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Top 10 Western Rulers in History


May 30, 2013
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yes there wer many greater ruler in indian subcontinent ,u can also post ur top ten rulers list please dont post them based on religion u follow

10. Hitler

Yes, that’s right. The creator of the Nazi party, the man responsible for mass genocide during World War II, was indeed a great ruler. Germany was in bad times when Hitler rose to power, and Hitler was the charamistic leader that the Germans could look up to. This one man blamed all of Germany’s problems on a scapegoat: the Jews living in Germany at the time, and somehow managed to convince the entire country of Germany that it really was the Jews’ fault for all of Germany’s problems. Even if it was a terrible thing to do, it was no mean feat and required the skills and prowess of a great leader.

9. Odysseus

In Greek mythology, Odysseus was the Greek king of Ithaca with achievements so great he was immortalized in Homer’s epic The Odyssey. Odysseus’s renowned intelligence and cunning supplements his strong combative skills. Odysseus managed to trick the Trojans during the Trojan War by building a wooden horse and hiding his soldiers in it. The Trojans took the horse into their city and into their walls, and just like that, the Greeks got past the impenetrable walls of Troy. Odysseus also managed to take back his kingdom of Ithaca after it was overrun with selfish tyrants and single-handedly saved his kingdom.

8. Caesar

Caesar, also known as Augustus, became the first emperor of the Roman Empire and ruled from 27 BC until his assassination in 14 AD. His rule established an era of unfamiliar peace and quiet, known as the Pax Romana, a feat that had never before been accomplished. Caesar managed to acquire total power but he didn’t have to use any false promises and lies like rulers before him.

7. Alexander the Great

Known for his brutal and legendary military tactics, Alexander was probably one of the best if not the best military commanders of all time. He was definitely one of the most successful, however, conquering much of the world at the time and sometimes making entire cities surrender to him without killing a single person.

6. Joseph II

Joseph II was the Holy Roman Emperor from 1765 to 1790. He was the first ruler of Austrian dominions of the House of Lorraine. Joseph is probably history’s most unselfish ruler. If anyone doesn’t apply to the phrase “absolute power corrupts absolutely,” it is him. He truly wanted what was best for his people and even abolished slavery and serfdom Read more:

5. Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan was perhaps the most brutal leader the world has ever seen, but he was one of the most successful. He founded the Mongol Empire, one of the most powerful forces in the world at that time. Genghis Khan’s brilliant military strategies and tactics puts him on this list. He conquered most of the world during his prime and united many nomadic tribes in Asia.

4. Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth I was the Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 until the day she died. She has had many nicknames, the most famous of which being the Virgin Queen, because of the fact that she never depended on a King, but ruled quite well herself. Queen Elizabeth I set the model for a female ruler at that time and is probably one of the most successful female rulers in history. Before her reign, most females weren’t thought to be fit of such power and they were secondary to Kings or other male heirs. Elizabeth managed to prove that her gender could match and even do better than the rule of men.

3. Charlemagne

Charlemagne was the King of the Franks from 768 to his death. He has had a long record of accomplishments that prove his worth to be on this list. He expanded and united the Frankish kingdoms into the single, powerful Frankish Empire. His rule is also associated with the Carolingian Renaissance, the period in which art and other cultural artifacts revived and peaked through the Catholic Church.

2. Napoleon

Napoleon I of France, later known as Emperor Napoleon, was a prominent military and political leader of France and he heavily influenced European politics in the early 19th century. He basically dominated continental Europe through superior military tactics and intelligence. He continued to prosper until the French invasion of Russia in 1812, and his success steadily declined. But his establishment of the Napoleon code laid the administrative and judicial foundations for much of Western Europe.

1. Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and led the country through its greatest internal struggle, the Civil War. He successfully preserved the union; if not for Abraham Lincoln, the United States would probably be divided into two countries right now. He also signed the Emancipation Proclamation, abolishing slavery in America. Abraham Lincoln is widely considered one of the greatest US presidents, if not one of the greatest leaders in history.
How the hell can that mongol be in the list? He murdered millions and forced many to flee from there lands. How come there arent any Persians listed? What a bullshit thread.
How the hell can that mongol be in the list? He murdered millions and forced many to flee from there lands. How come there arent any Persians listed? What a bullshit thread.

Mongols were the biggest bad *** world have ever seen, nothing even come close. Genghis Khan should be first in every list.
And how did you judge these people to be the top 10 rulers in world history? And hitler was a great leader because he managed to get every german to hate jews? Than every mullah in Pakistan is a great leader because he manages to make people hate others.

What a pathetic, absolutely pathetic list. OP has no idea of history at all and is fooled by Euro-centric gibberish.

Alexander was a better "ruler" than Cyprus The Great?

What are the standard on which these rulers are judged on?

Where are rulers like Cyprus The Great, Ashoka, Akbar The Great, Umar Ibn Al Khattab, and did I even mentioned brilliant Chinese rulers?

Funny thing is, this list even has one ruler from "Greek Mythology" while misses out giants like Cyrus The Great or Umar :lol:

Non-Western world needs to come out of Euro-centric bullsh!try that is taught to us as "history"...no wonder we are psychological slaves of West....We need to write/define our own history based on facts..which discusses our failures, our success, and everything in a factual way.
Queen Elizabeth I and II can go and ... themselves personal opinion.

What a pathetic, absolutely pathetic list. OP has no idea of history at all and is fooled by Euro-centric gibberish.

Alexander was a better "ruler" than Cyprus The Great?

What are the standard on which these rulers are judged on?

Where are rulers like Cyprus The Great, Ashoka, Akbar The Great, Umar Ibn Al Khattab, and did I even mentioned brilliant Chinese rulers?

Funny thing is, this list even has one ruler from "Greek Mythology" while misses out giants like Cyrus The Great or Umar :lol:

Non-Western world needs to come out of Euro-centric bullsh!try that is taught to us as "history"...no wonder we are psychological slaves of West....We need to write/define our own history based on facts..which discusses our failures, our success, and everything in a factual way.

What!!??!?!? The world doesn't stop at Turkey?!?!?! I'm been living a lie!!?!!?
Why is everybody attacking the OP ?

It's his personal list. You don't agree with it ? Write your own list. That's what the thread is about.
Why is everybody attacking the OP ?

It's his personal list. You don't agree with it ? Write your own list. That's what the thread is about.

I think he just copy-pasted it from somewhere...can't be his personal list.

OP is a noob.

What a pathetic, absolutely pathetic list. OP has no idea of history at all and is fooled by Euro-centric gibberish.

Alexander was a better "ruler" than Cyprus The Great?

What are the standard on which these rulers are judged on?

Where are rulers like Cyprus The Great, Ashoka, Akbar The Great, Umar Ibn Al Khattab, and did I even mentioned brilliant Chinese rulers?

Funny thing is, this list even has one ruler from "Greek Mythology" while misses out giants like Cyrus The Great or Umar :lol:

Non-Western world needs to come out of Euro-centric bullsh!try that is taught to us as "history"...no wonder we are psychological slaves of West....We need to write/define our own history based on facts..which discusses our failures, our success, and everything in a factual way.

Hahahaha your a ******* idiot its not "Cyprus" its CYRUS the great :omghaha::omghaha::laughcry::lol::rofl:
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