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Top Turkish Scholar calls for Pan Muslim action against ISIL.

His Arabic is really good. Is he an Turkish-Arab?

Hard to disagree with him.

He is from Nizip. Southeastern Turkey where most of the Arabs in Turkey live. Looks like one as well.


DAAISH has destroyed Hazrat Awais Qarni's memorial in Syria on 15th May.

Shrine of Hazrat Owais Qarni (R.A) destroyed in Syria - thenews.com.pk

Well, they have already destroyed some of our ancient Arab/Semitic heritage in Syria. Heritage that is several MILLENNIUM old. They also talked about destroying Arab World UNESCO Heritage site such as Hatra, Palmyra etc. Should they ever rule the entire Arab world then the about 100 World UNESCO Heritage or so in the Arab world will be gone. Among them the oldest heritage sites on earth! Probably also many of the mosques.
this ISIS/Kharji mentality has only divided the muslims throughout our history. In 19th century they were fighting against the Ottoman empire in the name of eradicating 'biddah' and ultimately ended up breaking the Caliphate on sectarian and nationalistic lines. Now they are fighting the govts once again but this time to restore the Caliphate again in the name of eradicating 'biddah.' But all they will achieve is further division of the muslim on sectarian and nationalistic lines.
His Arabic is really good. Is he an Turkish-Arab?

Hard to disagree with him.


No he is not an Arab brother. scholars in Turkey are trained by Syrian Sunni Scholars and Institutions that go back 800 years, primarily in Aleppo.

They are ALL Hanafi (Turks) and Shafi (kurd) and belong to the Sufi Orders of Qadiri, Naqshbandi, Rifa'i, and Shadhili.

I don't believe the OP Turkish scholar is the top scholar in Turkey. He could be for the government. But in the Turkish rural countryside there are top Sunni Scholars in Turkey, and I will post about them
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this ISIS/Kharji mentality has only divided the muslims throughout our history. In 19th century they were fighting against the Ottoman empire in the name of eradicating 'biddah' and ultimately ended up breaking the Caliphate on sectarian and nationalistic lines. Now they are fighting the govts once again but this time to restore the Caliphate again in the name of eradicating 'biddah.' But all they will achieve is further division of the muslim on sectarian and nationalistic lines.

They started with Abdul Wahab Najdi in Dar'ayyah and Unayzah near Riyadh in the late 1700s. Before that, they existed in Ibn Taymiyyah's time for a while, and before that during the time of Imam 'Ali AS and his successors.

RasoolAllah SAWAS has told us in Hadtih Sharif about them with detail.

I'm wonder why they are reluctant to destroy Masjid al Nabawi in Medina, isn't a sign of sherk too?

Because Masjid al Nabawi is protected by Allah. No one can touch the Gunbad e Khadhraa

Two wahabis tried doing it in 1932, but they dropped dead. Since that day, wahabis have stayed away.
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It is ironic for a Turkish scholar to call for others to unite against the ISIS. Since Turkey has help to create the ISIS through its involvement in the Syrian civil war that has weakened the de jure government in Damascus (al-Assad) that has help to create the power vacuum that allows groups like the ISIS to grow. Rather lethal or non lethal aid to the Syrian rebels has directly or indirectly ended up in the hands of the ISIS is of secondary importance. The main issue as said before was the weakening of the central government in Syria that created the conditions for the ISIS to take root and grow. While this scholar is calling for people to unite to fight the ISIS the government in Turkey is continueing to take actions to weaken al-Assad that enables the ISIS to grow further in Syria.
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I'm wonder why they are reluctant to destroy Masjid al Nabawi in Medina, isn't a sign of sherk too?

if these people continue to exist, it will converge on that. I have read that in recent times one of these people in Saudi has written a book suggesting the destruction of the green dome.

It is ironic for a Turkish scholar to call for others to unite against the ISIS. Since Turkey has help to create the ISIS through its involvement in the Syrian civil war that has weakened the dejure government in Damascus (al-Assad) that has help to create the power vacuum that allows groups like the ISIS to grow. Rather lethal or non lethal aid to the Syrian rebels has directly or indirectly ended up in the hands of the ISIS is of secondary importance. The main issue as said before was the weakening of the central government in Syria that created the conditions for the ISIS to take root and grow. While this scholar is calling for people to unite to fight the ISIS the government in Turkey is continueing to take actions to weaken al-Assad that enables the ISIS to grow further in Syria.

im not sure how much this scholar has a role in what you say. But i cannot agree more on what you have said regarding the role of Turkey and other countries in encouraging sedition in Syria and ultimately creating a breading ground for such groups.
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Wise men have said that its better to read into the subject before commenting as it saves embarrassment. The above scholar is a 'sunni' and the President of the Turkish Ministry of religious affairs. He is the biggest authority in Turkey as far as religion goes.

One should have the ability to look beyond sectarian bigotry in order to look at a situation objectively. If these ISIL bastards had a shred of honor, they'd be fighting the Israelis first.

I see you are taking sides, wouldn't do that if I were you.
I see you are taking sides, wouldn't do that if I were you.

ISIS has its eyes set on 'you' once they are done here. MIC is drawing all regional powers into this war so they can sell weapons to all sides and to their domestic law enforcements who'd be scared by 'Jihadi homecoming'.

ISIS is a mercenery organization. Nuri Al Maliki is a pisstard but ISIS is worse.Beef up your security, these monkies will be all over.
who benefits from isil, seriously? the only thing they do is destroy muslim countries, kill muslims in barbarian ways which are not endornsed in Islam etc. muslims, no matter sunni or shia, should work together asap and get rid of such groups asap.
ISIS has its eyes set on 'you' once they are done here. MIC is drawing all regional powers into this war so they can sell weapons to all sides and to their domestic law enforcements who'd be scared by 'Jihadi homecoming'.

ISIS is a mercenery organization. Nuri Al Maliki is a pisstard but ISIS is worse.Beef up your security, these monkies will be all over.

I am just sitting back and enjoying the show, they absolutely in no way can harm KSA, They would have to cross open desert for miles before even reaching a place where they can take cover or dig in. So they won't attempt a suicide attack on KSA possibly not ever. Let the two have at it, I am not cheering for either side, I just want the fighting to last for a few years until all our religious sub-human scum get killed and our country becomes clean of their filth.
I am just sitting back and enjoying the show, they absolutely in no way can harm KSA, They would have to cross open desert for miles before even reaching a place where they can take cover or dig in. So they won't attempt a suicide attack on KSA possibly not ever. Let the two have at it, I am not cheering for either side, I just want the fighting to last for a few years until all our religious sub-human scum get killed and our country becomes clean of their filth.

Your ISIS threat is internal not external, you have them in your borders already just takes the activation for them to become terrorists.

Also ISIS cannot remove Maliki, all they can do is destroy and kill people from all sides we don't need yours.
Execute your own salafis instead of sending them abroad, better idea.
Your ISIS threat is internal not external, you have them in your borders already just takes the activation for them to become terrorists.

Also ISIS cannot remove Maliki, all they can do is destroy and kill people from all sides we don't need yours.
Execute your own salafis instead of sending them abroad, better idea.

Nah, you can have them, I would like to watch the show. I want to see more pictures of dead bearded retards who because they are going through rigor mortis they seem smiling and the ignorant Durka Durka screamers on the background, I enjoy watching their dead bodies immensely, and you can provide such entertainment for me. And while they are at it they can tear Maliki's government a new one. And maybe take the whole thing down with them, that would make the show even more enjoyable on this side of the border. BRB going to get pop corn. Actually I am more of a Nachos guy in the movies I hate pop corn.
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