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The truth about the US 'efforts' for a peace plan.


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
In one paragraph:

'Kerry threatens to cut PA aid if no peace deal signed' | The Times of Israel

Taysir Khaled, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, said that the US had implied it would stop giving financial aid to the Palestinian Authority and would not be able to prevent Israeli expansion of West Bank settlements, if a framework for a long-lasting accord was not agreed upon, Maariv reported.


Typical western nations and their absolute carelessness for crisis's they've left us. The Islamists have been saying along these are the true intentions of the United States. I've known this for ever.

The only purpose of these so called peace talks which are intended to fail on purpose is so the US can get rid of all responsibility regarding the occupation claiming they can't put an end to it and give Israel full flexibility and immunity from the world. This is what it has been from day one.

They will keep funding Israel's illegal activities and beefing up their military to go for all out dominationin palestinian territories and then from there they will plan the next few decades for their neighboring countries.

Hopefully nations that believe in justice act up and take a stand. Maybe Saudi Arabia will do as they did with Egypt....we will see if they're hypocrites or not....Ha....

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