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There are more Indian migrants living in Pakistan than the United States

What is this about bombings? When did I ever say I support bombings? Which train, Samjhauta that was blamed on Pakistan and later proven to be done by hindutvas, same ones who harass you?

Also be truthful Adil Minhas, aren't there some, mostly older members in your family who support Pakistan. Have you ever asked them why? Loyalists to Pakistan can be from any region in the world. You just have to confirm to its ideals.

Bhaijaan, you do not follow the news? ISIS attack on India? Lucknow module expose, terrorist killed.
What sort of preaching is this?

@The Eagle Is this the example a think tank should be setting on PDF? What if the roles were reversed? Posts like this are a disgrace

You can rest easy.

He is speaking to an Indian patriot. I will die before I raise my hand against my land and my people.
Bhaijaan, you do not follow the news? ISIS attack on India? Lucknow module expose, terrorist killed.
Only 8 people were wounded in that. And we all know a lot of muslims are framed on terrorist charges. I know how India works. It has even killed people I know. Even though I suspect that attack was not done muslims ISIS or whatever even if it did it was a minority. But after what our people went through I do believe security forces and RAW agents of India are legitimate targets though not civilians.

Whats your point?

You can rest easy.

He is speaking to an Indian patriot. I will die before I raise my hand against my land and my people.
Then it is pointless speaking to you. Good day.
Only 8 people were wounded in that. And we all know a lot of muslims are framed on terrorist charges. I know how India works. It has even killed people I know. Even though I suspect that attack was not done muslims ISIS or whatever even if it did it was a minority. But after what our people went through I do believe security forces and RAW agents of India are legitimate targets though not civilians.

Whats your point?

I just pray you guys are not doing this bhaijaan.

ISIS has no love for Hindustanis. Which includes all of Pakistan.
I just pray you guys are not doing this bhaijaan.

ISIS has no love for Hindustanis. Which includes all of Pakistan.
By you you mean Pakistan? Why believe everything Indian media tells you anyway? That is your first mistake. You fail to realize that this same media with Fateh ka fatwa and what not is involved in the direct manipulation and oppression of muslims left there as a people. You can believe them all you want. It won't change the fact that you are an oppressed minority, completely ignored and unaccepted in a united India, which wasn't even born until the British stepped in.
Care to explain that Pakistan part ?

They hate and look down on our bloodlines.

For them, we are vermin. They are itching to unleash hell on us. Sadly, their fighting does not seem to end for them in the ME.

By you you mean Pakistan? Why believe everything Indian media tells you anyway? That is your first mistake. You fail to realize that this same media with Fateh ka fatwa and what not is involved in the direct manipulation and oppression of muslims left there as a people. You can believe them all you want. It won't change the fact that you are an oppressed minority, completely ignored and unaccepted in a united India, which wasn't even born until the British stepped in.

Bhaijaan, you claim to be from us? You say you still have a soft corner for us?

Then would you not respect our decision and choice to remain Indian?

You (your parents) made your choice. We have made ours.

Will you bomb us for that? Hope that explains.
Hopefully, wouldn't be needed to remind again about the Thread Title and Subject to discuss. Stick to the topic in hand and continue your discussion.

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