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The violent side of Sri Lankan Buddhism


Feb 16, 2013
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@WebMaster , @Oscar .. Sincerely hope there will be proper moderation.., Cos this is a very relevant subject in the whole South Asian context.. Especially with the usual anti SL troll thrashing another good thread


do you think it has more to do with nationalism than Buddhism itself? Where the religion itself is tied with national identity and threats perceived to the religion is seen as an attack on the ethnic group?
We are witnessing "Clash of Civilizations" taking its form in each and every corner of the Earth as predicted by Samuel P. Huntington.
SL should seriously consider secular policies and take steps to reduce religiousity of people.

do you think it has more to do with nationalism than Buddhism itself? Where the religion itself is tied with national identity and threats perceived to the religion is seen as an attack on the ethnic group?

In Sinhala Buddhism, nationalism, race and religion are one unit, similar to the Holy Trinity.
Whereby the country, Sri Lanka, the Sinhalas, Buddha's chosen people, and Sinhala Buddhism should be protected. This is known as the Jathika chintanaya or the Mahavamsa mindset and its outcome is Sinhala Nazism.

Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka, in an interview with Stewart Bell of the National Post newspaper of Canada, published on September 23, 2008 has stated that: "I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese."

Do you agree? (Sri Lanka belongs to Sinhalese - Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka)
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They say in Burma that Burma(Myanmar) is the Land of Dhamma and they are the chosen people of Buddha. In fact they also believe that the food Buddha has tasted after he got enlightenment is the Honey from Myanmar.
I think every Buddhist country has some kind of story like this to justify their existence. Buddha did preach something about "Ganatantra" (Republic) to a Disciple who is a King, That mainly deals with how a state has to be ruled but he did not tell anything specifically about which country is going to be his torch bearers in future.

do you think it has more to do with nationalism than Buddhism itself? Where the religion itself is tied with national identity and threats perceived to the religion is seen as an attack on the ethnic group?

Yes.. Although im not a Buddhist and cannot comment about the psyche of one.. I think over the centuries Buddhism has been encompassed in to Sinhalese identity.. I mean anybody with any idea of Sri Lankan society, It's history knows that Sri Lankan identity is basically intertwined around it's Sinhalese and Buddhist heritage, With all the other ethnicity and religions contributing to that fabric.. From it's unique, Language, Culture, History and Architecture not seen anywhere else in the world.. Nobody sane can deny that

This nationalism sprouts from the minority mind set of the Sinhalese, There are only 17 million Sinhalese people in this world.. Constantly being reminded of the threat post by 80 million antagonist Tamil's just a few kilometers to the North.. This constant threat keeps this nationalistic fervor burning.. In turn finds other scapegoats to the ultra nationalist groups within the Sinhala society

To them (The far right nationalists) their uniqueness had been under threat for millenia from first Hindu/Tamil Nadu and then from the Christian West and now from a resurgence of more orthodox Islam (Atleast in propaganda)
They say in Burma that Burma(Myanmar) is the Land of Dhamma and they are the chosen people of Buddha. In fact they also believe that the food Buddha has tasted after he got enlightenment is the Honey from Myanmar.
I think every Buddhist country has some kind of story like this to justify their existence. Buddha did preach something about "Ganatantra" (Republic) to a Disciple who is a King, That mainly deals with how a state has to be ruled but he did not tell anything specifically about which country is going to be his torch bearers in future.

That is not limited to buddhists, many followers of almost all religion try to associate their country with the founder of that religion.

Yes.. Although im not a Buddhist and cannot comment about the psyche of one.. I think over the centuries Buddhism has been encompassed in to Sinhalese identity.. I mean anybody with any idea of Sri Lankan society, It's history knows that Sri Lankan identity is basically intertwined around it's Sinhalese and Buddhist heritage, With all the other ethnicity and religions contributing to that fabric.. From it's unique, Language, Culture, History and Architecture not seen anywhere else in the world.. Nobody sane can deny that

This nationalism sprouts from the minority mind set of the Sinhalese, There are only 17 million Sinhalese people in this world.. Constantly being reminded of the threat post by 80 million antagonist Tamil's just a few kilometers to the North.. This constant threat keeps this nationalistic fervor burning.. In turn finds other scapegoats to the ultra nationalist groups within the Sinhala society

