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Travails of being a Muslim in India

The ‘uncoordinated spontaneous’ award returning began and went on mostly till the results of Bihar elections came out. These results acted as soothing balm on the tensed nerves of the society and so the process of award returning came to a halt

Hmmm, so this was the crux of the matter.


If they have any morality, they should return money also. These congressee crooks kept the money and return the award. This is their morality.
If there was so much discrimination & oppression muslims would not have reached 180 million. If they really feel threatened they have the liberty to leave the country.
i am a proud college drop-out, probably among few of my age in india.

aap log apne kaalej degree ka achaar daaliye, because even the arch-capitalist n.r. narayanamurthy agrees[1] that all those engineers and phds that flood out of colleges and universities every year in india have not contributed technologically to the world. :)

when ibm-india removed 50,000+ double-degreed decent gaad-phearing middle kilaash engineers and mba's in early 2014 or when hsbc shut down its india operations a few days ago and removed 32,000 employees, i am sure lot of these graduates felt that their kaalej degrees were only useful for wiping their behind.

if you don't respect "non-graduates", stop using every electrical machine ( remember michael faraday?? )... go devise a vedic washing machine.

and what good has been india's colleges and universities if it either hasn't truly liberated indian citizens or allowed them to continue their culture-transferred oppressive ways??

samjhe, jaani??

Those college degrees are hard-earned, self-respecting individuals find it demeaning to live on doles for life and like to 'earn' their living, those college degrees give them knowledge and expertise to earn it. But you won't understand any of it.

Btw, dogs seems to be haram in Islam, seeing that you hate dogs and always talk about killing them in every other thread, and knowing that you are a closet islamist, I doubted that and searched for it, and voila!!

Radicals come in many forms, some advocate killing of human beings, some dogs!!

is dog haram in islam - Google Search
Yes it was a crap as you used that to give bad name to country. You are a Jihadi idiot any interpretation of yours are also idiotic so as the conclusions you draw.

and again you spat on 200,000 suicided indian farmers... i understand, you are helpless.



the pants go below the ankle... "haraam" !! :D

tell your friends the clothes are not "islamic" enough. :D

self-respecting individuals find it demeaning to live on doles for life and like to 'earn' their living

what that really means is most of these people don't know to do anything but the age-old wage-slavery - unnecessary "hard work" which hasn't brought their country any benefit in 68 years.

let alone imagine a human future without money system, these "hard workers" cannot think of a socialist welfare system where most things are either free or subsidized or at low cost, because you see, arriving upon such a evolved and simplifying system would involve real hard work, real risks, real commitment - joining or setting up progressive movements and bringing change through revolutionary means, if even peaceful.

and therefore the fake hard workers don't reject the middle-class-poverty lives and the unscientific political/economic/social system their wrong-thinking parents gave them... the fake hard workers will prefer earning that extra college degree even if this contributes to perpetuating oppression and injustice.

gaddafi says it best, as ever, in his essay "death to the incapable - until revolution"[1]...
Poor incapable ones, how far you are from the bitter truth! You are truly envied, for you take the easiest of paths in life, and take on no hardships. You require no explanation or interpretation of anything that you care about. Everything is clear for you; there is no vagueness. You take on no responsibility for thinking about your lives, nor do you make any change in your customary and limited ways of behaviour. You easily decline anything involving difficulty, sparing your bodies and your consciences any effort. You fool yourselves extremely easily, and make light of any criticism of what you do or believe. Your opinions are fixed, and changes are never made to them. You deal negatively with any unaccustomed-to position. You never accept discussion about anything you believe; you are envied for this by those who have become weary from their envy, knowing the truth of what you do.

The truly strange thing in your lives is that you not only fail, but fail to learn your lesson. Any effect on you is not taken advantage of as a useful experience, no matter how much you fail you never change. No matter how much your beliefs betray you, this is never accepted by you. You are distinguished by your inability to recognize the truth, no matter how irrefutable. What is certain is that you will reject those results that do not agree with your fixed tendencies. You rely on an order of things and ideas that are not, of course, justifiable.
this is not all of it.

this[2] is one of my comments on that thread in the same vein...
the work speaks mainly about ( as i interpret ) the working-class and the middle-class who should have been the vanguard of revolution but who in reality volunteer their lives to be mediocre and parasitic.

take the south asian ( mainly ) phenomenon of "honor killings"... these are mostly done by the non-rich or non-powerful classes... these mediocre-class criminals do not have power outside the gate of their houses and can be slapped by any passing thug without the thug being punished but when these criminals ( the mediocre ) are in their houses, they expect their family to highly respect them and obey their every command.

the mediocre is very concerned with how other mediocres perceive him and this group of mediocres keeps patting each others' backs for the non-real competition of "honor keeping" where no mediocre's family member is allowed to let gossip and "scandal" slip into the ears of the mediocres gang.

all the mediocres live in little colonies where a cry in one mediocre's house is heard and converted to gossip instantly in the houses of at least three mediocres.

the medicore is ever moralistic and righteous, and seeks to kill the subject of gossip about his mediocre family, even if it means kill his daughter or son... he will allow his mediocre colony participate in this... the most brutal method of killing is selected so that the meanest gossip is canceled by the brutal punishment.

theses mediocres ( or impotents ) who dare not say one justice word to their office manager can become the most brutal warriors against their family members.
these are your "self-respecting individuals who find it demeaning to live on dole and prefer to earn their living". :)

those college degrees give them knowledge and expertise to earn it. But you won't understand any of it.

yeah, i won't understand... even the arch capitalist, n.r. narayanamurthy doesn't, preferring to say that india hasn't given the world any technological innovation in 68 years[3].

Btw, dogs seems to be haram in Islam, seeing that you hate dogs and always talk about killing them in every other thread, and knowing that you are a closet islamist, I doubted that and searched for it, and voila!!

