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Touching the mark of 3000 Thanks, ending thanks deficit


Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hello friends

I have crossed the mark of 3,000 thanks.

Apart from that now I have more thanks received than thanks given.

Thanks for support of you and thanks.


I love it when the thanks come together(in my BOT-Balance of Thanks).
lol feell happy with what u post, the thanks (gratification) provided here is usually superficial and shallow.

I don't post troll posts(in rare cases yes,to counter India bashers).

The thanks system encourages both genuine members and trolls.

It finally leads to more threads and more discussion(though some members resort off topic rants,troll, certain-nation-specific bashing, which is frustration for genuine members and moderators.)
I bought a new underwear which section do I post a thread?

sorry, if the thread has offended you

recently i feared that quality of my posts has gone down significantly and I post more one liners.

discussion on missile related threads and members like Safriz,Sancho and reading posts of IB, OSCAR etc., helped me a lot in preventing going down the quality further and I recovered.

I still has much to know. My understanding of geopolitics, economics is limited.

Hope that increases in future.
lol feell happy with what u post, the thanks (gratification) provided here is usually superficial and shallow.

I agree and i will thank you for this. :D

Hello friends

I have crossed the mark of 3,000 thanks.

Apart from that now I have more thanks received than thanks given.

Thanks for support of you and thanks.


I love it when the thanks come together(in my BOT-Balance of Thanks).

I think the trick is getting in a group and agreeing whatever they say. Thanks will come flow in. What you think?
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