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Things will get better in Pakistan


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Things will get better

As a Pakistani, there is a lot to be unhappy about. Terrorism is widespread, our economy is in tatters, governance is an elusive entity and the country is starving for leadership. But viewing these problems out of context is to misrepresent the situation. Sixty-four years into its existence, todays hegemon, the United States, was bracing itself for the most brutal civil war this world has witnessed. The several conflicts we are currently confronting, cloak the slow progress our country is making. We have made catastrophic errors over the course of our brief existence, but we have progressed as well.

In times passed, the only news available on the television was the nine o’clock khabarnaama on Pakistan Television. The media is now an immensely powerful check on the functioning of our government; it is ingrained in the fabric of our society. This oversight has made corruption much harder to cover up. Moreover, other misdeeds by our elected officials no longer go unnoticed.

One measure of the progress of a nation’s economy is the relative ease with which business is done. The computerisation of ID cards and the State Bank’s Credit Information Bureau (CIB) have added to the development of local banking. To supplement that, we have three well-functioning stock exchanges and several powerful chambers of commerce. Venture away from the cities, and you find farmers plying their trade with utmost ease. In several instances, the prices their crops fetch are higher than international averages.

We have also made progress on the judicial front. A few years ago, the country was gripped with a lawyers movement that was internationally recognised. Currently there are bills in the parliament that focus on developing a witness protection program, and improving the law of evidence in judicial proceedings. A much needed system of prosecution is also being developed. Certainly, this is progress.

Security is an area where we have been severely troubled over the last decade. But, as the famous cliché goes, ‘the night is darkest before dawn’. Following what our security agencies have dealt with in this decade, they will be hardened and more efficient in their dealing with future challenges. If handled appropriately, the United States scheduled pullout from Afghanistan should bring stability.

With 180 million people, we have a large labour force. Pakistani labourers constitute the majority of construction workers in the United Arab Emirates; these very labourers are responsible for $11 billion in foreign remittances. Our medical schools produce doctors that are in high demand all over the Middle East. The Higher Education Commission has utilised funds to help several Pakistani universities improve the quality of their education. The civil service examination still attracts Pakistan’s brightest talent.

Undoubtedly, we are facing circumstances that would depress any public and force most populations to outright resignation; but Pakistan and its people are different. We are surviving, our lives are continuing. No matter how many times we are pushed against the wall, we turn around and fight back. :agree:

Surely, that is an indication that greener pastures and better times are around the corner. The process has just begun, there is still a lot to improve; we are nowhere near the end of the path to progress. But we are a strong nation and we will continue walking. It can get better. And it will.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 2nd, 2011.

The writer is an undergraduate student at Harvard University, Class of 2014 and tweets @ibrahimakhan

Excellent optimistic, InshAllah! :pakistan:
A Stable and Prosperous Pakistan is good for South-Asia. Hope it happens soon, It's been long time now with this kind of situation. Hope things would be better. Good Luck. :tup:
This article reflects the eluding eternal optimism among a minority of Pakistanis. Unless terrorism is wiped out and a secure environment is provided nothing better is going to happen in this country. If status quo is maintained - it will be downhill from now on.
All the best !! a stable pakistan is good for the region.

and a stable india is also good for the region..a stable and prosperous Asia is hugely beneficial for the whole world.

give the people equal opportunities, access to good public facilities (schools, healthcare, etc.) and infrastructure -- and they will outshine anyone else.
" This is with reference to Ibrahim Khan’s article “Things will get better” and Yes, no doubt I am also sure that things will get better one day as compared to the present situation, but for this we should be courageous and strong enough to bear tough circumstances and should also be optimistic and think positively rather than blowing the glimmer of hope, and many things have now been changed, and media bring every corrupt activity of politicians into the notice of public which is to be appreciated but media also has many shortcomings on it’s part which i hope will also get better with the passage of time like other things, and History is evident that as European nations take a lot of time in their developments after a lot of disturbances , i.e: wars, revolutions, violence etc and then they rise as a prosperous nation by learning from their mistakes so, in the same way Pakistan is also proceeding to row up among the list of prosperous nations of the world. "

It will get better when people living within decided to make it better. Until then nothing will change.

I am still in dream mode. I mean what the hell happend to Pakistan.

May Allah be with you brothers. May this Ramadan bring some rahmat in Pakistan. This is the best wish I have for you.
One must remeber there have been armed resistance groups in Britain, France, Ireland, Spain and Israel, all of which have murdered innocent civilians to get their point across. Could you imagine 10 years ago an Israeli politician saying that in a decade there would be no suicide bombings, yet today it is a rare occurance. Pakistan will prevail, after all for a country which is (only just) 64 years old you have achieved so much.

"Out of Chaos comes order" - Nietzsche
Hope reigns supreme when nothing else remains.

The path forward, whatever it may be, will not be easy for sure.
All the Pakistani people I have ever met, have been strong-willed, and highly intelligent.

Once Pakistan gets an honest and capable leadership (and ends the WoT), there is no limit to what they could achieve as a nation. :cheers:

I want to tell you, Pakistan appreciate a staunch massive supports from China in a tough times, we appreciate China always stand behind Pakistan no matter. We never forget you and your country!

Thank you, bro!

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