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Thousands of Teen Girls In Love With Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev


Jan 27, 2010
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Thousands of Teen Girls In Love With Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Gush on Social Media

Thousands of American girls have developed a crush on the Boston Marathon bombing suspect and are using social media to exonerate him.

The hashtag to FreeJahar, referring to 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has been trending on Twitter and Facebook. One girl from Topeka, Kan., said she would get a phrase tweeted by Tsarnaev just a week before the terrorist attack tattooed on her body.

“Getting one of Jahar’s tweets tattooed on me tomorrow. Guess you could say I’m a #FreeJahar supporter,” @keepitbluntedd tweeted on May 7. The quote, tweeted by Tsarnaev on April 8, reads: “If you have the knowledge and the inspiration, all that’s left is to take action.”

The girl, named Alisha, later tweeted that she would postpone getting Tsarnaev’s words tattooed on her upper arm, “out of respect of my family’s wishes.”

Alisha told The Post that she doesn’t insist Tsarnaev is innocent because she has a schoolgirl crush. “Somebody needs to stand up for him, and not the little high-school girls who just think he’s cute,” Alisha said.

Rather it is her opinon that he was “just this pothead 19-year-old boy who didn’t care.” He couldn’t be the bomber. “I don’t see it,” she said.

Twitter accounts have popped up under different handles asserting that the 19-year-old is innocent.

“Jahar boy of love & Truth Innocent his trail is the real test for American Democracy,” tweeted freejaharlove on May 9.

The user Tsarnaev5ever tweeted, “Jahar is gonna go crazy in that cell alone with just a book ... I wanna send money to him ... Anyone have the address?”

Some users have tweeted under #FreeJahar referencing the latest reports that Dzhokhar’s older brother Tamerlan was allegedly physically and emotionally abusive towards his longtime girlfriend Nadine Ascencao.

Lovenoh8Peyton asked, “Why do Muslim men treat woman so poorly? #freejahar”

To which _JaharSupport responded, “You’re seriously the worst person ever. I feel bad for your kid.”

Other users warned not to use the hashtag for crushes or puppy love. “If you think jahar is "hot" or something it's fine but don't tweet. keep it to yourself. that's the think that makes us look bad,” Justice4Jahar1 tweeted today.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured and is being held at federal prison in Fort Devens, Mass., on charges of using and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.

His brother Tamerlan died in a shootout with police on April 19, four days after he allegedly set off bombs at the Boston Marathon killing three people and injuring hundreds. He left behind a wife and a 3-year-old daughter.

Sources: NY Post, Daily Mail, Elite Daily

Thousands of Teen Girls In Love With Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Gush on Social Media


WTF?! :lol:
Typical women. They like bad boys at a young age and rich boys at a later age.

It is not uncommon for convicted murderers to get love letters in jails from random women.
Yup...It is a massive conspiracy involving literally thousands of government employees and now literally thousands of teeny-boppers.

This was a false flag operation by the American regime to divert attention from the regime's own failure economically and politically. Only way for regime survival is to blame 'terrorists', China, Russia and other people.
Regime survival is now the principle goal of the tyrannical despots in Washington after the country wide Occupy Wallstreet movement.

It remaind me of a street act I saw about 20 years ago in it in a scene an engineer young wife escape to be with her boyfriend who had no job , after that one of the man friends try to console
and in part of it he is telling him not to worry if you put 72 woman with each other they are not as wise as a single rooster
This is nothing new. Numerous serial killers have received a cult status amongst women in the past . It's such a cliched phenomenon that there are Mad mag puns and CSI episodes dedicated to it. There exists detailed psychological studies on such behavior;

Hybristophilia "is a paraphilia of the predatory type in which sexual arousal, facilitation, and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent upon being with a partner known to have committed an outrage, or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery." In popular culture, this phenomenon is also known as "Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome".

Many high-profile criminals, particularly those who have committed atrocious crimes, receive "fan mail" in prison which is sometimes amorous or sexual, presumably as a result of this phenomenon. In some cases, admirers of these criminals have gone on to marry the object of their affections in prison.

One of the most infamous examples of hybristophilia is the large number of women attracted to Ted Bundy after his arrest. He often drew scores of women at the jammed courtrooms of his trials each day. Bundy allegedly received hundreds of love letters from women while he was incarcerated.

Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer, is said to have had amorous women sending him letters, money, and other gifts during his time in prison.

Serial killer Richard Ramirez married a female groupie in prison who had written him over 75 letters. During his trial, dozens of women flocked to the courtroom to catch a glimpse of him.

Rapist Josef Fritzl, who imprisoned his daughter in a basement for 24 years, received hundreds of love letters from women following his arrest.

The phenomenon of Charles Manson groupies is also examples of hybristophilia.

Shortly after Dzhokhar Tsarnev was arrested as a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013, hashtag topic #FreeJahar appeared on the social network Twitter.

Hybristophilia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This was a false flag operation by the American regime to divert attention from the regime's own failure economically and politically. Only way for regime survival is to blame 'terrorists', China, Russia and other people.
Regime survival is now the principle goal of the tyrannical despots in Washington after the country wide Occupy Wallstreet movement.
Yep, conspiracy theories as he said.
Yep, conspiracy theories as he said.
it is not a conspiracy, it is a fact. Look up and Stormcloudgathering channel "Boston what you aren't being told" on YouTube, this is one of the best evidence out there that shows photos of the scenes and it was cover up.

Yes they are annoying. The teenagers nowadays in this generation are not like before where Facebook or those famous social sites and those obsessed-techs didn't exist. Thanks god I wasn't raised in this generation. Those stuff ruined them becoming an attention seekers or being obsessed with those annoying 'mass' comercialised social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.
This was a false flag operation by the American regime to divert attention from the regime's own failure economically and politically. Only way for regime survival is to blame 'terrorists', China, Russia and other people.
Regime survival is now the principle goal of the tyrannical despots in Washington after the country wide Occupy Wallstreet movement.
And yet annually thousands of Chinese queued up to enter this politically and economically failed state. Politically free, economic possibilities, and best of all: clean air. :lol:
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