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Travails of being a Muslim in India

Indians would be better off under British empire. Since its the British that created India. Without the Brits, India would be still a bunch of small kingdoms like Africa. So before pointing fingers at others, look within yourself

What have these jumbled words to do with the topic ?
It is time for Indian Muslims to demand a separate homeland in the North. Roughly 25% of Indian Population is Muslim so they should fight for 25% of Indian land for themselves. The present day Pakistan was made for Natives of the Sindh, Punjab, KPK and Balochistan because they were in Majority in these lands. There should be a separate country for Indian Muslims on Indian land, apart from Pakistan, somewhere in the North.

It would make sense to give States of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to Indian Muslims. This way India can become a PURE HINDUTVA STATE that the Indian Hindu desire so much.

Yas yas please try.

The present day Pakistan is a runt state of the erstwhile United Pakistan. A failed experiment, which believed Muslims are one. The Bengalis rubbed it in your faces.

As for your comment, India also believes, that Sindh should be for Sindhis, Balochistan for the Balochis, KPK should be merged with Afghanistan. And Punjab should be called Pakistan. There is a higher probability of this happening.

Pakistan is the proverbial cat, thinking its reflection is that of a lion. But, in the end, you are a cat. A cat which gets used by all and sundry. Which does not have control over its own territories. A country which supports external military to carry out targeted killings of its own citizens.

Its a laugh you even think you can. Eat grass. That's all you have been doing, are doing and will be doing for the next 50 years with your line of thought.
1. we musn't say india but indian establishment, because i too am in india as are many intellectuals, and neither i/they support nato nor do i/they agree with most dealings of the indian establishment. :)

2. what kind of support is this where indian establishment buys western and israeli[1] military systems whose sale proceeds will fund production of more armaments which in turn will be used against the syrian government and the syria people other than the money that will be used to fund more terrorists of fsa, nusra etc??

3. what is the point of the indian establishment happily shaking hands with obomba, hollande and merkel, when they are so clearly known to be the war criminals and genociders in context of syria??


[1] India to spend $1b on Israeli weapons - Israel Business, Ynetnews
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I request you to please comment on "Travails of being a Muslim in India", not Syrian War, Israel etc.. I'll try my best to reply to your post.

You guys have never seen anything wrong in massacre of Hindu pundit but you are offended if the effigy of one radical is burnt.

aamir is a radical what??

And from where did you get this 35 million figure? is the source same which quote Gazawa e hind?

this[1] is one source among many...
According to several reliable estimates, the total number of street dogs in India is between 25 and 30 million. But the over 10-year-old scheme for dog sterilisation and vaccination has an annual budget of only Rs 3.5 crore.
1. the article is from april 2014 and the dog population will have grown since then.

2. it talks about street dogs and doesn't include the bought ones.

3. it is clear from anyone living and witnessing indian residential areas and public places that 30 million is really a conservative estimate and the number is a lot lot more... i use 35+ million as a conservative number.

here is another source[2]...
No country has as many stray dogs as India, and no country suffers as much from them. Free-roaming dogs number in the tens of millions and bite millions of people annually, including vast numbers of children. An estimated 20,000 people die every year from rabies infections — more than a third of the global rabies toll.

all courtesy maneka gandhi and her insane followers and admirers.

yes definetly india is incredible inspite of farmer suicide and being a country having a huge population of radicals who see all bad in burning of effigy of Amir and enjoy massacre of Hindu Pundits.

200,000 farmers in india suicided in 13 years only because of india's extreme capitalist system and instead of involving yourself in revolutionary work and changing india's system to a progressive and scientific one, you are completely evading the issue and keeping on a nationalist track and playing hindu vs muslim... incredible !!


[1] Rabies stalks India with its 30 million stray dogs : North, News - India Today

[2] http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/07/world/asia/india-stray-dogs-are-a-menace.html?_r=0
This is a Jhihadi logic. How did I spit on Dead farmers? You spitted on Kashmiri pundeets.

this is from a earlier post of mine...
if you mean ethnic cleansing, then it was a tragedy that kashmiri hindus were coerced, some killed and most evicted at the point of gun and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.

but why don't you also partially blame the indian establishment which has been playing nationalistic games instead of talking of a permanent peaceful settlement to the kashmir issue?? the indian establishment is using the plight of the kashmiri pandits as a bargaining point... how many more years must kashmir be the unnecessary problem??

does that sound like me spitting on them or me trying to forward a solution??

How did I spit on Dead farmers?

just in your previous post you called my mention ( a repeated mention ) of 200,000 suicided farmers as "crap".
There is no discrimination neither in Pakistan nor in India against the religious, linguistic,caste or ethnic minorities. This is all propaganda by the Western presstitutes against the peoples of Pakistan and India that love and give equal rights to all people and the women are treated as equals. Women can walk alone in the night without any fear of molestation in the streets of Delhi and Islamabad. The news of rape epidemic are totally false and are just evil Western propaganda. Muslims in India and Hindus in Pakistan don't face any discrimination and live happily together. The news of lynchings, riots, rapes, target killings and persecution are totally false. All bad news have been just propaganda by the Western presstitutes against angelic people of South Asia.
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I once ever heared from a news that says about 1.5 millions Indian muslims converted to the New Buddhism. And the caste made the condition of muslims in India become worse.
I once ever heared from a news that says about 1.5 millions Indian muslims converted to the New Buddhism. And the caste made the condition of muslims in India become worse.

These were low caste Hindu conversions to Buddhism.
There is no discrimination neither in Pakistan nor India against the religious, linguistic or ethnic minorities. This all propaganda to against the peoples of Pakistan and India that love and give equal rights to all people and women are treated equals. Women can walk alone in without any fear in streets if Delhi and Islamabad. The new new of rape epidemic are false Western propaganda. Muslims in India and Hindus in Pakistan don't face any discrimination and live happily together. All bad news have been just propaganda.

absolutely... it is the evil vatican that is spreading these poisonous rumors... pox on them !!

I once ever heared from a news that says about 1.5 millions Indian muslims converted to the New Buddhism. And the caste made the condition of muslims in India become worse.

which region of india was this in??
this is from a earlier post of mine...

does that sound like me spitting on them or me trying to forward a solution??

just in your previous post you called my mention ( a repeated mention ) of 200,000 suicided farmers as "crap".

Yes it was a crap as you used that to give bad name to country. You are a Jihadi idiot any interpretation of yours are also idiotic so as the conclusions you draw.
does the "pakistani terrorist" know that aamir is his friend??

I have seen his photograph with pakistani terrorist who works with Hafeez said. If i get it than i will post it here.
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