Radicals come in many forms, some advocate killing of human beings, some dogs!!

is dog haram in islam - Google Search

it is not just islam that makes me hate and fear dogs ( i generally call them unspeakables ) but also the fact that they gather in gangs and attack and kill humans and cats, in the most brutal manner... so many people have been attacked or killed by dogs in india... cats are almost extinct in india because of india's 35+ millions dogs... why do you pretend to not live in india?? and i have written of these facts so many times.


the "dog capital of the world" is bangalore where dog attacks have been reported greatly since 2007 but the filthy and insane dog lovers in bangalore have prevented state authorities from killing dogs despite dogs killing humans... this[4] is from december 2012...
Dog menace has returned to haunt Bangaloreans with a five-year-old girl being mauled by stray dogs at Nagashettyhalli on Sunday morning. The pack of dogs which attacked Razia while she was playing in front of her house left the child grievously injured on her cheeks and ears. Neighbours, who witnessed the attack, rushed to the rescue of the child and chased the dogs away.

The bleeding girl was rushed to MS Ramaiah Hospital where she is treated. The residents accused the BBMP of neglect, stating that no action has been taken to end the stray dog menace though they had complained to the authorities about the issue in the past.

the article has this in closing...

Children killed by stray dogs since 2007

Two-year old Sandeep was killed by stray dogs near Yelahanka New Town on July 1, 2011
S Prashant, an 18-month-old boy, was mauled to death by a pack of stray dogs on January 12, 2011
Four-year-old Ajay died due to rabies following a dog bite in Kamalanagar in June 2007
Four-year-old Manjunath was killed when a pack of dogs ripped his body apart at BEML Layout in March 2007
Eight-year-old Sridevi died when a pack of nine dogs mauled her at Chandra Layout in January 2007
and these are just examples of cases known to the press in bangalore 2007 onwards when some of the concerned citizens said, enough is enough... what about 1998 onwards, the year when that insane sanghi female ( they all are anyway ), maneka gandhi, declared that dogs on roads cannot be taken away by municipality authorities and killed, so what if those dogs can kill humans and cats?? :lol:

let us take this[5] article from 2007 about the same city, starting with two attack cases mentioned in the previous article... 2007 was when the issue was spoken of seriously for the first time...
THE death of a four-year-old boy in Bangalore in early March, after a pack of stray dogs attacked him, has changed the fortune of many a dog in the city. The boy was the second child in the city to meet such a fate in recent months - an eight-year-old girl was attacked fatally by a pack of dogs in January.
India accounts for 70 per cent (or roughly 20,000) of the world's rabies-related deaths
Now the bitter part about Bangalore's dogs. The number of stray dogs at present is close to 100,000 as against 55,000 in 2003. Following the death of the boy in March, the Municipal Corporation, on the orders of Karnataka Health Minister R. Ashok, set out to catch a thousand dogs a day. But there was a catch: it did not have trained dog catchers or adequate dog pounds to keep the dogs. Nevertheless, spurred into action by an angry citizenry, the BBMP began picking up strays. It enlisted dog catchers from the Malabar region of Kerala and a neutering expert from Ahmedabad. Dogs identified as diseased or aggressive were culled.
Soon, animal rights activists began crying foul, complaining of "inhumane methods" being used to contain the stray dog population. They alleged that the municipality was dumping the dogs on the city's outskirts, thus transferring the problem to another area instead of eliminating it. The activists demanded that all canines, including strays, should have a licence and that a stray dog management advisory committee should be constituted.
The Health Minister, on his part, announced that all stray dogs would be euthanised in a month. He also questioned the usefulness of the government-funded ABC programme, which has been implemented for the last six years by the Animal Husbandry Department with the help of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA), Krupa, Animal Rights Foundation and Karuna. Incidentally, the areas where the two children died are not a part of the ABC programme.

Said R. Ashok: "We'll intensify the culling operations without any mercy. I'm not happy with the NGOs' work. A committee formed under Dr. M.K. Sudarshan [Principal, Kempe Gowda Institute of Medical Sciences] will submit a report on whether the NGOs have served their purpose. On the basis of the report, I'll decide if we need the services of animal rights activists or not."

the same article has photo of these bitches protesting against culling of the dogs... kick them in the face, i say !!


the dog menace in india has made international news[6]...
'You' can be anybody. But it's unlikely you haven't witnessed the nuisance of stray dogs that has now taken on scary proportions, with the canines biting and mauling thousands of people across the country every day.

As civic bodies of various cities fail to control the dog population, the problem could turn grimmer in the coming years.
Delhi has a stray dog population of 2.75 lakh. The canine problem is not limited to the national Capital. A large number of dog attacks are reported from other parts of the country, too. On April 25, a pack of stray dogs attacked, without any provocation, a group of people at a bus depot in Mumbai's Govandi area. Fourteen out of the 15 victims bitten by dogs were children in the age group of three to eight years.

In a shocking incident, a stray dog was spotted holding a newborn girl from its jaws near a government hospital in Madhya Pradesh's Ashok Nagar district. Later, it was found that she had suffered serious injuries on her head and arms.

Dog lovers, though, don't waste a moment standing in its defence.
kick those haraami fanatic dog lovers in the head and then have them put in a stadium full of the same dogs that had attacked someone that day and a additional 200 dogs... let these filthy parasites be torn apart by the same dogs they want to kiss and feed.

a case from ahmedabad, december 2014, that made international news[7]...
This is the terrifying moment a dog violently grabbed a toddler and dragged her around a garden in its jaws - forcing the little girl's 10-year-old brother to bravely intervene and save her life.

Surveillance footage shows Sheru - a young German Shepherd - taking hold of 15-month-old Kanchi Dhanani in its mouth while her brother Kashish fights hard to protect her.

The siblings had been playing in the private gardens of their flat in Ahmedabad, India, last week when the 11-month-old dog launched its attack.

Despite the dramatic footage of the savaging, Kanchi did not sustain any injuries, while her brother suffered only minor cuts and bruises. The dog's owner has since been handed over to a relative.
you can watch the attack vid on the article page but below are shots from it...





the indian supreme court has recently spoken[8] of the dog menace but seems fearful of the dog lovers lobby...
If Dushyant Dave, the senior lawyer assisting Supreme Court as an amicus curiae in the case wherein the judges are deciding on steps to control the stray dog menace across the country, has his way, the canines on Delhi's streets are in big trouble. Dave feels that nearly four lakh stray dogs in the Capital are an eyesore and urgent measures were called for to remove them from the streets.

