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TTP Punjab agree to talk to ‘authentic religious scholars’


Feb 2, 2007
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Taliban simply cannot ignore the peace call if made by authentic religious scholars said the chief of Jundul Hafsa, a sub group of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), on Sunday.

According to a news channel, Asmatullah Muavia, who also heads TTP Punjab, claimed that if the government took the initiative, peace talks between Taliban and Pakistan could start.

In a video message issued to the media from an undisclosed location, Muavia insisted that dialogue could not take place with the government through TV channels and talk shows. He said media was not the right channel for setting out conditions for the talks.

He demanded that the government had set up a committee of religious scholars to implement Sharia in the country.

He added that attacks on foreigners were made to let the world feel the misery that drone strikes in Pakistan caused. He also said that the Peshawar Church blast and the attack in the Qissa Khawani Bazar were not carried out by the Taliban and both were aimed at defaming them.

Peace dialogue: TTP Punjab agree to talk to
its another of noora wish lists, bieng floated by paid media, but let me tell u something , i m feeling very bad, that TTp will react against noora league, very dangerouly!
& very soon!
NOORA will than plead ... what have i done too you , we are one ... stop killing us we are A class gan**s ..
What are authentic religious scholars in their view? Those that agree with their twisted interpretation of Islam?
What are authentic religious scholars in their view? Those that agree with their twisted interpretation of Islam?
Calling some one twisted will not work what we should do is ask them to give points which we they thing are according to quran and sunnah and should be implemented and if they are we should implement them
Calling some one twisted will not work what we should do is ask them to give points which we they thing are according to quran and sunnah and should be implemented and if they are we should implement them

And if they twist Quran and Sunnah?
Many of them do.. using interpretation that are twisted or stupid.
Calling some one twisted will not work what we should do is ask them to give points which we they thing are according to quran and sunnah and should be implemented and if they are we should implement them

Ahem . Lets kill Muslims and implement ISLAM . I really feel like clapping to you . What points do you want the " so called authentic religious scholars/ulemas " to present in front of the people who have loudly and proudly killed 64,000 INNOCENT Pakistanis for no reason but because of their " psychopathic nature " ? Do you want them to explain " how the killing of a single person is equivalent of killing all humanity " ? Do you need to remind how the Prophet even forbade uprooting of trees in a war - let alone kill people who have no fight with you ? What way will you pursue ? What do you want these Genuine and authentic to tell ? Just what ? This is , even discounting the FACT that the same ulemas/authentic religious scholars or simple Mullahs usually keep silent when people are killed/harassed by the same terrorists/extremists .
@Secur yes their is no justification to kill innocent just like their is no justification that state betrays Muslims in Afghanistan and tribal areas and mass murder its own people on USA and other kufr forces orders
@Secur yes their is no justification to kill innocent just like their is no justification that state betrays Muslims in Afghanistan and tribal areas and mass murder its own people on USA and other kufr forces orders

Afghans are responsible for that , we aren't . Just like there's no justification to first side with the Americans against the Soviets and later bomb the twin towers , carry out acts of terrorism and not hand over the culprits - who would later admit , to them , in the meantime putting Pakistan in an extremely difficult position of being caught between the " devil and deep sea " and making the only choice to save herself and destroying their own country . We tried to negotiate with the one eyed Mullah Omar to hand over the culprits and save his country , he didn't . Now that isn't our fault , we shouldn't and didn't get our country bombed because of something the terrorists were doing . Where's the mass murder proof in the tribal areas ?

But that isn't the question " What the heck are the authentic Mullahs going to talk on ? " is the point to consider . Are they going to say the same Hey look Taliban , killing is bad and against Islam :D ?
Secur said:
Afghans are responsible for that , we aren't . Just like there's no justification to first side with the Americans against the Soviets and later bomb the twin towers , carry out acts of terrorism and not hand over the culprits - who would later admit , to them , in the meantime putting Pakistan in an extremely difficult position of being caught between the " devil and deep sea " and making the only choice to save herself and destroying their own country . We tried to negotiate with the one eyed Mullah Omar to hand over the culprits and save his country , he didn't . Now that isn't our fault , we shouldn't and didn't get our country bombed because of something the terrorists were doing . Where's the mass murder proof in the tribal areas ?

But that isn't the question " What the heck are the authentic Mullahs going to talk on ? " is the point to consider . Hey look Taliban , killing is bad and against Islam :D
Sir still you didn't had any right to betray afghnistan mullah omar asked proof not given he called for trial off osama in neutral country not given so usa was their to kill and do mass murder and than goverment betrayed tribals too so don't cry when they return favor master off seculars usa and its allies including pakistani goverment are doing same
Sir still you didn't had any right to betray afghnistan mullah omar asked proof not given he called for trial off osama in neutral country not given so usa was their to kill and do mass murder and than goverment betrayed tribals too so don't cry when they return favor master off seculars usa and its allies including pakistani goverment are doing same

This isn't about any " rights " , this is about " national security " which takes precedence above anything else . Pakistan desperately tried to negotiate with the Taliban - it so gladly supported and provided help back then to come to terms and hand over culprits , even informing them about the dangers to Pakistan and their own country but the Hotheads didn't listen , neither the envoy sent by Islamabad nor the one sent from Riyadh by the Arabs . Now this isn't our fault . Ironically , Osama Bin Laden will take full and complete responsibility of the twin tower attacks later when Afghanistan was invaded , even though the Mullah Omar wasn't even interested to properly talk with " his allies " even over that matter . Nobody did a mass murder anywhere in Pakistan and since that thing didn't happen , there's no question of any badal or " revenge " . The tribal were told to get their areas evacuated from Al Qaeda operatives and those who didn't want were in direct violation of the laws of the country . Even though , the F.A.T.A. has autonomy , the armed forces of Pakistan as per the agreement signed at the time of independence has the right to enter the Tribal areas - a part of its own country if the special circumstances arise and the levies or the residents aren't able to counter it . Just like in the Daoud Khan's era , where the Pakistani forces were called to evict Afghan tribals who had invaded Bajaur . So there's no betrayal of any sort , none at all . But yes , it exists in Mullah fan fiction / tabloids / friday sermons . As for the " mass murder of tribals " , DO provide me a source before continuing .

The question still is " What are the Mullahs going to talk on with the terrorists/extremists over this matter " ? Even though the sympathies of the formers lies with the latter . Just like your sympathy and support do , with the murders and killers of 64,000+ Pakistanis . No one's crying here but the day , the operation starts again and political leaders realize their folly of " peace with the psychopaths " , someone is going to cry again loud and so loud that the echoes will be heard everywhere , just like they were , when the army flushed the terrorists from the Swat valley and well pretty much from elsewhere too .
The Mullahs are what Pakistan wants. It is what Pakistanis want. You liberals are in minority, You can never present your view, when you are so outnumbered.

The majority of people in Pakistan consider Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar as heroes.
The Mullahs are what Pakistan wants. It is what Pakistanis want. You liberals are in minority, You can never present your view, when you are so outnumbered.

The majority of people in Pakistan consider Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar as heroes.

You should have included the " extremists " too . Here it appears , someone else is being vastly overwhelmed or subdued by " superior intellects " :D - one which can accept logic and reasoning . One which doesn't kill or well in your case abuse because the other side , doesn't agree with him . Next time , try to be man enough to quote the person you are talking to even if indirectly , this cyber cowardice is an another interesting phenomenon . Lol

Yes , they do . Hence , the wonderful situation and the state of affairs in the country .
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