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Truly a Sad Day for PAF


Apr 25, 2006
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Air Cdre Shigri who was also the youngest brother of IG Shigri PunJAB just died in a car acident in LAhore , Shigri was one of the finist pilots in PAF and My dearest student. We used to call him MIRAGE DOCTOR no one in PAF knew more about mirages than he did. I am sorry to use a private forum for such a news but I think it is important of us to remember such people. It always falls on a few to protect his or her country while its people live as free citizens and he was one of those who has given more to Pakistan and PAF.
God Bless his Soul and God bless his family.:army: :army: :army:
RIP to a fine Human Being,
My respects to your apperentice, Who like very Teacher's dream, Lived upto their expectations and more. You are a Lucky Man to have shared some moments of his life with him
Rest in Peace, may God have his soul!
What was his age?
Pakistan needs more people like him. Every citizen needs to step up and do things for Pakistan. The opportunities are not gifted. You shall take it!

May he rest in Peace. (Inalahi-wainalihi-rajieon.)
murad sir sad news GOD bless his soul when we lost some one like these masters our nations cryies and prayes for person hope there wil be a place for him in heavens

Yeh Pak Watan hai Ghar Apna, Hum is ko Sawarien gaye, Mushkilon mein La-ilaha pukaraien gaye.
May ALLAH bless his soul and console his family members.
INHA LILA EH WA INHA ELE-HEY RAJEON. That is indeed a sad news, perhaps a big loss for Pakistan. But as it said, "everyone has to go oneday".
May ALLAH Bless his soul and give courage to his relatives :army:

I also just learned it, very sad and disappointing and a moment of thought that we should seriously consider improving our traffic education.
To GOD we belong and to Him we Return!

He Who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: And He is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (Quran 67:2)

May Allah (swt) admit him in Jannah and give Sabr (patience) and strength to his family and friends. Ameen!

May Allah grant him a high Maqaam in Jannah and grant his family sabr-e-jameel inshallahu ta'allah.
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