"In Delhi there are hundreds and thousands of stray dogs. Several persons are getting bitten every day. They must be removed. Recently there was also an incident where a little girl who was hiding at a place to escape from a dog which was chasing her, got raped," Dave submitted to a bench of Justice Dipak Misra and Justice Prafullah Chandra Pant.
When asked if he favoured killing of all stray canines, Dave said, "I have still not applied my mind on it. But these dogs must not be there on the streets. I will submit a detailed affidavit soon on what I feel should be done to the dogs".
inconclusive but still a progress. :tup:

the article carries a statement from a filthy dog lover, with the insane, anti-human, anti-nature attitude typical of them...
Sonya Ghosh, Founder of NGO Citizens For the Welfare and Protection of Animals reacted sharply to Dave's statement. "It may be the amicus curiae's independent perception. The dogs cannot be killed or removed just like that. There are rules governing it and they have to be followed in letter and spirit."

and from what i hear, bangalore - the "dog capital of the world", has bakeries specialized for delicacies for dogs and dog-friendly restaurants[9] other than regular dog shows... so what if humans and cats are killed by dogs.

and the bangalore municipal authority has come up with a ridiculous "solution"[10]...
Jun 21, 2015, 04.00 AM IST

For the first time, the civic agency has finalised guidelines; Rs 50,000 for a minor and Rs 1 lakh for adults killed in dog attack
right, instead of preventing the problem by killing the dogs, pay money to the kith and kin of the people killed by dogs... some mba type - the degree hard-earned and the person a self-respecting dole-hating individual, must have suggested this "solution". :rofl:

from 2012 a article[11] carrying a comment from elsewhere... the commentor speaks for every sensible person...
"Will you take responsibility for the damages caused by these stray dogs? Will you pay damage to our disturbed sleeps after 8 to 10 hours of hard work? Do you treat those children, or even adults and pay compensation for whatever happened because of these stray dogs? If you agree with it then let us leave them alone. If you cannot agree with it and If you love them so much, why don't you take them all( YES!I mean, over 2-lakh dogs in Bangalore city!) to your home and keep?. just keep them with you only. Why trouble others just for the cause of your ( and other Animal activists.. Are they animals or human?) unjustified sympathy?

It is very pity that those ANIMAL ACTIVISTS value these stray dogs more than we humans. They learn their lesson only when one of their kids bitten by these stray dogs once. I am writing this because, I personally felt amused the way they behave. if they want to protect these animals, they should come out with a solution at their own cost. Instead, they trouble those poor citizens just for the sake of their principle of ANIMAL Protection. These people are like sadists, silently enjoy the trouble caused to those senior citizens, children and ladies by these dogs.

Do anyone listen to this any do some thing to fight against (NOT DOGS BUT Those junk of ANIMAL ACITVISTS!)Few month ago, I personally spoke to the chief surgeon of Bangalore who responsible for controlling dog menace in Bangalore city. He simple respond me that, they unable to get rid of those dogs from the city just because of those animal activists.



other than relatively concerned governments around the world acting against dogs, some russian citizens have formed militias[12] against dogs...
Russia has an underground community of vigilantes, who kill arguably dangerous stray dogs on the streets when animal control measures are ineffective. Earlier, a call for the massive extermination of stray dogs on the streets of Russia has gone out on the Internet. The alleged nationwide “dog hunt” is planned on Tuesday, TV Chanel Rossiya-1 reports.

Many dog owners are worried, as their precious family pets could fall victims to “dog-hunters”, who scatter poisoned meat across parks, squares and even playgrounds. Reportedly, the killers use an anti-tuberculosis drug called Isoniazid to poison canines
“Dog-hunters”, on the other hand, believe that they help the society by killing stray dogs, de-facto doing the government's job to protect the public. They argue that many stray dogs have diseases and some of them even present dangers to people, roaming the streets in large and sometimes aggressive packs. Some 16,600 people were attacked in Moscow alone by stray animals in 2008, the last year for which statistics are available, according to the city branch of the Federal Consumer Protection Service.
this article is from 2015 but i had read a similar article in early 2014... bravo the dog hunters !! :tup: :tup: :tup:

dogs are not only dangerous directly but also contribute via their aggressive and cruel attitude in transferring the same aggression and cruelty to non-sensible humans around them... where dogs appear it means the political and social system is either incorrect or something is missing... and anyone who is not bothered by the barking of ten street dogs just outside his house is also not bothered by a societal scenario of criminality, injustice and oppression.


[1] death to the incapable - until revolution

[2] death to the incapable - until revolution

[3] no invention from India in 60 years: n. r. narayana murthy

[4] Dog menace returns to haunt Bangalore | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

[5] Beware of dogs

[6] Going to the dogs: Thousands are bitten and mauled by stray dogs every day as civil authorities fail to curb canine menace | Daily Mail Online

[7] Boy in India saves his toddler sister from German Shepherd | Daily Mail Online

[8] indian supreme court speaks against the dog menace

[9] 13 Pet-Friendly Restaurants in Bangalore

[10] BBMP to pay up for stray dog bites - Bangalore Mirror

[11] Thoughts of a common man...: Is Dog Menace Continues In Bangalore Or Decreasing?

[12] 'Dog-Hunters' Plan Nationwide Killing Spree on Streets of Russia
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A man using Islam to cover his rabid, puerile fantasies. Perhaps it is Islam that teaches him his rabid puerile fantasies, who know?

the same article has photo of these bitches protesting against culling of the dogs... kick them in the face, i say !!


Did Islam teach you to kick a woman in the face? Call them bitches? Or did you learn it in your family?

kick those haraami fanatic dog lovers in the head

The only fanatic in this is you and your solution.

the article carries a statement from a filthy dog lover, with the insane, anti-human, anti-nature attitude typical of them...

If this is the fanaticism you show towards humans who love dogs, I wonder what you would show in your heart to people who are not Muslim.

Your opinions are your right, as is mine to call you and your opinions a complete, utter disgrace.

The sheer violence in your thoughts, in something as innocuous like is a warning to my fellow Indians.

Let people see for themselves what people like this person truly bring to the table.

