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To be a Muslim in India today

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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To be a Muslim in India today


To be a member of the largest religious minority in India is to live with a mounting disillusionment and a sense of fear that never goes away…

Sense of alienation: Expressing their dissatisfaction...

“In so many ways, I feel reduced to a second class citizen in my own country, only because of my Muslim identity. I fear we are losing every day the India we love.”

These words, with small variations, echoed in many diverse voices from far corners of the country. In a national meet on the status of Muslims in India today, organised by Anhad in Delhi from October 3 to 5, 2009, many individuals and representatives of organisations gathered from several parts of India. They spoke of negotiating life, relationships, work and the State as members of the largest religious minority in India. The predominant mood in these intense deliberations, which continued late into the evenings, was of sadness and disappointment, and of growing despair. Muslim citizens shared their mounting disillusionment with all institutions of governance, and more so with the police and judiciary, as well as with political parties and to some extent the media, and of a sense of fear that never goes away.

There is, on the one hand, the constant dread of being profiled as a terrorist, or of a loved one being so profiled, with the attendant fears of illegal and prolonged detention, denial of bail, torture, unfair and biased investigation and trial, and extra-judicial killings. There is, on the other hand, the lived experience of day-to-day discrimination, in education, employment, housing and public services, which entrap the community in hopeless conditions of poverty and want. This is fostered in situations of pervasive communal prejudice in all institutions of the State, especially the police, civil administration and judiciary; and also the political leadership of almost all parties; large segments of the print and visual media; and the middle classes, and the systematic manufacture of hate and divide by communal organisations.

The pervasive sense of insecurity, reported from various corners of the country, derive greatly from the prejudice, illegality and impunity with which police forces across the country deal with the challenges of terror. This is a regular pattern that recurs after every terror attack, and sometimes even when there have been no actual terror episodes but the State authorities claim that there was a conspiracy which they detected and prevented.

Chilling pattern

Testimonies from many States in the country — including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Rajasthan — delineate this chilling pattern of brazen police illegality. Muslim, mostly male, youth, usually with no criminal records, are illegally picked up by policemen in plain clothes, and taken blind-folded in unmarked vehicles to locations like farm houses which are not police stations. There they are tortured to coerce them to confess to terror crimes. Many men testified to brutal and terrifying forms of torture. A few are killed in extra-judicial killings or ‘encounters’. The rest are ultimately produced after several days of illegal detention before magistrates, who deliberately ignore injuries that suggest torture. They are then officially remanded to extended police custody, and ultimately accused of a range of crimes of terror and treason. Many are charged with multiple crimes of terror, sometimes 20 or even 50, allegedly committed in many States, making it impossible for the youth charged with these grave crimes to defend themselves. Even if the legal justice system worked efficiently, it would take many years, sometimes decades, for these cases to be heard and concluded against each of the individuals. For all these years, the youth would continue to be held in detention. Nothing could possibly compensate for their lost years, and for the suffering of those who love them.

Almost none who bears a Muslim identity is exempt from the fear that they, or members of their families, can be subjected to the same allegations of terror links, and to similar processes of detention, torture, encounter killings or prolonged, multiple and biased trials. No class, no profession, no part of the country, is safe, as long as you are Muslim. Completely different standards are applied in the cases of the Hindutva terror organisations which have come to light. It is almost as if being Muslim and (usually) male makes you an automatic suspect of terrorism, and it is not the burden of the State to prove your guilt but your own responsibility to prove your innocence.

Denied aspirations

But the anguish of Muslim citizens was not restricted to targeting in the name of terror. People underlined also the many unmet aspirations of men and women of the community to participate as equal partners in India’s development. Many spoke of the importance to them of modern and high quality schooling and higher education, for both boys and girls, and sought much higher levels of public investment in their education, in modern mainstream schools and institutions of higher education.

There was careful and thoughtful analysis of the design flaws in the schemes of the central UPA government to address the low social and economic indicators documented by the Sachar Committee. It was pointed out that the per capita levels of investment for the community are still abysmally low. The new scheme for investment in districts with high minority population, at best cover 30 per cent of the total population. These programmes, which represent the UPA government’s major initiative to address the socio-economic backwardness of the community, are for development of districts with higher minority populations rather than programmes focussed actually on the minorities; therefore they prove blunt instruments, as much of the expenditure is on general infrastructure and little to directly benefit deprived people of the community. The scholarship programme for girls and boys from minorities was welcomed, but this scheme also suffers from infirmities of procedure and targets which limit its impact. Financial institutions including nationalised banks are still reluctant to extend credit to Muslims.

