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TTp supportive?IMRAN said drone strikes were contributing to the terrorism in the country?


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
PTI Core Committee decides to continue Nato supply blockade - thenews.com.pk
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan has said that drone strikes were contributing to the terrorism in the country, Geo News reported.

Chairing Core Committee meeting of the party, Imran Khan demanded of the government to raise the drone issue in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Khan said the government should implement the decision of All Parties Conference.

PTI chairman asked the party leaders and the workers to prepare themselves for public rally against inflation.

The meeting decided to continue blockade of NATO supplies.

IK is still not mature politicians , he is kiddo , his actions speaks for him
drone took out hakeemullah mehsud, his father baitullah mehsud

i doubt drones have been in effective

im only against drones because of their violation of soverignty, that i agree

but its a false perception that drones have been ineffective

somebody needs to do the jobs of flushing out talibans

i think swat type operation must be launched in entire fata and this time the consensus must be made in entire pakistan
^ We have a real political pundit here chaps...
I quite agree with him. I was totally for IK during the election. Convinced plenty of my relatives to vote for him too. But I'm somewhat glad he didn't win. He's really proved to be quite immature. Even an ounce of shit hitting the fan has him blaming everyone between the previous government to the current government. He really doesn't own up to the responsibility. As a former PTI supporter, I am personally pretty dissapointed in him.
I quite agree with him. I was totally for IK during the election. Convinced plenty of my relatives to vote for him too. But I'm somewhat glad he didn't win. He's really proved to be quite immature. Even an ounce of shit hitting the fan has him blaming everyone between the previous government to the current government. He really doesn't own up to the responsibility. As a former PTI supporter, I am personally pretty dissapointed in him.

Sorry you feel that way, just remember that before the rise comes the fall!
Sorry you feel that way, just remember that before the rise comes the fall!
We've been falling for a long while. And most of us have lost so very much during the years and decades. It's really difficult to be optimistic anymore.
drone took out hakeemullah mehsud, his father baitullah mehsud

i doubt drones have been in effective

im only against drones because of their violation of soverignty, that i agree

but its a false perception that drones have been ineffective

somebody needs to do the jobs of flushing out talibans

i think swat type operation must be launched in entire fata and this time the consensus must be made in entire pakistan
i think, your thinking against drones is a genrl patriotic veiw , i also share these concerns?
but may i ask you, some thing friend, what about succidle terrorism ,which is just unstoppble because of the politicians in power of fedrl capital, since a patriotic anti/ terrorist govt of genrl musharaf been , conspirated out of power!
yes sure hell, we need grand ops against terrorists hidding in torabora caves or even in the govt offices KPK pti govt, which is the biggest sponsorer of TTp terrorism in whole of pakistan?
IMRAN KHAN foolish politics is just bassed on it, this new of his statment against drones , shows his long lasting comitment with TTp, terrorists ?
because against TTp ,s terrorism his filthy mouth is just still unable to speak a single word against!
@batmannow man you have posted a gazillion of threads against PTI on single drone issue, don't you think it will be better if you just keep posting it in single thread so we can keep the discussion at one place? Just look at all your threads you've started in past 10 days, all are about drones and PTI.. :)

At topic, I don't know why people just pretend like only Hakimullah and Baitullah have been killed in drone attacks, what about hundred of other unknown casualties? Besides, drones are violation of our national sovereignty.

I'm wrapping up my case with this video, every sane personal should decide on his own after watching this video:

@justsomeguy please watch and share your views on this video, looking forward to hear your thoughts.
Sorry you feel that way, just remember that before the rise comes the fall!

just remember that fools never rise?
they live thier misreble live in falls, or in the fools paradise, like IMRAN khan ?
who can start a dam protest against drones?
the only killing machine, which kills terrorists the great aquracy?
which has taken out the, most wanted of terrorists?
but still, FOOLs kings like IMRAN cant find a single to, speak & protest against TTp terrorism, which has killed 45,000 pakistanis till , today?
ohh just, because it will, make him the target of TTp terrorists ?
& his govt will lose the support of the terrorists like HAKEEM ULLHA & mullha sawaati, who gave PTI & JI clean chit to, contest & win the genrl election in KPK?
as long as, you are happy to post, on my thread be, specific on the issue, rather been a spokesperson of fools king IMRAN KHAN?

If winning was easy, everyone would be a winner! I have faith in our country and our future.
if winning wasnt was ezy , NAWAZ SHARIF OR PPP shouldnt be rulling us , so many times?
but then it comes from right experinces, but not calling the terrorists innocent tribals , who, s killing by drones killed the peace?
but for fool like IMRAN nothing was ever ezy, even his marrige ?
@batmannow man you have posted a gazillion of threads against PTI on single drone issue, don't you think it will be better if you just keep posting it in single thread so we can keep the discussion at one place? Just look at all your threads you've started in past 10 days, all are about drones and PTI.. :)

At topic, I don't know why people just pretend like only Hakimullah and Baitullah have been killed in drone attacks, what about hundred of other unknown casualties? Besides, drones are violation of our national sovereignty.

I'm wrapping up my case with this video, every sane personal should decide on his own after watching this video:

@justsomeguy please watch and share your views on this video, looking forward to hear your thoughts.
its my, right to launch 1000 threads against ?
just like some your PTI kids doing it like NAYA PAKISTAN thread after which on every new morning, PDF members finds same or simmillar severl threads, keep running though?
i m one man army, against the support of PTI to the TTP terrorists & thier mutual agenda?
last thread, i was attacked personaly?
which i took open heartdly but then when i , answered back to that rubbish question of that stupid, i got banned from that thread?
so, what you think , i am going to do about it?
become quite?
sorry BATMANNOW is a army, they are up against? remember 13 may , i told you , i warraned you?

everybody has a tongue, not everybody has a brain... so they only mimic what the hear :lol:
in IMRANs case its an foolish epic?:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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