Today, being a minority, they are all 'secular' and 'freedom of choice'. Tomorrow if the come to power, they will make our lives a living hell.
what that really means is most of these people don't know to do anything but the age-old wage-slavery - unnecessary "hard work" which hasn't brought their country any benefit in 68 years.

let alone imagine a human future without money system, these "hard workers" cannot think of a socialist welfare system where most things are either free or subsidized or at low cost, because you see, arriving upon such a evolved and simplifying system would involve real hard work, real risks, real commitment - joining or setting up progressive movements and bringing change through revolutionary means, if even peaceful.

and therefore the fake hard workers don't reject the middle-class-poverty lives and the unscientific political/economic/social system their wrong-thinking parents gave them... the fake hard workers will prefer earning that extra college degree even if this contributes to perpetuating oppression and injustice.

gaddafi says it best, as ever, in his essay "death to the incapable - until revolution"[1]...
this is not all of it.

this[2] is one of my comments on that thread in the same vein...
these are your "self-respecting individuals who find it demeaning to live on dole and prefer to earn their living". :)

yeah, i won't understand... even the arch capitalist, n.r. narayanamurthy doesn't, preferring to say that india hasn't given the world any technological innovation in 68 years[3].

Hence, you just decided to 'get by' without working and contributing anything productive to the society (posting nonsense in internet forums is not 'contribution'), I got that part. But why demeaning the educated and working people, does it soothe your dented self-esteem, or helps preparing excuses to your family who must be after your life to make you an useful contributor to the society and a self-reliant individual. Btw, are you the only child of your parents, or the youngest son?

it is not just islam that makes me hate and fear dogs

Now I know what it is...:)
Hence, you just decided to 'get by' without working and contributing anything productive to the society (posting nonsense in internet forums is not 'contribution'), I got that part. But why demeaning the educated and working people, does it soothe your dented self-esteem, or helps preparing excuses to your family who must be after your life to make you an useful contributor to the society and a self-reliant individual. Btw, are you the only child of your parents, or the youngest son?

if you want some bits from my short years in "career", years back i was a teacher in a computing institution and for about a year until mid-2014 i was in a media/it company and before i left i was in the process of setting up a employee union... would have been the first employee union in the new indian sector of software/services... don't worry about me, i can be a leader and a contributing person where i have to be. :)

and doesn't matter if i am the only child or the first born or the third born... what i get is you are a manager type in a private and capitalist bank... i wonder how many lives were destroyed or made miserable because of the actions of you and your bank... perhaps in the yearly suicide tally of india, you sir may have a humble contribution.

here is a account of the work of one such criminal corporation[1]...
First they were stripped of their utensils, furniture, mobile phones, televisions, ration cards and heirloom gold jewelry. Then, some of them drank pesticide. One woman threw herself in a pond. Another jumped into a well with her children.

Sometimes, the debt collectors watched nearby.
However, internal documents obtained by The Associated Press, as well as interviews with more than a dozen current and former employees, independent researchers and videotaped testimony from the families of the dead, show top SKS officials had information implicating company employees in some of the suicides.

An independent investigation commissioned by the company linked SKS employees to at least seven of the deaths. A second investigation commissioned by an industry umbrella group that probed the role of many microfinance companies did not draw conclusions but pointed to SKS involvement in two more cases that ended in suicide. Neither study has been made public.
Both reports said SKS employees had verbally harassed over-indebted borrowers, forced them to pawn valuable items, incited other borrowers to humiliate them and orchestrated sit-ins outside their homes to publicly shame them. In some cases, the SKS staff physically harassed defaulters, according to the report commissioned by the company. Only in death would the debts be forgiven.
the "educated and working people" of this capitalist bank may even be your "b school" classmates.

another account[2]...
Another SKS debt collector told a delinquent borrower to drown herself in a pond if she wanted her loan waived. The next day, she did. She left behind four children.

One agent blocked a woman from bringing her young son, weak with diarrhea, to the hospital, demanding payment first. Other borrowers, who could not get any new loans until she paid, told her that if she wanted to die, they would bring her pesticide. An SKS staff member was there when she drank the poison. She survived.

capitalist criminals like sks microfinance will be dealt with by evolved laws, sooner or later, even if they are "educated and working people" as per you.

in a socialist society ( or even the india prior to the 90's ), you wouldn't have presumed yourself educated enough to be patronizing with me, let alone have a similar profession to your present one. :)

surely you have heard of hsbc having shut down its india operations and having removed 32,000 "educated and working people"... it could have been you. :)

and you didn't respond to narayanamurthy's assertion that your "educated and working people" haven't contributed any technological innovation to the world in 68 years... he just said what i have been saying all along... why don't you go ask your "educated and working people" to actually contribute and stop being parasites??

and if you consider my postings of the oppression and injustice within india as nonsense, you don't have any humanity left... your parents may love you and consider you useful but the sensible of the world don't. :)

like i meant in my previous post, you justify your life of wage-slavery because such a life is the only thing you could achieve... you are who muammar gaddafi speaks about in that essay.

besides, would you be doing wage-slavery if your parents could afford to feed you and keep you in comfort?? so blame them, not me. :)

maybe i should be sympathetic to your plight but then i think of all the nonsense and anti-progressiveism you have written generally and particularly to me.

Now I know what it is...:)


A man using Islam to cover his rabid, puerile fantasies. Perhaps it is Islam that teaches him his rabid puerile fantasies, who know?

Did Islam teach you to kick a woman in the face? Call them bitches? Or did you learn it in your family?

if a gang of criminals wielding swords and machetes arrive in a residential area or a shopping mall and start hacking the people there, and the next day if a bunch of females gather in front of the town hall to speak of behalf of the criminals, declaring them "giving unconditional love" and wanting them released, what would you do with these females??

as for what islam teaches in regards to ladies, this is extract of a recent article from "deccan chronicle" newspaper, posted in a thread by me[3]...
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

The cornerstone of a Muslim marriage is consent, ejab-o-qubul (proposal and acceptance) and requires the bride to accept the marriage proposal on her own free will. This freedom to consent (or refuse), which was given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago, is still not available under Hindu law since sacramental rituals such as saptapadi and kanya dan (seven steps round the nuptial fire and gifting of the bride to the groom) still form essential ceremonies of a Hindu marriage. Even after the codification of Hindu law, the notion of consent is not built into the marriage ceremonies.

The contract of marriage (nikahnama) allows for negotiated terms and conditions, it can also include the right to a delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez) where the woman is delegated the right to divorce her husband if any of the negotiated terms and conditions are violated.
the female author of that article is not muslim... read the thread.

I wonder what you would show in your heart to people who are not Muslim.

love for every innocent and oppressed and freedom-seeking, muslim or non-muslim.