There were many testimonies about open prejudice and bias of public institutions towards Muslims. There were also reports of profiling against Muslims by the criminal justice system even beyond terror crimes, reflected in disproportionately high Muslim populations in jails. Many sensitive and senior positions in both central and state government departments, including in the home, education, social welfare and information departments, continue to be held by officials with sympathies with communal ideologies and organisations, and the UPA government has done little to identify and replace them.

Widely prevalent

But it was confirmed that these prejudices are equally evident outside government as well. In particular, sections of the media actively reinforce communal stereotypes, as well as uncritically broadcast the police version in terror-related arrests and encounter killings. Textbooks often show similar bias, and this is particularly dangerous because for millions of poor and especially rural children, the textbook is the only source of the printed word which they can access. People also reported bias in private recruitment.

Muslim men and women from many parts of India confirmed difficulties in getting homes on rent or on sale in non- Muslim localities, or admissions in schools and higher education. People spoke of systematic efforts in many corners of the country to destroy and boycott the livelihoods of Muslims. Sustained decentralised hate campaigns are organised which portray Muslim men as predators against Hindu girls, and people who slaughter the cow which is sacred to the Hindu community, and vigilante groups supported tacitly by the police target Muslims violently for these alleged social violations.

These voices are not simply of victimhood or of injustice to a particular community. They testify to the massive and varied challenges that have been mounted against the basic values of the Indian Constitution, including democracy, secularism, fraternity and the rule of law. What is threatened is not just the future and well-being of a community. What is under grave assault is the idea of India itself.

The Hindu : Magazine / Columns : To be a Muslim in India today
Firstly its wrong to mentined 170 Million people as a minority.

Muslims mostly face problems in employment because of lack of education and large families of muslims are a factor.

Muslims want to live in a ghetto and they want live together with other people of the same faith.

I dont say there are no instances of discrimination - these are far and few
Firstly its wrong to mentined 170 Million people as a minority.

Muslims mostly face problems in employment because of lack of education and large families of muslims are a factor.

Muslims want to live in a ghetto and they want live together with other people of the same faith.

I dont say there are no instances of discrimination - these are far and few

Would you like to explain what does a ghetto means ? And how does it is formed ?

No person on earth would like to live in a ghetto.

The ghettos are formed due to criminal neglegence of a government towards development of an area.

read the article once again, the author has highlighted many fields where Muslims in India face discrimination
I appreciate the article. Indeed unless you are a Muslim in India - which I am not - it is impossible to truly verify the extent of discrimination. I think it exists, but that's an opinion based on the experiences and analyses of people I respect.

Yes indeed we have many many examples of Muslims making it big in India, and I am proud of it. But that even a single Indian Muslim feels suppressed because of his or her religion is a matter of shame for us.

But we need to articulate a medium to long term solution to this issue, possibly through intervention. Law and education will help, but most important is a realization that this is a problem.
Would you like to explain what does a ghetto means ? And how does it is formed ?

No person on earth would like to live in a ghetto.

The ghettos are formed due to criminal neglegence of a government towards development of an area.

read the article once again, the author has highlighted many fields where Muslims in India face discrimination

Well I have lot of friends who are muslim's and I don't think they ever feel that are being mistreated or neglected by the government. I am from a army background and most of my muslim friends are also the same.

Infact nowadays lot of attention is being given to the minorities by political parties (vote bank) . Although the reason behind is wrong it is still improving the conditions of the minorities.

I wont say that muslims are not discriminated against because that does happen some times in older generations but if you will notice in the current generation religion is no longer a criteria that we hold people to.

I can say this with full confidence that in things are definately improving and they will keep improving. Our generation and our future generation doesn't see the world with glasses tinted with religion and I hope a dream of India where not even a single person of minority will be discriminated against would be true soon.
Things are not going well for Pakistan, but there is no need to use Indian Muslims to bolster Pakistan's nationhood. Here is a different viewpoint by an Indian Muslim from Allahabad.

