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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran


Dec 14, 2017
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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran

A thirteen-year-old married girl died during childbirth in Iran’s southeastern region June 25, human rights monitors reported on Friday, as thousands of child marriages continue according to Islamic law .

The girl, who became a bride at the age of 12 and became pregnant three months later was identified as Hadiseh Sepahi a resident of Saravan in the poor Sistan and Baluchistan province.

President Hassan Rouhani’s deputy in women and family affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar said in October 2020 that around 30,000 girls below the age of fourteen get married in Iran annually. Iran’s laws based on Sharia, stipulate that the legal age for marriage is 13 for girls and 15 for boys, based on the expected age of puberty. But the law also allows girls who are barely nine years old to get married if their father agrees or a judge permits.

The provincial women’s affairs director, Fatemeh Fazeli has said that Sistan and Baluchistan has the third highest rate of child marriage in the country. She also said that 30 percent of all marriages are not registered in the province.

Attempts in recent years by some lawmakers to amend the law and raise the age of marriage have not succeeded because of opposition by conservative politicians and the clergy.


To give perspective to this topic of child marriage , here is a map from 2015 :

Minimum Age of Marriage For Girls With Parental Consent


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Thirteen-Year-Old Married Girl Dies During Childbirth In Iran

A thirteen-year-old married girl died during childbirth in Iran’s southeastern region June 25, human rights monitors reported on Friday, as thousands of child marriages continue according to Islamic law .

The girl, who became a bride at the age of 12 and became pregnant three months later was identified as Hadiseh Sepahi a resident of Saravan in the poor Sistan and Baluchistan province.

President Hassan Rouhani’s deputy in women and family affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar said in October 2020 that around 30,000 girls below the age of fourteen get married in Iran annually. Iran’s laws based on Sharia, stipulate that the legal age for marriage is 13 for girls and 15 for boys, based on the expected age of puberty. But the law also allows girls who are barely nine years old to get married if their father agrees or a judge permits.

The provincial women’s affairs director, Fatemeh Fazeli has said that Sistan and Baluchistan has the third highest rate of child marriage in the country. She also said that 30 percent of all marriages are not registered in the province.

Attempts in recent years by some lawmakers to amend the law and raise the age of marriage have not succeeded because of opposition by conservative politicians and the clergy.

I don't understand your point of posting this.
You have objection over young aged marriage? You have objection on her death? Please elaborate and let me respond.
But some points in advance:
Muslims are allowed to marry at young age. And we don't feel bad about it.
Girls, as young as 2 years old gets abused more in non-Muslim countries. So what's the point of runting?
99.9% of Muslim men marry mature aged women. I don't know a single guy who ever married a girl younger then 18 years of age.
For death during child birth here are some statics: Link
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I don't understand your point of posting this.
You have objection over young aged marriage? You have objection on her death? Please elaborate and let me respond.
But some points in advance:
Muslims are allowed to marry at young age. And we don't feel bad about it.
Girls, as young as 2 years old gets abused more in non-Muslim countries. So what's the point of runting?
99.9% of Muslim men marry mature aged women. I don't know a sine guy who ever married a girl younger then 18 years of age.
For death during child birth here are some statics: Link

Of course i have objection to child marriage for many of reasons. for reasons read here :

And it is certainly not just a Muslim issue. Half the child marriage take place in Asia. But while some countries protect children by law , some make it legal.

Child marriage is typical to countries which also have problem with social conditions , poverty and education.

Take India for example :

India, with a population of over 1.2 billion, has the world's highest total number of child marriages . But at least they passed a law to protect children in 2006 :

My point is , even if child marriage is not going to go away over night , same as poverty and lack of education and customs and traditions , are not going to change over night.

I think the state at least has to protect children by passing appropriate laws.

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Of course i have objection to child marriage for a number of reasons. for many reasons read here :

And it is certainly not just a Muslim issue. Half the child marriage take place in Asia. But while some countries protect children by law , some make it legal.

Child marriage is typical to countries which also have problem with social conditions , poverty and education.

Take India for example :

India, with a population of over 1.2 billion, has the world's highest total number of child marriages . But at least they passed a law to protect children in 2006 :

My point is , even if child marriage is not going to go away over night , same as poverty and lack of education and customs and traditions , are not going to change over night.

I think the state at least has to protect children by passing appropriate laws.

Butchers of women with their womb intact are gonna pretend they care.
Quite pathetic to pretend to care when 100s of children are butchered routinely.
pretend they care bla bla bla

It is nice you want to make this thread about whether i care or not , but it is not the topic.

As i see it a 13 year old child is un able to give consent to sexual relations which in the eyes of the law makes it same as rape. Not to mention all the other implications of child marriage.

If you see no problem with that , you are more than welcome to piss off from this thread.

As i understand the law in Pakistan agrees with me :

Child marriage in Pakistan is legally prohibited to an extent under the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929. Under the Act, the minimum age for marriage was 18 years for a male and 16 years for a female

In 2019, a bill introduced by Pakistani senator, Sherry Rehman, was passed in the Pakistani Senate to increase the minimum age of marriage for female to 18. The bill was aimed at ending child marriage in Pakistan. The bill was passed with overwhelming majority. However, some Pakistani religious political parties opposed the bill. The parties claimed that the bill was against Islam.

Many other Muslim countries also set 18 as the minimum age of marriage

If Pakistan have not taken this initiative as early as 1929 , the situation would have been much worse today.

