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Time for Imran Khan to learn ABC of statesmanship

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Sep 21, 2011
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Pakistan’s immature and angry politician, Imran Khan has been screaming at the top of his voice demanding to pull out army from terrorists-infested Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA). As the decision about FATA rests with the federal government where he is not a decision maker, he has proceeded to implement the demand in his own province. The government of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province ruled by his party has approved phased withdrawal of army from Swat area. Unmoved by his generosity, the terrorists returned the favor by launching attack on a convoy of Pakistan Army killing a major general and a lieutenant in a roadside Improvised Explosive Device (IED). The officers, identified as Major General Sanaullah and Lieutenant Colonel Tauseef, were undertaking a routine patrol and were returning from Pakistan Afghanistan border after meeting the troops deployed on border posts.

The worst fears that Swat Valley was being handed over to Pakistani Taliban through this decision on Saturday were confirmed the very next day. The area is adjacent to Swat district and is a part of the valley where army launched a military operation in 2009 to flush out TTP terrorists under Mulla Fazlullah, also known as Mullah Radio for his fiery speeches through an illegal FM channel. After successful operation, the peace was restored in the area and the terrorists fled to Nuristan province of neighboring Afghanistan. Swat TTP has no means to return to this area except through sympathetic politicians. Emboldened by the cowardice of the politicians, they attacked a military convoy thinking the area will be theirs in next couple of weeks.

Even the FATA terrorists have taken a cue from Imran Khan’s word of support. Their preconditions to come to negotiation table include pulling out of army from tribal areas. The stance of Pakistan’s politicians to appease the terrorists through the offer of dialogue has emboldened them. Though the government did not attach any precondition to dialogue offer like cessation of attacks or laying down the arms, the Pakistani Taliban demanded Sunday that the government release militant prisoners and begin withdrawing troops from the group's tribal sanctuary before they participate in peace talks, raising doubts about prospects for negotiations. The demand that Pakistan Army be pulled out from FATA, a restive tribal region, was first made by Imran Khan who is also known as Taliban Khan for his sympathies with the terrorists. Pulling out the army would effectively mean that the government has recognized terrorists’ writ in the area they hold as their safe haven. The resolution offering olive branch to terrorists has already been dubbed as an instrument of surrender by analysts.

The puzzling question is; why Imran Khan is making such demands which only favor the enemies of the State? This has not even been demanded by the principal stakeholders of tribal areas; the tribes themselves. They want the state to deliver them from the clutches of TTP and their atrocities. Let’s assume that he has no sympathies for the terrorists and he has his heart for the State of Pakistan. But then the question arises as to why he makes such demands. Is he a spoiler? Or does he need a lesson or two in the fundamentals of statesmanship?

Time for Imran Khan to learn ABC of statesmanship | Pakistan Express
Imran Khan is a statesman, thats why he talks of peace....

@Pksecurity the stupid army who got their major general and lt col killed by a kukar bomb(IED) should be ashamed of their performance in FATA for the last ten years... getting killed by kukar bomb (IED) earns you no respect but shows how vulnerable you are to jungli jahil taliban... kis baaat ki pay lete ho jab tum say yeh thoray say jungli taliban control nahi hotay?
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Imran Khan is a statesman, thats why he talks of peace....

@Pksecurity the stupid army who got their major general and lt col killed by a kukar bomb(IED) should be ashamed of their performance in FATA for the last ten years... getting killed by kukar bomb (IED) earns you no respect but shows how vulnerable you are to jungli jahil taliban... kis baaat ki pay lete ho jab tum say yeh thoray say jungli taliban control nahi hotay?

I just care about staying on this forum, otherwise, I'd have showed you the mirror. This kukar bomb of your 'Naraz bhai', is the most powerful weapon of terrorists, not even US Army could tackle it. The problem here is that your LEADER, the ****** Playboy is so eager to wash away all the crimes of his brothers in arms, the Taliban, that he cares about no life being lost at the hands of those terrorists, which in your dictionary, are not even terrorists.

Statesman? May a*s! He's taking Pakistan to a new low!
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I just care about staying on this forum, otherwise, I'd have showed you the mirror. This kukar bomb of your 'Naraz bhai', is the most powerful weapon of terrorists, not even US Army could tackle it. The problem here is that your LEADER, the ****** Playboy is so eager to wash away all the crimes of his brothers in arms, the Taliban, that he cares about no life being lost at the hands of those terrorists, which in your dictionary, are not even terrorists.