A medieval state

Zafar Agha
Friday, October 16, 2009 22:35 IST

Thank God, I am not a citizen of the Islamic state of Pakistan. Imagine if my parents had been enamoured of Jaswant Singh's newfound hero Mohammad Ali Jinnah and migrated to the Islamic State of Pakistan.


I am extremely indebted to my parents for sticking to their roots in Allahabad and happily accepting the citizenship of 'Hindu India' instead of saltanat-e-khudadad-e-Pakistan (godly kingdom of Pakistan).

A medieval state - dnaindia.com
These kinds of debates keep recurring. Here is an analysis from Feb 2009 by Mohib Ahmed (www.outlookindia.com | India, Secularism, Whatever)

India is not a secular country. India does not treat all its religions equally. For example:

* India allows Muslims, Christians, Jews and Parsis to manage their civil affairs according to their respective religious laws. But it places restrictions upon how Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains can manage theirs. Indian Parliament even overturned a Supreme Court ruling to appease Muslims.

* The Indian government annually subsidizes -- to the tune of Rs 413 Crore -- the annual Haj journey for Muslims to go to Saudi Arabia.

* Andhra Pradesh government sponsors a Rs 2 Crore religious junket for Christians to Bethlehem.

* Aligarh Muslim University is allocated an annual budget -- Rs 245 Crore -- that is one of the highest for any university in India. However it still allows the central university to retain its distinct Muslim character. All dining halls serve halal meat and no space is available for Hindu religious congregation. Same goes for Jamia Millia Islamia.

* Indian Muslims can have multiple wives but people belonging to other religions can’t unless they convert to Islam. Indian Muslims can utter talaq three times and get over with it whereas others need to go through tedious court proceedings.

One could go on and on in similar vein.

All the statements listed above are true. Therefore, I conclude that India is not a secular country -- rather it is, in fact, a defender of monotheistic religions, particularly Islam.


It is easier now to understand the fallacy of Dr. Omar Khalidi’s argument, such as it is, in his essay Why India Is Not A Secular State.

He selectively picks and chooses dots to create an ugly picture and then presents it as reality.
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best thing is for Indian Muslims to come here and post their views.

That should give us a good indication.
Ofcourse things are not all perfect in India for muslims, but then that applies to all Indians as well. There are a large number of muslims who are doing well have large businesses, positions in government, research and defence and all the hallmarks of being sucessfull and contributing to India's development.

Indian society is a work in progress and we are moving towards that goal of a true democratic and equal society. Sure after 9/11 and the spate of terror attacks I won't deny that there has definitely been an increase in bias by some sections of the police and lawyers. Some of the stories are downright horrific and definitely violatiosn of human rights. And we have seen this unfortunately across the world.

But still overall the police and ATS squads and lawyers have fought for human rights to the benifit of not just muslims but all Indians. As the current Home minister pushes for better police reforms the situation can only improve.

Another problem is that politcal parties have until recently used the plank of appeasement. Infact it was really pseudo-appeasement as many of these policies never benefited muslims directly. For example the Haj subsidy mentioned is not a Haj subsidy but an Air India subsidy for which Air India benefits. Islamically it is not allowed and may muslims have spoken against it but it is still continued for same mistaken vote bank politics. Similarly the right-wing organisations have a stake in hate mongering and promote pseudo-nationlism sometimes with a healthy does of conspiracy theories but these are also quite few and the judiciary is prominent in tackling these. But the situation is definitely improving.

As we move forward, and as the recent elections keep showing us time and again, the Indian society is maturing. All Indians including muslims have stake in the development and good governance of their country and that is what people will vote for. Huge priority has been given to education and jobs by a lot of muslims and have started looking and helping inwards to improve the situation.

If there is any injustice wether be it to muslims hindus or sikhs, the Indian civil society has shown that it will time and time again fight against it.

So bottom line yes there are problems, we(i.e. all Indians) are rectifying it, but to say "mounting disillusionment and a sense of fear that never goes away" is quite exaggerated.

Also check out this thread

Mods, this should probably be merged
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Sure after 9/11 and the spate of terror attacks I won't deny that there has definitely been an increase in bias by some sections

Not to forget the increase in Mullah culture post 9/11.

Asking men to grow beards, wear traditional muslim dresses while going to colleges, asking girls to wear burqa etc.

Fighting in colleges, offices over the beards and burqas, fighting for Namaz breaks in Colleges and offices etc.


best thing is for Indian Muslims to come here and post their views.

