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Tirah Valley Martyr Qaiser Naveed Bhatti buried in Rabwah


Apr 11, 2006
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United States

An Ahmadi SOLDIER who died fighting the Taliban in the Tirah Valley was buried in Rabwah with full military honors.

Qaiser Naveed Bhatti, 24 of Chak 23 District Nankana died in a firefight with the the Taliban in Tirah Valley. His body was taken to his hometown by Captain Deedar Baig from where it was brought to Rabwah where he was buried with full military honors. Naveed Bhatti had got married three months ago.

Pakistani Army has been battling Taliban militants in the mountains of the adjoining Khyber tribal district in recent months.

The fiercest fighting is taking place in the Tirah Valley of Khyber, along the Afghan border, where the military is arrayed against Mangal Bagh, a local warlord affiliated with the Pakistani Taliban.

Several police officers blamed the ambivalent attitude of the newly elected provincial government, led by Imran Khan, a former cricket star, for declining morale.

Mr. Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf party favors talks with the Taliban over fighting, and his officials frequently frame militant violence as a reaction to American drone strikes in the tribal belt.

“What we need is a pat on the back, not daily derision,” one senior official said. “If Khan says this is not our war, then what does he think we are doing here sacrificing our lives?”



SOURCE: Rabwah Times
It is unfortunate that the Ahmadis in Pakistan have often come under persecution and discrimination by the Muslim majority. They have come under assault not only from extremist religious groups but also from the government.

But here is a classic case of one who is fighting for his country, putting the defense of his nation first before religion, caste and creed! :tup:

These are the real heroes and not the usual mullah brigade that preaches intolerance and hate at every opportunity, putting religion above everything else.

May this brave soldier's soul rest in peace!
Now Qadianis have also become martyrs and shaheed for Army and ISI worshippers. I am afraid the day is not far when Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and Parsis would also be declared as great shaheeds and mujahideen of Pak Fauj while fighting against TTP.
Now Qadianis have also become martyrs and shaheed for Army and ISI worshippers. I am afraid the day is not far when Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and Parsis would also be declared as great shaheeds and mujahideen of Pak Fauj while fighting against TTP.

Even a jew fighting for this country commands respect........and is infinite times better than some worthless muslim... specially the one who kills his own people ... in the name of Allah Almighty!
Now Qadianis have also become martyrs and shaheed for Army and ISI worshippers. I am afraid the day is not far when Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and Parsis would also be declared as great shaheeds and mujahideen of Pak Fauj while fighting against TTP.

You spit on everything that Islam stands for & still have the nerve to propagate who is & who isn't a martyr ? Unbelievable !

Hey @Aeronaut @Oscar - Will you please look into this ?
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