The sheer violence in your thoughts, in something as innocuous like is a warning to my fellow Indians.

how about the violence that i spoke of in my previous post...
Four-year-old Manjunath was killed when a pack of dogs ripped his body apart at BEML Layout in March 2007
Eight-year-old Sridevi died when a pack of nine dogs mauled her at Chandra Layout in January 2007

or the violence in the photos showing the dog trying to tear apart that girl.

and dog attacks are innocuous to you??

Let people see for themselves what people like this person truly bring to the table.

the world is witness to you and @Rain Man being utterly callous about human sufferings and rejecting of what is sensibility.

Today, being a minority, they are all 'secular' and 'freedom of choice'. Tomorrow if the come to power, they will make our lives a living hell.

my previous post was about sufferings of all and you keep on about hindu vs muslim... taap kilaas.


[1] SKS employees abetted farmer suicides, finds investigation - NDTVProfit.com

[2] Micro finance giant SKS Under Spotlight in Suicides: Wall street Journal | Indian Agrarian Crisis

[3] prenups in indian weddings and islam
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Muslims in India is the safest place / country for them to live.
If disagree, please feel free to leave the country.
Thank you.
These are some of the salient points of the reports of two separate commissions set up by the Indian government, called the Scahar Committee and Justice Ranganath Mishra Commission, to find out the condition of Indian Muslims in all spheres of life. Their reports reveal that the Indian Muslim community is one of the most deprived of and discriminated against minority communities in the whole world. This is the real truth about Indian Muslims; the rest is all a Bollywood smoke screen & hogwash. Ladies and gentlemen, this is “Incredible India” for Muslims:

Public Perceptions and Perspectives of /about Muslims:-

1. Muslims carry a double burden of being labeled as “anti-national” and as being “appeased” at the same time. While Muslims need to prove on a daily basis that they are not “anti-national” and “terrorist”, it is not recognized that the alleged “appeasement” has not resulted in the desired level of socioeconomic development of the Community.

2. Markers of Muslim identity – the burqa, the purdah, the beard and the topi – while adding to the distinctiveness of Indian Muslims have been a cause of concern for them in the public realm. These markers have very often been a target for ridiculing the community as well as of looking upon them with suspicion.

3. For large number of Muslim women in India today, the only ‘safe’ space (both in terms of physical protection and in terms of protection of identity) is within the boundaries of ‘home’ and Muslim ‘community’.

4. Concern was expressed over police highhandedness in dealing with Muslims. Muslims live with an inferiority complex as “every bearded man is considered an ISI agent”; whenever any incident occurs Muslim boys are picked up by the police and fake encounters are common.

5. Social boycott of Muslims in certain parts of the country has forced Muslims to migrate from the places where they lived for centuries.

6. The perception of being discriminated against is overpowering amongst a wide cross section of Muslims resulting in collective alienation.

Educational Conditions of Muslims:-

7. Muslims are the largest Minority at the national level with a country-wide presence and yet the most educationally backward of the religious communities.

8. The literacy rate among Muslims (59.1%) in 2001 was far below the National average(65.1%) and other SRCs (70.8%).

9. There is a clear and significant inverse association between the proportion of the Muslim population and the availability of educational infrastructure in small villages.

10. Schools beyond the primary level are few in Muslim localities. Exclusive girls’ schools are fewer, and are usually at a distance from Muslim localities.

11. Perceptions of public security – partly associated with increasing incidents of communal violence – prevent parents from sending daughters to schools located at a distance where they would have to use public transport.

12. In the dismal scenario of girls education, there is one big ray of hope; while the education system appears to have given up on Muslim girls, the girls themselves have not given up on education.

13. Many a time Madarsas are the only educational option available to Muslim children, especially in areas where no schools have reached to the Muslim masses. Very often children go to the Madarsas not out of choice but due to non-availability and inaccessibility of other schools, and a near absence of education in their mother tongue.

14. Muslim parents are not averse to modern or mainstream education and sending their children to the affordable Government schools. Therefore, the notion that Muslims prefer only Madarsa education, is wrong.

15. The identification of Urdu as a language of Muslims in independent India and its politicization has ensured that its development is relegated to the background. An important area where this neglect of Urdu is visible is in schooling and education. Urdu medium schools are in a dismal state.

16. Despite the positive recommendations of various Committees, in many States, there is dearth of facilities for teaching Urdu.

The resistance to recognize Minority Education Institutions by State Governments has been a matter of serious concern with the Community in several States. This is also a clear violation of Article 30 of the Indian Constitution. Several people alleged that they face severe difficulties in setting up minority education institutions.

18. As many as 25% of Muslim children in the 6-14 year age group have either never attended school
or have dropped out. Muslims have the highest drop out rate in the country.

19. The probability of Muslims completing graduation were lower than for all other SRCs, especially in urban areas and for males.

20. Only ‘one out of the 25 Under-Graduate student’ and ‘one out of the 50 Post-Graduate student’ is a Muslim in premier colleges.
The share of Muslims in all courses is low, particularly at the PG level and marginal in the science stream.

Health Conditions of Muslims:-

21. The health of Muslims, especially women, is directly linked to poverty and the absence of basic services like clean drinking water and sanitation – led to malnutrition, anemia, and a variety of diseases resulting in poor life expectancy.

22. Muslim children are at a higher risk of child malnutrition than ‘Hindu’ children.

23. Absence of proper civic amenities and infrastructure facilities in Muslim concentration areas is another cause of concern across all the States. Poor roads and lack of proper transport, sanitation, water, electricity and public health facilities pervade Muslim concentration localities.

24. In urban areas nearly 60% of deliveries in Muslims take place in institutions mainly in privately run facilities, which is lower than all SRCs except SCs / STs.

Economy and Employment Condition of Muslims:-

25. Many banks have designated most of Muslim concentration areas as ‘negative or red zones’, where they do not give loans. Muslims also find it extremely difficult to get a guarantee from a government official as they do not have easy access to government officials either because there are not enough Muslims in the government or because the non-Muslim government officials are not willing to give them guarantees. This affects the poor Muslims the most.

26. Some banks have identified a number of Muslim concentration areas as ‘negative zones’ where banks credit and other facilities are not easily provided.

27. Muslim community is not averse to banking and therefore more improvements can be brought about with specific measures.