That should give us a good indication.

The basic and very fundamental problem with most of the muslims in India is lack of true educated leadership.

Most of the muslims of India are misguided by self proclaimed messiah's of muslims or mullah's.

Uneducated and poor people are asked to have as many children they can have

1) To increase population to fight the evil hindu's.
2) It is against Islam to do a family planning.

While I understand the sentiments of point # 2, and considering that I am personally against of Abortion people can always have limited number of children.

In short have children as per your living conidtions so that you can provide them proper food, education and good lifestyle.

I once met an auto driver who was produly telling me that he has 7 children. The question is how he is going to educate those children in good schools. Does he manages to provide them proper clothing and proper food?

The answer is no. His children probably end up at some Madrassa or some wahabi sponsered Islamic school.

Since no one is capable to look after their studies most of their time is spent in roaming around (awaragardi) and get into wrong company in order to earn some money.

This is a primary reason for unemployment. Once you are unemployed and apparently ignorant enough due to lack of education then obviously you are misguided by a mullah or a self proclaimed leader of muslims.

Second issue is lack of education among women or lack of freedom for women (even they are educated).

Most of the muslim women are dominated by males, first father and later husband. Many of them have no say in their children's education (especially daughters) and marriege of Children (again especailly daughters).

Many muslim girls end up marrying wrong person or being 2nd or 3rd wife of an old man.

An educated woman of the house can educate the whole house but then again the women are mostly dominated by men and have a little say in household matters.

What the muslim community in India needs is independant thinking and exposure to education and apparently to the world.

Muslims really should stop following and taking orders from Mullah's and the self proclaimed muslims leaders. Going to madrassa to understand and study religion is OK with me but at the same time muslims should also go to proper schools and get compitative education which will help them in today's competative world.

An example of this is my community (Bohri's). Although we are unanimously hated by our own muslim brothers, we have a 100% education rate amongst us (including women).

Most of us are businessmen (business families to be very precise) and the rest of us are employed. Most of our Children go to CBSE,ICSE or convent schools which provide competative education. Most of us have children according to their financial capacity.

If we (Bohri's) can achieve this then why can't the others?

Muslim men and women from many parts of India confirmed difficulties in getting homes on rent or on sale in non- Muslim localities,


Lets begin,

Memon Colony - Jogeshwari West, Mumbai.

How many Hindu's live there? Zero, Zilch, Null.

This colony is only meant for Memon community of Muslims (hence Memon Colony). You are a muslim but not Memon then you can's buy or rent the flat in this colony.

Millat Nagar - Andheri West, Mumbai.

Unless you are a long beared wahabi or Deobandi you are not welcomed here even if you are a muslim. Forget the hindu's.

Behram Baug - Jogeshwari West, Mumbai

Sutanabad, Ali Abad, Aurangabad and the list goes on........... number of colonies only for muslims. Hindu's or other religions not welcomed.

Fidai Baug - Andheri West, Mumbai.

Unless you are a Bohri or Ismaili you are not welcomed even if you are a muslim. Forget the Hindu's or any other religion.

I can put entire list of such colonies in Mumbai which are meant for muslims (or even for some muslim communities).

So much ranting on discrimination.

To be a Muslim in India today

Being a President of India.

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, Dr.Zakir Hussein.

Being a Vice President of India.

Zakir Hussain, Mohammad Hamid Ansari (Current), Muhammad Hidayatullah

Being a Chief Justice of India.

Muhammad Hidayat Ullah, Mirza Hameedullah Beg, A. M. Ahmadi

Being a Chief Minister of an Indian State.

Barrister A.R.Antuley. Abdullah's and Mufti's in J&K.

Being a Bollywood and other regional films superstar.

Salman Khan, Amir Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Arshad Warsi, Shahrukh Khan, Feroze Khan, Naseeruddin Shah.

Mamotty (Real name Mohammed Kutty)

Madhbala, Meena Kumari, Nargis in females.

Sadha in south.

Being a successful businessman.