Statesman? May a*s! He's taking Pakistan to a new low!

how many maj general rank level officers did America lost in Afghanistan for a kukar bomb?

havenot the americans done the job well as of now by finishing the taliban, but after 9 years of war, losing 45,000 civilians and soliders, 100,000 injured and psychologically unstable 000s and more than 100 billion dollar economic losses to the nation, we are still dying of kukar bombs... imagine where we stand, what have we achieved? why no results?
I just care about staying on this forum, otherwise, I'd have showed you the mirror. This kukar bomb of your 'Naraz bhai', is the most powerful weapon of terrorists, not even US Army could tackle it. The problem here is that your LEADER, the ****** Playboy is so eager to wash away all the crimes of his brothers in arms, the Taliban, that he cares about no life being lost at the hands of those terrorists, which in your dictionary, are not even terrorists.

Statesman? May a*s! He's taking Pakistan to a new low!

Let me show YOU the mirror first. Your beloved phaugeees پهاوجي can lick IK's a$$... That's their worth before a person like IK.

How many attacks on military installations & convoys have we seen... innumerable.

Khasee كهسى generals who are unable to learn lessons from previous attack pattern must wear bangles چوڑياں & dance on street with eunuchs كهوسرے. That's only what they are good for.

Exact same pattern of attack over & over again & ur beloved fail to do pre-emptive measures learning from previous attack... they, the supposedly well-trained military men targeted with EXACT same pattern over & over again. Khassee is the word for such...

Of course I am generalising... I don't mean ALL military is like that. There are dumb nincompoops who are an embarrassment, the rotten fish. & literal playboys who used to exchange wives until not too long ago...

شرابى . حرامى Like Mushy-the-traitor for one.

Good military learn from one attack, say on convoy, & next time they don't sit on open roof trailer like children going to school, offering themselves to be attacked from mountain tops .... They act vigilant... Attack on one ISI office, then another, then navy's office, then one convoy, then another, then another... so on. One military training school, then on air base, then on GHQ... don't they learn their lessons.

it's like اِبكے مار - اِبكے مار rhetoric... keep getting slapped & boasting اِبكے مار...

Don't they innovate & improvise. Their methods are 3rd class & they are لكير كے فقير showing NO signs of a well-trained military..... Just see them jumping over gate of PM house when mushy took over Nawaz's government, a high school student can jump the wall more elegantly then these un-athletic phaujees..

It's a disgrace for the martyrs that I discuss these issues with a pea-sized mind guy like you. Your LEADER has turned you into a terrorists supporter. Why don't you suggest Imran Khan to go alone and talk to the Taliban, no? Maybe 'cause he wont come back and his video will be released in 2 days by Umar Media. Right?

People like you are a disgrace for this Nation. ABC pata nahi kisi cheez ki, Kukar Bomb kukar bomb cheekhna shurru!

You speculate a lot & are always way off.

ur phaujees helped US create terrorist. Your beloved general of ISI Mahmod Ahmad delivered $100,000 to alleged 911 perpetrator & we are the one's who are truly anti-terrorists.

Disgrace to nation are those who handed Afia Siddiki to US, ur beloved phaujeee. Disgrace to martyrs are those who left our injured soldier deserted in Kargil to be captured by indians, ur beloved Mushy-the-traitor... Disgrace are those who surrender to terrorists in 200s, without firing a bullet, only to get beheaded later... Disgrace are those who forced release of Raymond Davis & of that other white-CIA agent who was running sabotage ops under guise of a security-agency in Pakistan, again ur phaujee... Disgrace are those who eat up a MAJOR chunk of tax payer's money but are khasee & cowards enough NOT to stop propeller driven drones that r killing innocent civilians. Disgrace are those who OPENLY admit they arrested RAW agents(fake maulvis) running mosques in Rawalpindi & tribal areas, recruiting terrorists & yet released them for sake of aman-ki-ashaa... Yet they brag a LOT of their bravery. What are ur beloved generals brave for!!! rigging elections...!!!

Again, I am going over-board just to make my point, I love Pak-Military-men but there are some serious short-comings and deficits in their approach that need to be criticized. They need to let go of the formalities & be more practical. Be more pre-emptive... Learn to learn from experiences & change accordingly rather than sticking to out-dated SOPs. Stop taking dictation from Dajjal (zionist-US-&-Co) & start using their own minds. General's need to reduce their tummy sizes literally & metaphorically both. Be more athletic & agile. & above all don't show cowardice in the filed & never surrender.


So called terrotists are ALL stooges/patsies whose supply line is coming from Afghanistan(from US-&-co including indians there)... Many of their leaders r fake-converts to islam who r pretending to be muslim fanatics. Trained to brainwash jobless-frustrated-illiterate tribals with out-of-context verses & ahadees... Keep killing patsies, there will be many more mushrooming from angry relatives of those u just killed. The only way out is to cut them off from Dajjal & convince them to side with us. Killing them is like treating just the fever of a cancer patient while not doing anything about the cancer itself.
time for foreign touts to be exposed, tarred and feathered and then guillotined........
how many maj general rank level officers did America lost in Afghanistan for a kukar bomb?

havenot the americans done the job well as of now by finishing the taliban, but after 9 years of war, losing 45,000 civilians and soliders, 100,000 injured and psychologically unstable 000s and more than 100 billion dollar economic losses to the nation, we are still dying of kukar bombs... imagine where we stand, what have we achieved? why no results?

