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Tunisian Terrorist: we bombed mosques to blame the Syrian army!

Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
A Tunisian terrorist who returned home to tell the truth after fighting with F$A terrorists... He said they bombed mosques to blame it on the Syrian government and Alasad, when asked why they did that? he said since most of the Syrian army are Sunnis, we thought if we bombed mosques the Sunnis will defect... and he said they fabricated inappropriate slogans such as Bashar is the only "god" and wrote many other fake slogans on the wall to blame the army....


Tunisian Jihadist Admits: We Destroyed & Desecrated Mosques in Syria to Cause Defections in Army
A Tunisian Jihadist, whose alias is Abu Qusay, states in an interview with Tunisian TV in Tunisia that, when he was in Syria, he was tasked with destroying and desecrating Sunni mosques to cause Sunnis in the Syrian Army to defect while making it seem as if it is a sectarian attack by Shiites. He also mentioned desecration of mosque walls by writing pro-government slogans or even what is deemed blasphemous to the Islamic faith. He also confirmed that videos that came out of Syria showing a man forced to state that "there is no god but Bashar" was fabricated for the same purpose.

He also mentions that, even in certain cases in Homs, the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) would capture people who did not want to join its ranks and subject them to Iranian-style torture in order to propagate the claim of heavy involvement by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Homs against the rebels.

Sexual Jihad:
The Tunisian Jihadist Abu Qusay who was interviewed by Tunisian TV after his return from Syria confirmed that stories about "Jihad al-Nikah" or what is also referred to as "sexual Jihad" is not just a rumor but is real, as he himself had experienced it firsthand. He also confirmed the nationalities of the girls who travel to Syria to partake in this kind of Jihad.

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This same Tunisian also confessed that most of money those terrorists get are from gcc, from Bahrain MP and Kuwaitis MP... and in order for him to escape Syria, he had to kill all the members in his group... Videos will emerge soon with translation


A Tunisian terrorist nicknamed Abu Qussai who was recruited to fight alongside terrorists in Syria said that what is happening in Syria is not a revolution nor a fight for a cause; rather it's a ruination of Arab countries and part of an international game.

Abu Qussai, who was interviewed on a show on al-Tunisiya TV channel on Saturday night, said that most of the armed groups in Syria consisted of non-Syrians who committed murder and destruction, including the deliberate destruction of mosques and leaving graffiti supporting the Syrian government and insulting Islam to accuse the Syrian Army of attacking places of worship and defaming it.

The terrorist said that many Syrians who refused to join the "free army" or opposed it were tortured, including one who was tortured using a power drill, noting that this was recorded and distributed with the claims that the Syrian army or elements from Iran were responsible for it.

Abu Qussai said he started fighting alongside extremist movements in 2011 when he was recruited and sent to Libya with hundreds of Tunisians where he was trained in using weapons near Benghazi.

He said that he was sent to Turkey in 2011 and crossed the borders into Syria along with dozens of Libyan and Tunisian gunmen via smugglers, and they received training in Idleb in a camp supervised by a Libyan called Medhi al-Harati.

Afterwards, the terrorists headed to Bannesh area which was declared an Islamic emirate ruled by a man called Abu Mujahed al-Shami, and he took parts in several battles in Idleb countryside, then moved to Homs and fought in Bab Amr and then went to al-Zawiye mountain and Aleppo.

He pointed out that dozens of Tunisians and Libyans took part in the attack on the military security detachment in Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb, resulting in the death of everyone inside it, noting that Libyans were the one who planned the attack.

Abu Qussai said that weapons and funds were sent to armed groups from states, associations and individuals in the Arab Gulf, including four Bahraini MPs including Adel al-Ma'awdeh and Abdelmajid Murad, both of whom are leaders of the Salafi movement in Bahrain, in addition to Kuwaiti MP Walid al-Tabatiba'ei.

He said that many US-made weapons were sent to them from Turkey, and that Turkish security forces and police allowed anyone to enter Syria without searching them, and that Turkish banks transferred funds to and from Syria with east.

The terrorist said that Tunisian were at the forefront of foreigners fighting in Syria, controlling armed groups and "sharia" groups established to rule people according to their interpretation of Islam.

Abu Qussai said that there were many women among the fighters, including Tunisians, Libyans, Chechens and others who operated as snipers by day after receiving training, and by night they took part in "jihad al-nikah" (an impromptu form of semi-marriage invented and sanctioned by terrorists) with several fighters according to a daily schedule.

He pointed out that as Jabhat al-Nusra began to emerge, funded and armed by Islamist associations from Qatar and Saudi Arabia, most Tunisians and foreigners began to join it and the "free army" began to fade away after most of its leaders were killed or fled, adding that at that time, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham hadn't surfaced yet, as it was limited to working in Iraq under the name of Islamic State of Iraq.

Abu Qussai said that the picture became more clear after the assassination of sheikh Mohammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti, and after terrorists he was with in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood slit the throat of another sheikh in front of a mosque, mutilated the body, and hung his decapitated head there, and at that point Abu Qussai decided to return to Tunisia.

He said that he asked them not to kill the sheikh in Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood, but they didn't listen, so he became determined to leave Syria, but that wasn't easy because those who think about escaping are killed, and so he began planning his escape.

The terrorist said that while he and his group were out on a mission, he was at the rear of the group of 15 gunmen and he had a machinegun, so he opened fire on them, killing them all, and then he ran from Aleppo and made his way to Homs then Talkalakh and finally Lebanon, crossing into it using the paths used for smuggling weapons which he new well, and from there he traveled to Libya and returned to Tunisia in 2013.

Abu Qussai concluded the interview by advising Arab and Tunisian youths to not risk their lives and go to fight in Syria, because that brings about the ruination of Arab countries and will leave a psychological and social toll on these youths.
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KSA can easily deny it, it's time to attack them or Israel directly
Aside from this vid mosques being attacked always used as if it justifies going full retard for these people, too many mosques are being used as operational bases & war preparation, that removes the Mosque status from it.
Didn't the terrorist openly admit that he has nothing to do with KSA in any way :lol:?
KSA can easily deny it, it's time to attack them or Israel directly

You chickened out at the time where you're kin was in stronger position than the miserable shape of yours now. :omghaha:
Didn't the terrorist openly admit that he has nothing to do with KSA in any way :lol:?

You chickened out at the time where you're kin was in stronger position than the miserable shape of yours now. :omghaha:
He just admitted that zionist Al Qaeda destroy everything and blame all on Assad

That is insane. I am no Assad fan but seriously these people will now create problems in their own countries after they return from Syria. The only one suffering from this is the Syrian people, Sunni, Shia Christians, they are all suffering because of certain countries supporting and arming both sides.
Too late for this sh!t.
it is not too late to wake up from the lies.... those terrorists whom you support are killing and destroying the country they commit false flags to trick and manipulate people just like you..
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