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The US would sooner see TSMC fabs in Taiwan burn than let China have them


Nov 9, 2021
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The US would sooner see TSMC fabs burn than let China have them​

Successful invasion would make China 'the OPEC of silicon chips'​

Tobias Mann

Tue 14 Mar 2023 // 20:15 UTC

The US would sooner see TSMC fabs destroyed than fall into Chinese hands should Xi Jinping invade Taiwan, according to a former national security advisor to the Trump administration.

“The United States and its allies are never going to let those factories fall into Chinese hands," Robert O’Brien said at the Global Security Forum in Qatar this week.

In O’Brien’s mind, a successful invasion of Taiwan would reposition China as the leading semiconductor manufacturing power almost overnight. Or as he put it, China would become “the new OPEC of silicon chips.” O’Brien contends the US will destroy Taiwanese fabs to prevent China from gaining the technological advantage.

Of course, doing so would have severe consequences for the world economy. Last year the US National Security Agency estimated the loss of TSMC at more than $1 trillion dollars.

The former advisor’s comments breathe new life into rumors that the US would enact a scorched-earth policy to prevent sensitive semiconductor tech from falling into Chinese hands.

While the current and former president don’t align on many policy issues, both have taken a hawkish stance against the Chinese semiconductor industry during their tenures. In fact, the current administration has taken a considerably harsher stance with regard to the Middle Kingdom’s domestic semiconductor industry.

Over the past year, the US Commerce Department has taken steps to control the flow of US chips, intellectual property, and manufacturing equipment to China. And more recently, the administration has — to mixed results — pressured its allies in The Netherlands and Japan to follow suit.

Playing the long game​

Xi Jinping has made no attempt to hide his ambition of reunifying the island nation with the mainland. While Taiwan has operated as an autonomous democracy, officials in Beijing maintain the island and its people are part of China.

But beyond Xi’s political ambitions, Taiwan is also of tremendous strategic value. The country is home to TSMC, which produces chips for the likes of AMD, Apple, Nvidia, Intel, and Qualcomm to name a few.

Several Chinese companies, however, have found themselves cut off from TSMC facilities as the foundry operator has been forced to comply with ever stricter export bans on US intellectual property.

Of course, this isn’t the first time someone has suggested blowing up TSMC’s fabs. In a 2021 paper, the US Army War College said Taiwan could prevent an invasion by threatening to destroy its own semiconductor industry.

The argument being that the potential for war with the US over Taiwan did not pose enough of a deterrent for China. So, the authors argued that the government should make the island as inhospitable as possible — namely by destroying TSMC’s fabs.

However Taiwanese officials have argued that such extreme measures aren’t warranted. Last fall Chen Ming-tong Taiwan’s director-general of the nation’s National Security Bureau, responded to these suggestions, arguing that should they fall into Chinese hands, TSMC’s fabs would be all-but worthless.

TSMC is highly reliant on a steady supply of materials and equipment from the likes of the Netherlands chip builder ASML. This fact was central to Chen’s argument, as cut off from global material supplies, intellectual property, electronic design software, and manufacturing equipment, the fabs would quickly grind to a halt.

The Register asked the White House for comment on their official policy on the matter; we’ll let you know if we hear anything back. ®

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The US is really a terrorist country ? More and More American politicians and orgs are voicing out that the US intends to bomb the valuable TSMC in Taiwan to rubbles in case of war. The Taiwanese population themselves are totally against blowing up their TSCM. The Americans really think they own Taiwan.
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lol.......This is really stupid, but hey, it appear on internet so it must be true........

First of all, the argument of

"the potential for war with the US over Taiwan did not pose enough of a deterrent for China. So, the authors argued that the government should make the island as inhospitable as possible — namely by destroying TSMC’s fabs "

Is absurd at best, you are talking about a war scenario. There will be wholesale destruction in Taiwan and China if this is going to be the case, you don't need to threaten to destroy the Fab, it will be destroyed one way or another if you are talking about active hostility. Unless you are talking about China is not going to attack anywhere close to that fab, then I don't know how the war works, because Taiwan would just deploy everything in that area on top of that fab to fight the Chinese off.

Second, that only ever works if TSMC did not start their fab process somewhere, by 2025, the TSMC fab in US and Germany would be up and running, meaning the fab in Taiwan would be worthless, that would just be a building in a war zone.
That more describes you fool nothing to say about the post when you are a loser. No one ask you to read.
I am in the semicon industry. Without reading the article, I already know it is stupid. Whereas, in your case, you read it but still remains stupid.
I am in the semicon industry. Without reading the article, I already know it is stupid. Whereas, in your case, you read it but still remains stupid.
The only stupid thing about is you stupid people are afraid to admit here what your country wants to do, there are plenty reports of more US politicians and orgs are saying US will just do that. If you say the idea of blowing up TSMC is stupid, then I agree.

That will never happen unless China invades Taiwan. The problem here is clearly not USA, but China.
But, it's US politicians and orgs are saying that, not China.
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But, it's US politicians and orgs are saying that, not China.

And what is it that is being said by the three sides concerned? No destruction can happen unless China attacks. If it attacks, it cannot expect to get all Taiwanese assets, plain and simple.
And what is it that is being said by the three sides concerned? No destruction can happen unless China attacks. If it attacks, it cannot expect to get all Taiwanese assets, plain and simple.
So, you Americans are now acting as terrorists, the Taiwanese don't want it, it's their TSMC, who give you Yankees the right ? Lol, show you people's true color now.
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