28. RBI’s efforts to extend banking and credit facilities under the Prime Minister’s 15-point programme have mainly benefited other minorities, and Muslims remained marginalised.

29. The economic conditions of Muslims in urban areas have not improved as much as of other SRCs (Socio-Religious Communities).

30. Inadequate targeting and geographical planning has resulted in a failure to address the economic problems of Muslims in rural areas.

31. Un-employment rate among Muslim graduates is the highest as compared to the other communities in India both among the poor and the non-poor.

32. A substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in urban areas are in a very low (less than Rs.500/-) expenditure bracket.

33. Incidence of poverty among Muslims in urban areas is the highest with a Head Count Ratio of 38.4% followed closely at 36.4% for SCs / STs, whereas 22.7% of India’s population was poor in 2004-05.

34. The participation of Muslim workers in salaried jobs, both in the public and the private sectors, is quite low.

35. The participation of Muslims in regular jobs in urban areas is quite limited compared to even the traditionally disadvantaged sections of SCs / STs.

A significantly larger proportion of Muslim workers is engaged in small proprietary enterprises and their participation in formal sector employment is considerably less than the national average.

37. Participation of Muslims in security services viz.Police etc.is miserably low as compared to their ratio in population of the country.

38. The participation of Muslims in the professional and managerial cadre is miserably low.

39. Muslim regular workers get lower daily earnings (salary) in both public and private jobs as compared to other SRCs.

In the government sector the share of Muslims in employment in various departments is abysmally low at all levels.

41. In no state does the representation of Muslims in the government departments match their population share.

42. The share of Muslims in all recruitments by State Public Service Commissions is about 2.1% whereas their share in the population is about 12.4%. This leaves deficit of nearly 83% in recruitment.

43. The presence of Muslims was found to be only 3% in the IAS,1.8% in the IFS and 4% in the IPS.

44. Muslim community has a representation of only 4.5% in Indian Railways. Almost all (98.7%) of them are positioned at lower levels.

45. Share of Muslims in security agencies is around 4%.

46. Representation of Muslims in the Education Department and the Home Department is 6.5% and 7.3%. Overall the share of Muslims in the police as constables is only about 6%.

47. Representation of Muslims in the Health Departments is just about 4.4%.

48. The representation of Muslims in the Transport Department is just 6.5%.

49. The negligible representation of Muslims in the Judiciary (7.8% approx.) is a matter of serious concern.

50. Muslim presence in the private sector was found to be even more dismal. Private sector needs to be sensitized to include Muslims in their recruitment through positive discrimination and affirmative action.

51. The share of Muslims as beneficiaries of government programmes and schemes in U.P. ranges between 3% - 14% which is way behind their population share of 24% among the poor.

52. The overall coverage of Muslims in the Developmental programmes is unsatisfactory.

53. Most of the variables indicate that Muslim-OBCs are significantly deprived in comparison to Hindu-OBCs.

54. Month per Capita Expenditure of Muslims (General and OBC) is much lower than the national average.

55. Overall the inequality levels are somewhat higher among Muslim-OBCs as compared to other SRCs.

56. The abysmally low representation of Muslim OBCs at all variables suggests that the benefits of entitlements meant for the backward classes are yet to reach them.

57. The conditions of Muslims-Gen are also lower than the Hindu-OBCs who have the benefit of reservations.

Political Condition of Muslims:-

58. There is a very common problem of non-enrollment / missing of names of sizeable number of Muslims in the “Electoral Rolls” of various states in the country. This situation not only dis-powers them but also deprive them from various welfare schemes of the Government.

59. A number of Muslim concentration assembly constituencies have been declared as ‘reserved’ where ‘only SC candidates’ can contest elections. This situation systematically denies them political participation.

60. The share of Muslims in elected bodies is very low (6.6% in the current Lok Sabha).

61. Dalit (SC) Muslims are not allowed the benefits of the Scheduled Caste quota, while their counterparts in Sikh community (Mazhabi Sikhs) and Buddhist community (Neo Buddhist) are allowed the benefits of reservation quota for SC. This is a various matter of serious concern of discrimination.

Muslim Access to Social and Physical Infrastructure:-

62. Muslim concentration villages are not well served with ‘pucca’ approach roads and local bus-stops.

63. The concentration of Muslims in states lacking infrastructural facilities implies that a large proportion of the Community is without access to basic amenities.

64. In both urban and rural areas, the proportion of Muslim households living in pucca houses is lower than the total population.

65. Overall, the access of Muslims to toilet facilities is low.

66. As compared to the Muslim majority areas, the areas inhabiting fewer Muslims had better roads, sewage and drainage, and water supply facilities.


Sachar Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NCRLM (Ranganath Misra Commission Report)

Complete Sachar Committee Report(English),

Summary of Sachar Report

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Sometime I feel that the hypocrisy of some Muslims makes for the most stunning and blatant points of view.

When in minority support secularism,.

When in majority, %$#$ the minorities and support sharia.

And kick the bitches (women) who oppose your POV. Mashallah.

And on on this very thread we have the Pakistani thekedars of Islam whose love for their Muslim brothers in India is strong enough to make debating points but not strong enough to accept them into their country. But stills torng enough to ignore the condition of people in their own country. Mashallah.
Ram Puniyani

