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TRUTH: Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?


Nov 24, 2010
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It is a WORST situation for Pakistan. Ordinary people in Pakistan are waiting for the right opportunity to rebel against the present system, Al qaida and Taleban will certainly take a big revenge to destablize Pakistan. US/west seeing an opportunity will dismantle its nuclear assets.

Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?

Ansar Abbasi
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Has our civil, military leadership failed totally?

ISLAMABAD: When they told us he is a great Jihadi hero, we treated him like a prince. When they said he is the main architect of 9/11, we blindly believed them and cursed him. When they stated he is the world’s top “terrorist”, he instantly became a terrorist for us too. And now they claim they have killed him within Pakistani territory and have thrown his body into the sea, we also took it as the gospel truth and are jubilant because they are delighted.

Pakistan is really a sold nation. We have truly become America’s voice. We have no decision of our own. We have stopped thinking and acting independently, and we can’t believe Pakistan can survive without Washington’s support.

It was President Obama, who made the announcement of one of the “most successful” operations during his tenure. He confirmed that the US Special Forces conducted the operation against what is claimed as Osama bin Laden’s hideout, just adjacent to Pakistan’s top military academy Kakul in Abbotabad. Our Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani termed it a “great victory” hours after Obama’s announcement but did not feel, even slightly, about the flagrant breach of Pakistan’s sovereignty by the US forces.

The Americans say it was an operation, carried out by 25 US Marines in two fighting helicopters, one of which was shot down but not even a single Marine was injured or dead. We and our rulers buy everything that Washington sells without raising any fundamental question. From which part of Pakistan these helicopters flew and where were the US Marines stationed. Did they come from across the border? In any case, Pakistan’s sovereignty was breached yet again, but it did not bother any of the government or military leader.

According to reports, while the American Special Forces opted to conduct the operations, the Pakistani soldiers were made to cordon off the area to ensure no one interrupted it. A leading Pakistani journalist claims that the operation was a shock for the Pakistan Army, which was not informed prior to it.

Within weeks of the shame Pakistan earned over the Raymond Davis episode, this is yet another serious case of national humiliation that we have attracted at the hands of our civilian and military leadership. Why did the president and prime minister allow foreign troops to conduct a ground operation within Pakistan? Certainly, by doing this they have not violated the oath of their office.

While the political leaders have been generally seen as a “sold commodity”, what is now left for Pakistan’s military establishment to say. Within 48 hours of Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani’s statement that the dignity and honour of Pakistan and its people would not be compromised to achieve prosperity, the get-Osama operation was conducted by the US Marines. The nation was in the process of gradually healing up the deep wound inflicted by Davis’ release in a shameful manner that it received a yet another much deeper wound.

It does not matter whether the operation was conducted with the cooperation of the Pakistan Army leadership or without its information, in both cases it’s a charge-sheet against the military establishment. Why should we raise and sustain the world’s seventh largest Army, costing more than Rs600 billion per year, if it could not or does not counter such a foreign invasion?

If Osama was considered a terrorist by the Pakistani government just because of being convinced by Washington’s propaganda, then why was not he apprehended by our own forces? He should have been tried and sentenced here if he was doing anything in violation of the law of the land.

Osama was branded a terrorist by the US after his alleged involvement in the 9/11 attack, which resulted in the killing of a few thousand innocent Americans. So, the principle is that those who kill innocents are terrorists. Therefore, if Osama was a terrorist for his alleged involvement in the 9/11 episode, then following the same principle why the US, which is responsible for killing more than a million innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, is not termed a terrorist state?

If Osama, without a trial, could be condemned and killed, then why the killer states involved in the assassination of innocent Muslims in Indian Held Kashmir and Palestinians — India and Israel — are not declared terrorist states for killing innocents.

The Pakistani leadership might have thought that it would pocket more dollars in exchange for the latest shame earned for the nation. But in reality Pakistan might soon find itself between the devil and the deep sea. Instead of getting dollars, the whole world has already started discussing Pakistan as the epicentre of terrorism. And what al-Qaeda and Taliban would do with Pakistan is anybody’s guess.
its not about failing, its just that they played well with their already strong position.

I personally think that there are atleast two governments in USA, with respect to their foreign Affairs. one is ObAmA Admin, and second is CIA.

Obama clearly stated that on shared intelligence, operation was conducted by navy seals. while CIA stated that pakistan was kept totally uninformed.

this shows that how their strategic thinking is having a clash, one was trying to cover up and saving relation, the later was attempting to built up a case against PAkistan for another war.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

now lets see who wins over among them
civil no they never really had a real chance , they were never in control ... its was always the military .. they have now failed... Army should handover all businesses to civil govt , completely halt all interference in civilians business and stay in their barracks until ordered by civil govt
civil no they never really had a real chance , they were never in control ... its was always the military .. they have now failed... Army should handover all businesses to civil govt , completely halt all interference in civilians business and stay in their barracks until ordered by civil govt

give in to whom? Marasi Gilani ? jo 4 days ke liye France dafa hogiya hai.......

Im against military rule or interference, but getting rid of them gradually, and civil taking over gradually...
We have been outdone.

Mr quite man kiyani has made Pakistan the laughing stock of the world.

On UK news they are repeating his statement that he made saying that "the back of terrorism has been broken by pak forces" and security analysts worldwide are commenting on nearly all news bulletins about the incompetence of ISI and how they believe that pak army has been using the west as a cash cow for over a decade.