It's a disgrace for the martyrs that I discuss these issues with a pea-sized mind guy like you. Your LEADER has turned you into a terrorists supporter. Why don't you suggest Imran Khan to go alone and talk to the Taliban, no? Maybe 'cause he wont come back and his video will be released in 2 days by Umar Media. Right?

People like you are a disgrace for this Nation. ABC pata nahi kisi cheez ki, Kukar Bomb kukar bomb cheekhna shurru!
Pakistan’s immature and angry politician, Imran Khan has been screaming at the top of his voice demanding to pull out army from terrorists-infested Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA). As the decision about FATA rests with the federal government where he is not a decision maker, he has proceeded to implement the demand in his own province. The government of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province ruled by his party has approved phased withdrawal of army from Swat area. Unmoved by his generosity, the terrorists returned the favor by launching attack on a convoy of Pakistan Army killing a major general and a lieutenant in a roadside Improvised Explosive Device (IED). The officers, identified as Major General Sanaullah and Lieutenant Colonel Tauseef, were undertaking a routine patrol and were returning from Pakistan Afghanistan border after meeting the troops deployed on border posts.

The worst fears that Swat Valley was being handed over to Pakistani Taliban through this decision on Saturday were confirmed the very next day. The area is adjacent to Swat district and is a part of the valley where army launched a military operation in 2009 to flush out TTP terrorists under Mulla Fazlullah, also known as Mullah Radio for his fiery speeches through an illegal FM channel. After successful operation, the peace was restored in the area and the terrorists fled to Nuristan province of neighboring Afghanistan. Swat TTP has no means to return to this area except through sympathetic politicians. Emboldened by the cowardice of the politicians, they attacked a military convoy thinking the area will be theirs in next couple of weeks.

Even the FATA terrorists have taken a cue from Imran Khan’s word of support. Their preconditions to come to negotiation table include pulling out of army from tribal areas. The stance of Pakistan’s politicians to appease the terrorists through the offer of dialogue has emboldened them. Though the government did not attach any precondition to dialogue offer like cessation of attacks or laying down the arms, the Pakistani Taliban demanded Sunday that the government release militant prisoners and begin withdrawing troops from the group's tribal sanctuary before they participate in peace talks, raising doubts about prospects for negotiations. The demand that Pakistan Army be pulled out from FATA, a restive tribal region, was first made by Imran Khan who is also known as Taliban Khan for his sympathies with the terrorists. Pulling out the army would effectively mean that the government has recognized terrorists’ writ in the area they hold as their safe haven. The resolution offering olive branch to terrorists has already been dubbed as an instrument of surrender by analysts.

The puzzling question is; why Imran Khan is making such demands which only favor the enemies of the State? This has not even been demanded by the principal stakeholders of tribal areas; the tribes themselves. They want the state to deliver them from the clutches of TTP and their atrocities. Let’s assume that he has no sympathies for the terrorists and he has his heart for the State of Pakistan. But then the question arises as to why he makes such demands. Is he a spoiler? Or does he need a lesson or two in the fundamentals of statesmanship?

Time for Imran Khan to learn ABC of statesmanship | Pakistan Express
Stop quoting these famous American paid news papers we know where funding of these secular traitor news papers comes from they only want war and destruction in Pakistan they don't have any idea of tribal area themselves and lecture Imran about it they need to shut up
It's a disgrace for the martyrs that I discuss these issues with a pea-sized mind guy like you. Your LEADER has turned you into a terrorists supporter. Why don't you suggest Imran Khan to go alone and talk to the Taliban, no? Maybe 'cause he wont come back and his video will be released in 2 days by Umar Media. Right?

People like you are a disgrace for this Nation. ABC pata nahi kisi cheez ki, Kukar Bomb kukar bomb cheekhna shurru!

hahaha... , anyway had it not been CIA, pakistan would not have been able to give a single breakthrough against Talibans, so yeah thank CIA for their support, otherwise kukar bomb thalay lag ker sari fouj mar jani thi apni !!
I just care about staying on this forum, otherwise, I'd have showed you the mirror. This kukar bomb of your 'Naraz bhai', is the most powerful weapon of terrorists, not even US Army could tackle it. The problem here is that your LEADER, the ****** Playboy is so eager to wash away all the crimes of his brothers in arms, the Taliban, that he cares about no life being lost at the hands of those terrorists, which in your dictionary, are not even terrorists.