Dec 28, 2015 18:09 IST

The release of Shahrukh Khan’s film Dilwale (December 2015) was accompanied by protests by Shiv Sena and other Hindutva groups. These protests were supposedly against his comment on the growing intolerance in India. Shahrukh Khan; on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday few weeks ago had said that there is a growing intolerance in India and that being non secular is the worst crime for a patriot.
In response to this the Hindutva cabal descended on him and he was labeled as anti-Nationalist, unpatriotic and that he should go to Pakistan. The BJP general secretary Kailash Vijayvargheey said that he lives in India but his soul is in Pakistan.
Shahrukh did come with a sort of apology when he said that ‘really sorry if someone felt bad’, he also said that he is not saying this as his film is going to be released but that he means it.
On the back of this Kailash Vijayvargiya again tweeted that Nationalists have taught a lesson to the morons (nalayaks)
It is not the first time that Shahrukh Khan is being subject to such base abuses and charges of being anti national. In 2010, when he supported the idea of Pakistani cricket players to be allowed to come for IPL matches, Mumbai Hindutva group Shiv Sena protested intensely and the posters of his film, ‘My name is Khan’ were torn.
At another level he has also been the victim of global Islamophobia as he was interrogated and strip searched twice in America. The other stars who have received similar fate are Aamir Khan and Dileep Kumar (Yusuf Khan). In the current times Aamir Khan while talking on the occasion of Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Award function shared his anguish that his wife Kiran Rao feels unsafe particularly for their son. To this Yogi Adityanath, the BJP MP retorted that Aamir Khan is talking like Hafiz Sayeed of Pakistan and that it will be better if he goes to Pakistan.
Aamir Khan in his statement clarified that he had never thought of leaving India that he will continue to live in India and quoted Rabindranath Tagore’s poem, ‘Where head is held high…’ The label of unpatriotic and anti national were freely hurled upon him by different worthies of Sangh Parivar, and interestingly these had full sanction of the top leaders of the party and the Parivar as none of them came forward to reprimand those hurling the abuses.
One of the leaders of VHP in a talk show said that when a person like Shah Rukh Khan makes such a comment; the whole community comes under the scanner. Making it clear that Muslim community is suspect for VHP and its associates.
One also recalls the plight of thespian; Peshawar born, Dileep Kumar when he supported the film by Deepa Mehta, Fire. The Shiv Sena volunteers protested in front of his house wearing underwear’s. (1998). When he was awarded Nishan-e-Imtiyaz, the highest civilian honor of Pakistan, there was a lot of protest that he should not receive it. He went on to accept the honor. The Hindu nationalists in their spree of hurling abuses on him called him anti National, un-patriotic etc. Dileep Kumar was so shaken and disturbed that he approached the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who went on to defend Dileep Kumar’s nationalist credentials. Vajpayee seems to be the only exception to the abuse hurling, keeping silent to approve what others are saying leaders of BJP and company. Incidentally India’s one of ex Prime Minister Morarji Desai was also recipients of this award from Pakistan.
What is most striking in this episode is the differential response to similar statements in the recently witnessed intolerance debate. Just to recall the atmosphere got very heated up by and by due to various factors.
The statements of Hindutva leaders like Sakhi Maharaj, Sadhavi Niranjan Jyoti, Yogi Adiyanath, Manoharlal Khattar, Kailsh Vijayvarhiya and Sangeet Som shook the roots of our society down deep. The silence of Prime Minister indicated that all this is being with full connivance of the BJP-RSS.
The precipitating point came with the murders of Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi and lynching of Akhlaq. The response to all this came in the form of returning awards and issue of statements by former Admiral Ramdas, academics, historians and activists. The ‘uncoordinated spontaneous’ award returning began and went on mostly till the results of Bihar elections came out. These results acted as soothing balm on the tensed nerves of the society and so the process of award returning came to a halt barring one exception of Jayanta Mahapatra, who returned award after the Bihar assembly election results.
What is noteworthy is that during the process of returning awards right from President Pranab Mukherjee to industrialists Narayan Murthy, Kiran Majumdar Shaw and RBI governor Raghuram Rajan all stated that there is a growing atmosphere of intolerance.
Interestingly only Muslim icons were chosen for the intense attacks, doubting their patriotism! Those non Muslims were dubbed as being motivated by political reasons.
None dared take on Presidents’ observations. So what does this indicate? Aamir Khan correctly pointed out that response to his statement does finally prove that there is growing intolerance, if at all there was some doubt about it. The differential response to Muslims statements and similar statements made by non Muslims gives the game away and tells us the type of mindset the RSS affiliates; the followers of Hindu nationalism and their followers have.
One recalls that in the wake of acts of terror like Mecca Masjid, Malegaon, Ajmer and Samjhauta Express; number of Muslim youth was being arrested recklessly. After Hemant Karakare’s investigation showed that it was the Hindutva groups with Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Lt Col Purohit, Major Upadhayay and Swami Aseemanand; who have role in those acts of blast; the arrest of Muslim youth got a respite. In the wake of that I remember having attended a meeting organized by group Anhad (Act Now for Harmony And Democracy) in 2009. The theme of meet was ‘What it means to be a Muslim in India?”. With great disbelief I heard prominent Muslim writers and activists pouring their heart out and confessing that they do feel that Muslims are being given a differential treatment and they have started feeling the pain of being a Muslim.
Most of these friends are known mainly for being activist or for their literary contributions, much beyond their religious identity. This is what currently Naseeruddin Shah said that lately he is being made aware of his Muslim identity. And on similar vein Julio Rebeiro said that ‘as a Christian suddenly I am a stranger in my own country’.
India has been a democracy with good space for secular, plural values. This has been much better than most of the countries in South Asia, where the democratic processes are comparatively weaker. Countries like Saudi Arabia are nowhere close what we have achieved in matters of democratic processes. It is disgusting to hear when India is compared with these countries in some way. We have been pursuing a path ahead towards better human rights, not a regressive path which countries with authorization, semi fundamentalist regimes have been pursuing.
To say that Indian Muslims are better off than the Muslims in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia is degrading our own system which has emerged due to the freedom struggle, our system which is trying to keep Indian Constitution as the reference point.
Needless to say we do need a course correction and those following the politics in the name of religion need to be countered to preserve our democratic-plural values.

Travails of being a Muslim in India | Ram Puniyani
BS article. India offers so much opportunities for every religions,and a being a muslim in India is without doubt a luck.

It is time for Indian Muslims to demand a separate homeland in the North. Roughly 25% of Indian Population is Muslim so they should fight for 25% of Indian land for themselves. The present day Pakistan was made for Natives of the Sindh, Punjab, KPK and Balochistan because they were in Majority in these lands. There should be a separate country for Indian Muslims on Indian land, apart from Pakistan, somewhere in the North.

