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Time to take a firm stand on the Durand Line

Hahahha... It means Sikhs should claim whole of Afghanistan.. Hindus also whole of Afghanistan..

Very nice post you got there, sums the idiocity of Afghans very well

But we chose not to claim and that is an issue between India and Afghanistan. it does not concern you. Thanks. Now take care of Durand.
First of all I find your assertion that Indians are as much bothered or need to be bothered about the Durand Line as much as the Afghan is ridiculous.

Secondly, the basis is the same as China getting "back" Hong Kong from British. As far as I know the present day KPK was given on a lease to by AA Rahman to the brits for a century and the Afghans are wanting it back once the lease period is over. This apart from the fact the "referendum" itself was boycotted by the majority of the Pastuns and even then the vote to join Pakistan was slight 50.2%.

But Indians dont do that right ? Because Chandragupta or Ashoka did not lease out Afghanistan for 100 years to some ruler like Amir Abdul Rahman did. So apples and oranges.

I agree that Afghanistan is in absolutely no f'ing position to militarily, financially or diplomatically challenge and wrest away KPK from Pakistan but that does not take away the legality of their demand just like Pakistan believes it does not take away the legality of its demand for Kashmir even though its in no f'ing position militarily, financially or diplomatically to wrest Kashmir from India.

And no offence, regarding the question "what stops others from digging out their own old maps"..what map do you have to pull out ? Afghans have that of Ahmad Shah Abdali...Pakistan ?

Fauji, why do you think Indians will jump through the roof if and when Pak sets up posts in Jalalabad ? As I said Durand is a Pak-Afghan issue. Dont bring in India inside it. When the claim further develops and it comes from Attock to Wagah, then we will deal with it.

Won't answer whole of your post. Don't think it is worth it.

Just one question for you. Here is the Durand agreement between H. M. Durand and Amir Abdur Rahman Khan. Show me the 100 years lease clause.

Durand Line Agreement, 1893 :: Khyber.ORG

We Pakistanis would love to see how much legality an Indian can bring into this bogus claim for his Afghan friends.
In US invasion, non-pashtuns were allies of Americans against talibans. But you should know that tajiks and others hate Pakistan more than Pashtuns and if Pakistan try to invade the entire Afghanistan then except talibans (who are Paksitan's proxies) all Afghans would unite against Pakistan. But if Pakistan attack only Pashtun areas of Afghanistan and join hands with tajiks and others, then Pashtuns of Pakistan might rise in rebellion against their own forces and country.

let get this right ... using your own words , the non-Pashtuns were allies of the US against Taliban .. and who exactly are the Taliban ? 90% of the Taliban would be Pashtun so basically the non-Pashtuns ganged up with the United States to drive out the Taliban (ethnic Pashtuns ) out of power.

Now coming to Pakistan attacking Afghanistan

If Pakistan attacks Afghanistan it will be in self defence as it has happened in the past and there will be no uprising in Pashtun areas of Pakistan.

Pakistan Air force bombed Afghan forces on the other side of the Durand line, shot down afghan Airforce planes and conducted ground operations in afghan territory in retaliation when daud khan ( an afghani pashtun who spoke in farsi ) tired to militarily take over the pashtun areas of Pakistan , no mass uprising happened then and no mass uprising will happen the next time Pakistan decides to beat the crap out of afghnai forces that try to cross over into OUR ( Pakistani ) territory

As for Pakistan's relations with other ethnic groups of Afghanistan , have a read of the following

New Pakistan outreach could aid Afghan peace deal | DAWN.COM
Durand line is there to stay. Leting the common people mingle and going about their business across the border but this time Pakistan will keep its eyes open.

If afgs dont take **** , we dont take **** either and they now know it very well . Its a matter of understanding.
Soon another super power will accept defeat and get out while their soldiers thanking God dearly.
U.S.-Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations

•U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Pakistan Richard Hoagland stated on Thursday that “the [Durand Line] is recognized as an international border [between Pakistan and Afghanistan]. Now if the government in Kabul has other interpretation, that’s certainly their business...Look, this is not the Line of Control. This has been recognized as an international border for a long time.” Afghanistan has maintained that the Durand Line was imposed on it in 1893 by the British colonial regime in Pakistan, and that Afghanistan’s Emir Abdur Rehman Khan could not read or understand the agreement when it was signed.[vi]

[vi] Ismail Khan, “Durand Line is international border, says US diplomat,” Dawn, November 1, 2012. Available at: Durand Line is international border, says US diplomat | DAWN.COM

mine, fence and monitor all the known 44 entry/exit points along the border.
start a visa regime if any afghan wants to visit PK and vice-versa.
replace all the corrupt immigration/FC personnel on the border with a new "AFPAK" Border Security Force.
Afghanistan’s Emir Abdur Rehman Khan could not read or understand the agreement when it was signed.[vi]

Yeah , nice joke ! Next one , puppet Govt ...
Yeah , nice joke ! Next one , puppet Govt ...

Ignorant Indians like KS are trying to show that the Durand Line Agreement has a time limit?

LOL, is he that embarrassingly ignorant? There was no time limit when the Iron Amir signed the Durand agreement.

The OIC and the UN sees no problem when Pakistan's KPK. Other Muslim countries see no problem in Pakistan's claims, and sees Pakistan's claim as legitimate. .The SuperPowers (e.g. USA, China) see no problem in Pakistan's claims.

So those Indians trying to spread lies, you will only be caught and exposed to be embarrassed as you are proven wrong again and again.

This "Durand line time limit thing" has been debunked too many times.

Its a fact that there is no problem in Pakistan's claims and it is a fact that there is no time limit in the Durand agreement.
Durand line is there to stay. Leting the common people mingle and going about their business across the border but this time Pakistan will keep its eyes open.

If afgs dont take **** , we dont take **** either and they now know it very well . Its a matter of understanding.
Soon another super power will accept defeat and get out while their soldiers thanking God dearly.

Don't worry, Pakistan's claims are legitimate. The only thing is that ignorant Indians is bark like dogs.

When they are proven wrong then they stop barking. Thats how it usually works.
mine, fence and monitor all the known 44 entry/exit points along the border.
start a visa regime if any afghan wants to visit PK and vice-versa.
replace all the corrupt immigration/FC personnel on the border with a new "AFPAK" Border Security Force.

And stop all that lucrative smuggling? Heck no!
Ask your ancestors what was their role in British raj? you guys will be 'whatever' as usual and it doesn't matter!

And thanksto people like yourself, Pakistan is also suffering kindly look around!
Our sufferings are not due to so called durrand line but are solely because of our own policies.
Afghans are our brothers, we love them just as much as we do Kashmiris. We fought side by side with you when Soviets invaded.

However lets make this very clear, the durrand line is a border, you cross that border you are entering Pakistani territory. Stop listening to Indians, your country is large enough, lets work together and improve our countries.

If you do not wish this then God help you, because our guns are big, we are many and organised, you thought NATO were harsh, you havn't seen our troops fight, we will crush your soul if you feel peaceful coexistence is not an option.
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