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Summary of the double-standarded liberal "logic":

Married teenage mothers dying during childbirth = bad.

"We must condemn the paternalistic and misogynistic institution of traditional marriage, down with bigoted religious people (mostly conservative Muslims and Christians) seeking to keep alive these traditions!"

Unmarried teenage mothers dying during childbirth = errr... nothing to see here.

"Evil illiberal bigots are seeking to question our sexual freedoms and women's rights, how dare they try to stop de facto access of children to mass pornography, how dare they criticize the explicit "sexual education" children are being exposed to in public schools etc"

Liberalism: the ultimate prevention mechanism against teenage pregnancy, and also against sexual abuse of teenagers and children... not!

An example from the UK:

British girl, 13, dies giving birth to her father's child

Turning to the US, this supposed "beacon of progress", we discover that:

"In 2017, at a time when maternal mortality was declining worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the U.S. was one of only two countries (along with the Dominican Republic) to report a significant increase in its maternal mortality ratio (the proportion of pregnancies that result in death of the mother) since 2000."


Worse, this is accompanied by racial disparity due to widespread social discrimination in America, particularly against black people.

"The maternal death ratio for Black women (37.1 per 100,000 pregnancies) is 2.5 times the ratio for white women (14.7) and three times the ratio for Hispanic women (11.8)."

"A Black mother with a college education is at 60 percent greater risk for a maternal death than a white or Hispanic woman with less than a high school education."

Not to mention that teenage pregnancy in particular - pregnancy of unmarried teenage girls that is, represents an extremely widespread phenomenon in the US.


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Bla bla bla
Pathetic butchers of the mothers and their children which are in their wombs have the audacity to decide wrong and right.

Neither you care about the childs you butcher and neither you care about other Muslims. So you can pretend all you want.

You should piss off the Muslims lands and be greatful that we were good to you in all these years before you started butchering our childs.

British girl, 13, dies giving birth to her father's child

This is not a competition who is worse.

Actually Iran percentage wise , is in a better position than some of the countries i mentioned , where child marriage is illegal yet many practice it cause of custom and tradition.

But Iran is not at this position. It is not a poor country and has high level of education. Still it chooses to make this abuse legal by law , when it could easily pass a law that would protect the girls.

And the reason they allow this abnormality to continue , is sharia law.

I have no issue with sharia , but once you make sharia into state law , the result is this sort of madness.

If you don't see what is wrong with a girl being forced into marriage at the age of 13 , if you don't understand the mental , psychological , health and social damage of allowing something like this to exist , than you are truly blind.

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Well in this particular case . Two thing make me angry.
One why she must not have access to adequate medical care.
Secund why she managed to marry before legal age.
Well in this particular case . Two thing make me angry.
One why she must not have access to adequate medical care.
Secund why she managed to marry before legal age.

According to the Islamic Republic civil code, the legal age of marriage in Iran is set at age 13 for girls and age 15 for boys. However, the same Act allows girls below the age of 13 and boys below the age of 15 to be wed, conditioned on the consent of their father and the permission of a judge
Liberal, secular democracy: where juvenile marriage is illegal, where there's no sharia law, but...

- Where children are mass raped by powerful elites,

- Where underground paedophile rings are alive and well, feeding business oligarchs, big banksters and political leaders with underage rape material,

- Where monsters shilling for Isra"el"'s Mossad will rape thousands of children in their private mansions of Manhattan and the Virgin Islands, organizing paedo-criminal orgies along with endless lists of western elites, and producing kompromats on the same occasion in order to extort eternal loyalty to the zionist apartheid regime.






Why is the FBI, which is in possession of dozens of hours of Epstein's hidden camera recordings, not proceeding with arrests? Why are the names of the culprits not revealed to the public? Why doesn't anyone care? Why is the US public mentally anesthetized to such a horrible extent?

This is not a competition who is worse.

Actually Iran percentage wise , is in a better position than some of the countries i mentioned , where child marriage is illegal yet many practice it cause of of custom and tradition.

But Iran is not at this position. It is not a poor country and has high level of education. Still it chooses to make this abuse legal by law , when it could easily pass a law that would protect the girls.

And the reason they allow this abnormality to continue , is sharia law.

I have no issue with sharia , but once you make sharia into state law , the result is this sort of madness.

If you don't see what is wrong with a girl being forced into marriage at the age of 13 , if you don't understand the mental , psychological , health and social damage of allowing something like this to exist , than you are truly blind.

I cant remember when did Japan, Philippines, Italy, Germany, Austria and others implemented Sharia Law in their countries. Can you share the date plz?


It's OK, it's halal under sharia law. Who are mere mortals to question sharia law?

Iran is following Islamic law. There is no minimum age of marriage under sharia law. Any country that prescribes minimum age for marriage is going against divine law.

Which law is this the result of?

This kind of one perhaps?

In Liber II: The Message of the Master Therion, the Law of Thelema is summarized succinctly as "Do what thou wilt—then do nothing else." Crowley describes the pursuit of Will as not only with detachment from possible results, but with tireless energy. It is Nirvana but in a dynamic rather than static form.


Or that one maybe?

The ceremony involves the poling across a lake of a small boat containing an effigy of Care (called "Dull Care"). Dark, hooded figures receive from the ferryman the effigy which is placed on an altar, and, at the end of the ceremony, set on fire. This "cremation" symbolizes that members are banishing the "dull cares" of conscience.


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