Azim Premji - Wipro
Shahnaz Husain - Beauty Products
Sahil Khan - (CMD S.K.Group)
Fakhruddin T. Khorakiwala - Akabarallys and Wockhardt
Yusuf Hamied - Cipla
Zoher H Khorakiwala - Monginis

Being a Captain of Indian Cricket Team

Nawab of Pataudi, Sr.
Nawab of Pataudi, Jr.
Mohammed Azharuddin
Ghulam Ahmed

Being an ACM of IAF

ACM Idris Hasan Latif

Being a gallant soldier of Indian Armed Forces

Param Vir Chakra

Company Havildar Major Abdul Hamid, (4 Grenadiers)

Maha Vir Chakra

Mohammed Ismail: 1947-48 Operation
Lt.Col Salim Caleb: 1965 Indo Pak War
Mohammed Usman: Indo-Pakistan War

Shaurya Chakra

Rifleman Raiece Ahmad Ganaie, Jammy & Kashmir Light Infantry/50 Rashtriya Rifles
Havildar Mohammad Maroof: 23 Rajput Regiment,
Havildar Abrahim: Jammu And Kashmir Light Infantry/47 Rashtriya Rifles
Rifleman Riyaz Ahmad Bhat: Assam Regiment/35 Rashtriya Rifles

Being Proud muslim Indians on defence.pk

Garibnawaz, Ejaz, Angrez K Jailer and the members I don't know.

and the list goes onn.......... and onn........... and onn.........

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Not to forget the increase in Mullah culture post 9/11.

Asking men to grow beards, wear traditional muslim dresses while going to colleges, asking girls to wear burqa etc.

Fighting in colleges, offices over the beards and burqas, fighting for Namaz breaks in Colleges and offices etc.

The basic and very fundamental problem with most of the muslims in India is lack of true educated leadership.

Most of the muslims of India are misguided by self proclaimed messiah's of muslims or mullah's.

Uneducated and poor people are asked to have as many children they can have

1) To increase population to fight the evil hindu's.
2) It is against Islam to do a family planning.

While I understand the sentiments of point # 2, and considering that I am personally against of Abortion people can always have limited number of children.

In short have children as per your living conidtions so that you can provide them proper food, education and good lifestyle.

I once met an auto driver who was produly telling me that he has 7 children. The question is how he is going to educate those children in good schools. Does he manages to provide them proper clothing and proper food?

The answer is no. His children probably end up at some Madrassa or some wahabi sponsered Islamic school.

Since no one is capable to look after their studies most of their time is spent in roaming around (awaragardi) and get into wrong company in order to earn some money.

This is a primary reason for unemployment. Once you are unemployed and apparently ignorant enough due to lack of education then obviously you are misguided by a mullah or a self proclaimed leader of muslims.

Second issue is lack of education among women or lack of freedom for women (even they are educated).

Most of the muslim women are dominated by males, first father and later husband. Many of them have no say in their children's education (especially daughters) and marriege of Children (again especailly daughters).

Many muslim girls end up marrying wrong person or being 2nd or 3rd wife of an old man.

An educated woman of the house can educate the whole house but then again the women are mostly dominated by men and have a little say in household matters.

What the muslim community in India needs is independant thinking and exposure to education and apparently to the world.

Muslims really should stop following and taking orders from Mullah's and the self proclaimed muslims leaders. Going to madrassa to understand and study religion is OK with me but at the same time muslims should also go to proper schools and get compitative education which will help them in today's competative world.

An example of this is my community (Bohri's). Although we are unanimously hated by our own muslim brothers, we have a 100% education rate amongst us (including women).

Most of us are businessmen (business families to be very precise) and the rest of us are employed. Most of our Children go to CBSE,ICSE or convent schools which provide competative education. Most of us have children according to their financial capacity.

If we (Bohri's) can achieve this then why can't the others?


You seriously sounds like you got your information from propaganda sources. Your stereotypes are typical of the right wing propaganda. I suggest you you go through the Sachar committee report where it would demolish most that you have mentioned.

Only 4% of muslim children attend madrassas and most of them provide free education to non-muslims as well and that includes reading writing and artihmetic. Not Jihad propaganda or "wahabbi" sponsored school. Attend your local madrassa to find out or read the Sachar report. By the way, an autorichkshaw driver is poor so you don't really expect him to formulate intelligent responses now do you? Besides its only your word about it we don't have any credible sources backing your assertion

There are more hindus percentage wise (mainly tribals) who have more than one wives that muslims. Infact the last time census was done on polygamous marriages in India in 1961 the incidence of polygamy is highest among the Adivasis (15.25) followed by Buddhists (7.9), Jains (6.72), Hindus (5.80) and behold, followed by Muslims (5.70). The numbers would have only gone down since then as literacy levels continue to increase.
Facts vs. Popular Myths about Muslim Community in India - By P R Ram