We need some serious damage limitation now.

Pakistan is in the sights of US forces now - we cannot let them bully us like they did in 2001 we need to make a principled stand.
The thing is tht US couldnt just kill him by themselves...... they got support frm ISI............ Its not rocket science:
!-2 helis cant just fly frm afghanistan land in abbotabad and combat OBL n his guards n just flyover...... without even having known the area............
ISI (even according to PM n Obama was onboard) BUT!!! They dnt want to become prominent........they dnt want to advertise tht they helped kill OBL.................


Coz tht would make Pakistan\ISI the direct and the main target of Alqaeda and other terrorist organisations!!!(which we r now).................Thts why security has been beefed up since the death of OBL in Pakistan......
10 bucks says that the media and other peeps around the globe keep on crying about 'Pakistan harbored Osama' while Obama does nothing about it........

The 'game' that has been played is a bit to complex to be deciphered so easily. Any intelligent person can see that.
The thing is tht US couldnt just kill him by themselves...... they got support frm ISI............ Its not rocket science:
!-2 helis cant just fly frm afghanistan land in abbotabad and combat OBL n his guards n just flyover...... without even having known the area............
ISI (even according to PM n Obama was onboard) BUT!!! They dnt want to become prominent........they dnt want to advertise tht they helped kill OBL.................


Coz tht would make Pakistan\ISI the direct and the main target of Alqaeda and other terrorist organisations!!!(which we r now).................Thts why security has been beefed up since the death of OBL in Pakistan......

A lame excuse.
Even if let us assume it right, couldn't be Osama taken to the outskirt of Afghanistan border and there killed by drone or helis attack. In that manner pakistan sovereignity could have been kept tight as well as its respect.
give in to whom? Marasi Gilani ? jo 4 days ke liye France dafa hogiya hai.......

Im against military rule or interference, but getting rid of them gradually, and civil taking over gradually...

we have psuedo democraocy give them a chance for once they never had full control lets give em & see what they can do ... Gilani better than zia and co .. under the circumstances what other choice do we have?
A lame excuse.
Even if let us assume it right, couldn't be Osama taken to the outskirt of Afghanistan border and there killed by drone or helis attack. In that manner pakistan sovereignity could have been kept tight as well as its respect.

You are stating that with the presumption that the CIA and the ISI look after each others' interests. On the contrary, they are in fact enemy entities, but none sees any feasibility in any sort of direct confrontation. The war between the both has been going on for over a decade, and the first piece of mistrust was generated after the 1993 bomber was found hiding in Pakistan but the ISI took its own time to help the US apprehend him.

Since then, it has mostly been war of proxies, that was brought on to many other fronts by the US. Pakistan was not so weak until the US dragged the war to the economic front. Delaying the F-16s, sanctioning Pakistan, gradually moving toward India, all came one after another at a regular pace not giving Pakistan time to recover. Then on the other hand, as part of the strategy, the US kept pouring in multiple forms of aids to make Pakistani establishment more and more addictive with time, and in the end with the threat to stop the aid, the US dragged Pakistan into the WoT.

A lot of things happened inbetween that shaped this relationship, such as 08/07/1998 (It was Osama, but Pakistani generals kept giving him support for his missions), 09/11/2001, and subsequent empathy of Pakistan's 'assets' for the Al Qaeda etc. But essentially, the war between the US and Pakistan came down to a level where a weakened Pakistan became helpless, and unable to breath in this organized world.

If anyone still thinks the CIA and the ISI have a cordial relationship, then tell me this - Why is Hamid Gul, ISI's former chief, a global terrorist in the eyes of the US? Why the ISI in itself is loudly called a terrorist organization behind closed doors? Even India does not term the ISI as a terrorist organization. May be the one that supports and assists terrorists, but not one in itself.

So the idea that the US could have taken Osama to the outskirts of Afghanistan is flawed. On the contrary, if Osama were found in Afghanistan, the US would have dragged him to Pakistan and killed him there.

The US has been dependent on the ISI in the region for too long, and it was that dependence brought whatever nice words the US could use for Pakistan. With Osama found in Abottabad, it is all over now. The US will never conduct a full scale war, but will make it even worse for Pakistan.
we have psuedo democraocy give them a chance for once they never had full control lets give em & see what they can do ... Gilani better than zia and co .. under the circumstances what other choice do we have?

keep on cleaning the water.
@ Patanjali

I was refuting the fact that there was a coordination between ISI and CIA in OBL killing because if that was the case they could have gone for better solution rather than demolishing the sovereignity of Pakistan. There are surely the other places then a millitary academy vicinity.
I think we both are on same track.
The thing is tht US couldnt just kill him by themselves...... they got support frm ISI............ Its not rocket science:
!-2 helis cant just fly frm afghanistan land in abbotabad and combat OBL n his guards n just flyover...... without even having known the area............
ISI (even according to PM n Obama was onboard) BUT!!! They dnt want to become prominent........they dnt want to advertise tht they helped kill OBL.................


Coz tht would make Pakistan\ISI the direct and the main target of Alqaeda and other terrorist organisations!!!(which we r now).................Thts why security has been beefed up since the death of OBL in Pakistan......

What makes you say they didnt know the area?
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