Turkey to place its own satellites in orbit, and second, the center will allow the Turkish military to launch missiles that can navigate outside of the Earth's atmosphere. Attaining an ICBM launch capability is reportedly the chief aim of the satellite launch center.

The Turkish Defense Ministry, the Defense Industry Undersecretariat and the Scientific and Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), have been jointly working on the project for some time.

The report said Ankara could cooperate with an undisclosed Eastern European country to develop the satellite launch center.

The ICBM project, meanwhile, has sought to improve on the SOM cruise missile developed by TÜBİTAK. The SOM cruise missile has a current range of 300 kilometers. The range would first be increased to 1,500 and later to 2,500 kilometers within the project, according to the report.

The report did not elaborate on whether the SOM's planned 2,500-kilometer range would be increased even further or whether its increased range would be utilized to develop an ICBM separately, as missiles with ranges under 5,500 kilometers are not considered "intercontinental."

The countries known to currently have ICBMs in their military arsenal are Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China

POLITICS - Turkey begins work on ICBM

In this video they're taking a look at why Turkish arms industry is behind other countries of equivalent economic/developed level.

They're talking about sabouteur, internal strife, traitors who're interested in keeping Turkey low tech so the "people in the mountains" have a fighting chance etc.

And they're also telling about how military developement is one of the backbones of developing society. aka US military using something like the WWW back in the 60's of course 30 years later civilians get to use the WWW.

They're talking about how the current level of our arms industry is growing due to domestic projects etc. Very good program and I wish it had english subtitles.
Why would Turkey need ICBMs?
First it should develop precious short and medium range missiles with ranges of 2000 km.
Hey When 2500 KM Missile become an ICBM.... Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said they need Missile which can reach 1000 to 2500 KM away.... that all....

You Missed out India .... India too has ICBM
Turkey with its economic power, military muscle and a brave leadership is in the best position to lead the Muslim world as it did for nearly 600 years in the past as Ottoman Empire

As a Pakistani i congratulate Turkish members on this forum....our prayers are with you...Inshallah Pakistan will always be on your side...just like at the time of Turkish war of independence...when thousands of muslims from present day Pakistan...left on horse back to support their Turkish brothers.

May God Bless Turkey...May God bless Pakistan !!!
Turkey with its economic power, military muscle and a brave leadership is in the best position to lead the Muslim world as it did for nearly 600 years in the past as Ottoman Empire

As a Pakistani i congratulate Turkish members on this forum....our prayers are with you...Inshallah Pakistan will always be on your side...just like at the time of Turkish war of independence...when thousands of muslims from present day Pakistan...left on horse back to support their Turkish brothers.

May God Bless Turkey...May God bless Pakistan !!!

Its a MADDOG statement :rofl:.
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