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The Third Country: How to Neutralize a Multilateral Threat



New Recruit

Mar 5, 2019
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United States
Found this interesting piece by a friend and thought it would be of interest to the readership:

The Third Country

If there's one terrorist attack on Indian soil that caught Pak govt and Army completely off guard, it's #PulwamaAttack. The moment it happened, there was concern in our ranks. JeM readily accepted the responsibility putting Pak in the line of fire. With elections coming up in India and their ambitious PM with a tainted past, anything was a a possibility. That's where Pakistan offered them peace & reconciliation, along with a firm warning of retaliation. What's worse is, that a day before that attack, a suicide blast killed Iranian revolutionary guards and this time Jaish Al Adl took the responsibility, thus again, putting Pak on line.

India breached our airspace on 26th. We shot their planes on 27th. It was a response they weren't expecting, but it was also a response they were wishing. Just an enough reason to escalate. But this incident was followed by a complete silence from the other side. And silence is always deadly.

In a previous post, I have mentioned how the Indian moves are not representing their own doctrine but Israel's. The only problem is that Indians are poor executors and Pakistan has strong retaliatory capacity.

It was later revealed that along with India and Israel, a third country was also involved. And that became a mystery for a while.

Due to the anticipated war, Pakistan started concentrating on its eastern border. But they were rightly concerned about the Western border. Taliban were in highest level negotiations with US in Doha since 25th, with their deputy commander, Mullah Barader representing them. Iran FM had already warned Pak of consequences. So was Iran or Afghanistan going to capitalise on Pak's distraction!!! And if anyone does, would we be able to fight on two separate fronts!!! These were the concerns. And this would have compromised our strategic depth for sure.

On the early morning of 28, Taliban attacked one of the largest military base in Helmand province of Afghanistan. And held on for nearly 48 hours, making it probably the longest siege since the arrival of US forces. Ironically, US marines were present inside the base but neither side engaged each other. The fight was between Taliban and Afghan forces.

It seems like Markhors had played their card. They engaged the Afghan military from within before they could attack the western front and use "indigenous support" from certain locals.

In the meanwhile, Pak directly approached the big one who was at the helm of the affairs and told them that this would mean a nuclear war. The conviction was quite manifest and there were diplomatic channels operating on all sides on that fateful night. But in the early morning, when news of helmand attack reached India, they already knew that Pak will focus on Eastern front only and use their "unconventional assets" for the other side.

US didn't complain to Taliban regarding that attack, even though they were having peace talks. Afghan military blamed Pak for it. No one accepted responsibility. The peace talks have resumed again. US wants to get out now. And they have sensed what is going to happen in their absence. There was a suicide blast today again, near Jalalabad airport. That also seems like a part of retaliation.

All of this didn't happen out of the blue. Indian's submarine didn't reach Pak border in 2 days. And surely there are going to be more of them out there. They had already encircled our ports long before #Balakot. And they were ready for the command. Pakistan was to be engaged from three sides simultaneously. It was mere chance that we lured and shot down their planes successfully, captured the pilot alive, our infiltration in Helmand succeeded in holding on for 2 days, and their submarine came to surface for snorkeling and got detected. There's too much luck and chance involved in all of this, like a Divine intervention, I'd say.

Right after cooling off, Pakistan immediately sent her envoy to Iran to address their grievances. On Monday, Iran's Supreme religious leader called for Muslim world support for Kashmir. Today, we banned Jaish e Adl as well for their cross border terrorism.

In the coming days, we will witness crackdown not only on militant outfits but also on those who pledged their support to Afghanistan in this time of crisis. It has already started with placing certain names on ECL. Pak govt won't risk another war this time.

IK, COAS, opposition leaders and DG ISPR were all in the limelight and their role was appreciated. However, the real warriors are the ones who remained veiled. Who foiled the Indian plan with right Intel at the right time, and at the same time, engaged the other front without any assistance from the field army. They remained nameless.

For the first time, I'd want to publicly appreciate the "Markhors" who successfully thwarted a nuclear catastrophe when pitted against world powers. Nation salutes you all.

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