Statesman? May a*s! He's taking Pakistan to a new low!

Great...since you confess that these men are unbeatable...i wanna ask...why the hell did you decide to take on them back in musharaf's regime????

and since you have tried a futile attempt and have been since last 10 years...what did you get?
14,000 soldiers wrapped in the flag of pakistan? 50,000 civilians in the graves??

hahaha... , anyway had it not been CIA, pakistan would not have been able to give a single breakthrough against Talibans, so yeah thank CIA for their support, otherwise kukar bomb thalay lag ker sari fouj mar jani thi apni !!

he himself is confessing even US army could not tackle them...
and yet these guys are eager to take action on their own against the same guys...LOL!
Imran Khan is a statesman, thats why he talks of peace....

@Pksecurity the stupid army who got their major general and lt col killed by a kukar bomb(IED) should be ashamed of their performance in FATA for the last ten years... getting killed by kukar bomb (IED) earns you no respect but shows how vulnerable you are to jungli jahil taliban... kis baaat ki pay lete ho jab tum say yeh thoray say jungli taliban control nahi hotay?

Wow , Are you brain-dead or something ? These IEDs(Kukar bombs) are the leading cause for approximately 63% of Coalition deaths in Iraq and 66% in Afghanistan. These are considered the most fearsome weapons that are in use of the insurgents as they can be easily disguised as animal carcasses, soft drink cans, and boxes.One of my cousin's was a sapper in the army ,he told me that when the army started using Metal detectors to clear the roads in swat.TTP used IED made entirely of wood and plastic material that couldn't be detected.
Secondly ,a military operation like that in swat ,just clears the area of miltants .Its the governments job to actually hold and bring law and order to the region. Right now the current cheif minister of kpk is a complete moron , an embarrassment to the party ,its an open secret many of the despise him.The guy orders the pullout of troops from swat ,the same day a Major General is assassinated.

Dont get me wrong , i voted for PTI myself .Was a big fan,hell i was there when they raided the rally and took down ch ijaz . but now it seems IK is acting a bit naive ,he seems confused on the counter terrorism policy and has shown a lack of resolve on this issue.First he travels to UK on the day APC was to be held .He comes back but refused to join ,then he finally joins the APC and says that his demands have been accepted by the gov.Then he takes a Uturn as says this BS in his jalsa .
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Wow , Are you brain-dead or something ? These IEDs(Kukar bombs) are the leading cause for approximately 63% of Coalition deaths in Iraq and 66% in Afghanistan. These are considered the most fearsome weapons that are in use of the insurgents as they can be easily disguised as animal carcasses, soft drink cans, and boxes.One of my cousin's was a sapper in the army ,he told me that when the army started using Metal detectors to clear the roads in swat.TTP used IED made entirely of wood and plastic material that couldn't be detected.

Secondly ,a military operation like that in swat ,just clears the area of miltants .Its the governments job to actually hold and bring law and order to the region. Right now the current cheif minister of kpk is a complete moron , an embarrassment to the party ,its an open secret many of the despise him.The guy orders the pullout of troops from swat ,the same day a Major General is assassinated.

Dont get me wrong , i voted for PTI myself .Was a big fan,hell i was there when they raided the rally and took down ch ijaz . but now it seems IK is acting a bit naive ,he seems confused on the counter terrorism policy and has shown a lack of resolve on this issue.First he travels to UK on the day APC was to be held .He comes back but refused to join ,then he finally joins the APC and says that his demands have been accepted by the gov.Then he takes a Uturn as says this BS in his jalsa .

my point was not for foot soldiers (scapegoats), but for a high ranked officer to be killed by an IED blast.

you mean because KPK CM says he would pull out army, that is why by chance Maj General moved from Peshawar to upper dir and by chance stepped over a randomly placed IED ? Errr.....

Imran Khan is right on top, in what he is saying, he is absolutely, without a shadow of doubt right that peace is the only way out. his formula for peace is the right antidote for this cancer, because, as of now, if we conclude, what results have we achieved from this war? Zilch or only losses!!

but unfortunately there is too much bad blood between the two parties and ofcourse morons and war-mongers hate peace, so the blood bath may continue...


there has to be some inquiry on how this happened. it seems inside job.
hahaha... , anyway had it not been CIA, pakistan would not have been able to give a single breakthrough against Talibans, so yeah thank CIA for their support, otherwise kukar bomb thalay lag ker sari fouj mar jani thi apni !!

Well, I'm really occupied with a lot a things here, and usually I don't really reply to stupid, illogical arguments, you want one, okay, then.

Tell me who exactly was caught by Pakistan with the help of CIA? Rest, after you reply.
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