To them (The far right nationalists) their uniqueness had been under threat for millenia from first Hindu/Tamil Nadu and then from the Christian West and now from a resurgence of more orthodox Islam (Atleast in propaganda)

It is true that Sri lankan identity has a large Sinhala and a Buddhist footprint. You cant talk about Sl or its history without mentioning those two. I dont know about a minority mindset any sensible person would take threats against them seriously this story of minority mindset is a fabrication to discredit the sinhalese. However Sinhala is a larger secular bunch which has catholic and islamic subunits.
That is not limited to buddhists, many followers of almost all religion try to associate their country with the founder of that religion.

I am aware of it mate, as the discussion is about Militant Buddhism and Sinhalese Identity I quoted Buddhism. It is sad to see how we humans interpret and understand the enlightened ones and bring bad name to them.
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IIRC , one of the SriLankan PM/President was also killed by a Buddhist monk .
This nationalism sprouts from the minority mind set of the Sinhalese, There are only 17 million Sinhalese people in this world.. Constantly being reminded of the threat post by 80 million antagonist Tamil's just a few kilometers to the North.. This constant threat keeps this nationalistic fervor burning.. In turn finds other scapegoats to the ultra nationalist groups within the Sinhala society

Nationalism is sprouted from the minority mind set. Mate nationalism is the very essence of a nation hood. If there is a nationalism there is a state and if not there isn't any nation.

Do not confuse nationalism and racism.
Sinhala Buddhist Bible - Mahavansa, proclaims slaughtering of pagan Hindu Tamils (wild beast) is the righteous cause of Sinhala Buddhists

Sinhala Buddhist monks' advise to their king Dutugemenu after slaughtering of thousands of pagan Tamils

And the king said, "Lords what peace of mind can there be left to me, when I have been the means of destroying great armies?" And the saints answered "Supreme of men, from the commission of that act there will be no impediment in the road to salvation.Herein no more than two human beings have been sacrificed; the rest are heretics and sinners, who are on a par with wild beasts. And as thou wilt cause the religion of Buddha to shine forth in great splendour, on that account, O ruler of men, subdue thy mental affliction !" (Mahavansa, chap, 25)

The Bandaranaike assassination - Sinhala Buddhist MONK


Inciting violence against Tamils and preventing Norway initiated peace talks - Sinhala Buddhist Monks burning Norwegian Flag


Sinhala Buddhist monks' baby terror squad

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I am aware of it mate, as the discussion is about Militant Buddhism and Sinhalese Identity I quoted Buddhism. It is sad to see how we humans interpret and understand the enlightened ones and bring bad name to them.

There is no misinterpretation and there is no militant buddhism. what you have is few monks acting like idiots and thugs. As they are useful for the gover they are not acting tough on them. I am quite sure if they worked against the gov they would be eliminated.

There is no ideology that supports them. Most of the monks involved in these cases are business men and politicians
'Non-violence' is an impractical philosophy.......if you're talking about survival.....
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There is no misinterpretation and there is no militant buddhism. what you have is few monks acting like idiots and thugs. As they are useful for the gover they are not acting tough on them. I am quite sure if they worked against the gov they would be eliminated.

There is no ideology that supports them. Most of the monks involved in these cases are business men and politicians

You are confusing Sinhala Buddhism with other Buddhism, Sinhala Buddhism and its radical clergy subscribe to Jathika Chintanaya (Mahavamsa mindset) which promotes Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism and militancy


Soldiers on front blessed with Jaya Piritha
Members of Armed Forces, Police and Civil Defence Force who are fighting with the terrorists on battlefronts in the Jaffna Peninsula have been blessed with Jaya Piritha. An assembly of monks visiting battlefronts since 11th of June to 13th June conducted a series of religious activities to invoke blessings to the soldiers.

During these visits, 10,000 "Divya Raja Yanthra" (Talismans) that had been blessed with Jaya Piritha chanted for 100,000 times were presented to the soldiers. These Talismans were packed in gold plated lockets containing an ancient herbal mixture.

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