And no muslims don't have a conspiracy to outgrow the Hindu population by marrying multiple wives or having lots of babies, thats a propganda fed by the right wing organisations to scare gullible people. And you seem utterly uninformed about Islamic rulings (maybe you need to go to a madrassa ehh?). The right wing organisations continue to decieve gullible people who don't want to get their facts that somehow family planning is not allowed in Islam but that is far from the case and major majority of the scholars support it.
Deoband: No ban on using contraceptives - Sulekha.com News

There are valid reasons including lack of focus on education and employment by the muslim community as well as genuine griveances against government policies. However, most of your stereotypical statements are myths. Lets focus on the correct reasons backed by credible sources and reports done by the GoI.

Indian muslims are definitely partly responsible for the situation today and they have to be proactive in uplifting themselves and not just themselves but all under privilidged Indians regardless of their religious affiliation.
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and the biggest irony of all time is Muslims have highest per capita income in Gujrat.

Modi is rulling this state for last 8 years.


Lets begin,

Memon Colony - Jogeshwari West, Mumbai.

How many Hindu's live there? Zero, Zilch, Null.

This colony is only meant for Memon community of Muslims (hence Memon Colony). You are a muslim but not Memon then you can's buy or rent the flat in this colony.

Millat Nagar - Andheri West, Mumbai.

Unless you are a long beared wahabi or Deobandi you are not welcomed here even if you are a muslim. Forget the hindu's.

Behram Baug - Jogeshwari West, Mumbai

Sutanabad, Ali Abad, Aurangabad and the list goes on........... number of colonies only for muslims. Hindu's or other religions not welcomed.

Fidai Baug - Andheri West, Mumbai.

Unless you are a Bohri or Ismaili you are not welcomed even if you are a muslim. Forget the Hindu's or any other religion.

I can put entire list of such colonies in Mumbai which are meant for muslims (or even for some muslim communities).

So much ranting on discrimination.

Being a President of India.

Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, Dr.Zakir Hussein.

Being a Vice President of India.

Zakir Hussain, Mohammad Hamid Ansari (Current), Muhammad Hidayatullah

Being a Chief Justice of India.

Muhammad Hidayat Ullah, Mirza Hameedullah Beg, A. M. Ahmadi

Being a Chief Minister of an Indian State.

Barrister A.R.Antuley.

Being a Bollywood and other regional films superstar.

Salman Khan, Amir Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Arshad Warsi, Shahrukh Khan, Feroze Khan, Naseeruddin Shah.

Mamotty (Real name Mohammed Kutty)

Madhbala, Meena Kumari, Nargis in females.

Sadha in south.

Being a successful businessman.

Azim Premji - Wipro
Shahnaz Husain - Beauty Products
Sahil Khan - (CMD S.K.Group)
Fakhruddin T. Khorakiwala - Akabarallys and Wockhardt
Yusuf Hamied - Cipla
Zoher H Khorakiwala - Monginis

Being a Captain of Indian Cricket Team

Nawab of Pataudi, Sr.
Nawab of Pataudi, Jr.
Mohammed Azharuddin
Ghulam Ahmed

Being an ACM of IAF

ACM Idris Hasan Latif

Being a gallant soldier of Indian Armed Forces

Param Vir Chakra

Company Havildar Major Abdul Hamid, (4 Grenadiers)

Maha Vir Chakra

Mohammed Ismail: 1947-48 Operation
Lt.Col Salim Caleb: 1965 Indo Pak War
Mohammed Usman: Indo-Pakistan War

Shaurya Chakra

Rifleman Raiece Ahmad Ganaie, Jammy & Kashmir Light Infantry/50 Rashtriya Rifles
Havildar Mohammad Maroof: 23 Rajput Regiment,
Havildar Abrahim: Jammu And Kashmir Light Infantry/47 Rashtriya Rifles
Rifleman Riyaz Ahmad Bhat: Assam Regiment/35 Rashtriya Rifles

Being Proud muslim Indians on defence.pk

Garibnawaz, Ejaz, Angrez K Jailer and the members I don't know.

and the list goes onn.......... and onn........... and onn.........


Tussi cha gaye guru
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