It would make sense to give States of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to Indian Muslims. This way India can become a PURE HINDUTVA STATE that the Indian Hindu desire so much.
Your country was made at impression (flawed impression IMO) that different religions cannot coexist peacefully,and India is a glowing example that you are wrong. Don't expect us to make the same mistakes as u did.
Ram Puniyani

Dec 28, 2015 18:09 IST

The release of Shahrukh Khan’s film Dilwale (December 2015) was accompanied by protests by Shiv Sena and other Hindutva groups. These protests were supposedly against his comment on the growing intolerance in India. Shahrukh Khan; on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday few weeks ago had said that there is a growing intolerance in India and that being non secular is the worst crime for a patriot.
In response to this the Hindutva cabal descended on him and he was labeled as anti-Nationalist, unpatriotic and that he should go to Pakistan. The BJP general secretary Kailash Vijayvargheey said that he lives in India but his soul is in Pakistan.
Shahrukh did come with a sort of apology when he said that ‘really sorry if someone felt bad’, he also said that he is not saying this as his film is going to be released but that he means it.
On the back of this Kailash Vijayvargiya again tweeted that Nationalists have taught a lesson to the morons (nalayaks)
It is not the first time that Shahrukh Khan is being subject to such base abuses and charges of being anti national. In 2010, when he supported the idea of Pakistani cricket players to be allowed to come for IPL matches, Mumbai Hindutva group Shiv Sena protested intensely and the posters of his film, ‘My name is Khan’ were torn.
At another level he has also been the victim of global Islamophobia as he was interrogated and strip searched twice in America. The other stars who have received similar fate are Aamir Khan and Dileep Kumar (Yusuf Khan). In the current times Aamir Khan while talking on the occasion of Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Award function shared his anguish that his wife Kiran Rao feels unsafe particularly for their son. To this Yogi Adityanath, the BJP MP retorted that Aamir Khan is talking like Hafiz Sayeed of Pakistan and that it will be better if he goes to Pakistan.
Aamir Khan in his statement clarified that he had never thought of leaving India that he will continue to live in India and quoted Rabindranath Tagore’s poem, ‘Where head is held high…’ The label of unpatriotic and anti national were freely hurled upon him by different worthies of Sangh Parivar, and interestingly these had full sanction of the top leaders of the party and the Parivar as none of them came forward to reprimand those hurling the abuses.
One of the leaders of VHP in a talk show said that when a person like Shah Rukh Khan makes such a comment; the whole community comes under the scanner. Making it clear that Muslim community is suspect for VHP and its associates.
One also recalls the plight of thespian; Peshawar born, Dileep Kumar when he supported the film by Deepa Mehta, Fire. The Shiv Sena volunteers protested in front of his house wearing underwear’s. (1998). When he was awarded Nishan-e-Imtiyaz, the highest civilian honor of Pakistan, there was a lot of protest that he should not receive it. He went on to accept the honor. The Hindu nationalists in their spree of hurling abuses on him called him anti National, un-patriotic etc. Dileep Kumar was so shaken and disturbed that he approached the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who went on to defend Dileep Kumar’s nationalist credentials. Vajpayee seems to be the only exception to the abuse hurling, keeping silent to approve what others are saying leaders of BJP and company. Incidentally India’s one of ex Prime Minister Morarji Desai was also recipients of this award from Pakistan.
What is most striking in this episode is the differential response to similar statements in the recently witnessed intolerance debate. Just to recall the atmosphere got very heated up by and by due to various factors.
The statements of Hindutva leaders like Sakhi Maharaj, Sadhavi Niranjan Jyoti, Yogi Adiyanath, Manoharlal Khattar, Kailsh Vijayvarhiya and Sangeet Som shook the roots of our society down deep. The silence of Prime Minister indicated that all this is being with full connivance of the BJP-RSS.
The precipitating point came with the murders of Dabholkar, Pansare and Kalburgi and lynching of Akhlaq. The response to all this came in the form of returning awards and issue of statements by former Admiral Ramdas, academics, historians and activists. The ‘uncoordinated spontaneous’ award returning began and went on mostly till the results of Bihar elections came out. These results acted as soothing balm on the tensed nerves of the society and so the process of award returning came to a halt barring one exception of Jayanta Mahapatra, who returned award after the Bihar assembly election results.
What is noteworthy is that during the process of returning awards right from President Pranab Mukherjee to industrialists Narayan Murthy, Kiran Majumdar Shaw and RBI governor Raghuram Rajan all stated that there is a growing atmosphere of intolerance.
Interestingly only Muslim icons were chosen for the intense attacks, doubting their patriotism! Those non Muslims were dubbed as being motivated by political reasons.
None dared take on Presidents’ observations. So what does this indicate? Aamir Khan correctly pointed out that response to his statement does finally prove that there is growing intolerance, if at all there was some doubt about it. The differential response to Muslims statements and similar statements made by non Muslims gives the game away and tells us the type of mindset the RSS affiliates; the followers of Hindu nationalism and their followers have.
One recalls that in the wake of acts of terror like Mecca Masjid, Malegaon, Ajmer and Samjhauta Express; number of Muslim youth was being arrested recklessly. After Hemant Karakare’s investigation showed that it was the Hindutva groups with Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Lt Col Purohit, Major Upadhayay and Swami Aseemanand; who have role in those acts of blast; the arrest of Muslim youth got a respite. In the wake of that I remember having attended a meeting organized by group Anhad (Act Now for Harmony And Democracy) in 2009. The theme of meet was ‘What it means to be a Muslim in India?”. With great disbelief I heard prominent Muslim writers and activists pouring their heart out and confessing that they do feel that Muslims are being given a differential treatment and they have started feeling the pain of being a Muslim.
Most of these friends are known mainly for being activist or for their literary contributions, much beyond their religious identity. This is what currently Naseeruddin Shah said that lately he is being made aware of his Muslim identity. And on similar vein Julio Rebeiro said that ‘as a Christian suddenly I am a stranger in my own country’.
India has been a democracy with good space for secular, plural values. This has been much better than most of the countries in South Asia, where the democratic processes are comparatively weaker. Countries like Saudi Arabia are nowhere close what we have achieved in matters of democratic processes. It is disgusting to hear when India is compared with these countries in some way. We have been pursuing a path ahead towards better human rights, not a regressive path which countries with authorization, semi fundamentalist regimes have been pursuing.
To say that Indian Muslims are better off than the Muslims in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia is degrading our own system which has emerged due to the freedom struggle, our system which is trying to keep Indian Constitution as the reference point.
Needless to say we do need a course correction and those following the politics in the name of religion need to be countered to preserve our democratic-plural values.

Travails of being a Muslim in India | Ram Puniyani

Sir, How about you trawl the internet and find an article about The Travails of being non-muslim columnist or writer in Bangladesh?
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