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The teeth of the Milgem light frigate, the Atmaca beyond line of sight strike missile


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
Much is being made of the Pakistani navy's modernisation program after the lost last two decades. The Milgem corvette/light frigate is an integral part of this modernisation drive. With the ship being inducted at a sizeable batch, attention should be drawn to the ship's strike capability and the advent of the Atmaca, trasnlated as 'Hawk' beyond line of sight anti-ship strike missile.
Atmaca was unveiled for the first time by Turkish missile systems company Roketsan during the IDEF 2019 defense exhibition in Istanbul.
Its development began 10 years ago in 2009.

The Atmaca is launched from quad launchers on deck, from the Milgem.



It's target acquisition, guidance and control is faciliated by the advanced GENESIS MİLGEM combat management system.

Statistics on the missile itself;
-A range of over 200km, that's over 107 nautical miles.
-It is subsonic.
-Utilises a 250kg-class high explosive fragmentation warhead.
-It features high resistance to countermeasures.
-Has all-weather capability.
-Has target updating/mission termination facility and a comprehensive mission planning system with 3D routing.

The serial production contract of Atmaca anti-ship missile was signed between the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and Roketsan

Live firing of the Atmaca started from 2016. Photos and videos of the actual tests;



The missile is expected to enter service in mid 2020. TCG Kınalıada will be the first vessel from the Milgem class which will be equipped with the Atmaca.


Pakistan's Milgem ships will arrive in the period of 2023-2024. Long range anti-ship missiles in subcontinent waters are not new and have had a chequered history (P-15 Termit). Versatile missiles of similar operational ranges currently deployed from surface vessels include the 3M-54E (Indian Navy), Brahmos (Indian Navy) and the C-802 (Pakistani Navy).

With the arrival of Atmaca the Pakistani navy adds a powerful new system to its growing repertoire. Pakistan's navy has steadily moved from a force that would concentrate on holding the line, to one which will traverse the full breadth of its territorial waters with a renewed confidence.


With the ability of the Pakistani navy to engage threats from the very periphery of its maritime waters, as they emerge from quarters afar, gives any opposing force serious cause for concern, at the very thought of being removed from the game before it has begun.

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It was the best bang for the buck, specially with the minimum budget our navy has/get ..
Turkey is progressing by leap and bounds in its Defence Infrastructure,very impressive indeed. I would also like to point out maybe both brotherly countries can collaborate on a SUPERSONIC CM as well. We also need something that can match BRAHMOS in the neighbourhood.
Turkey is progressing by leap and bounds in its Defence Infrastructure,very impressive indeed. I would also like to point out maybe both brotherly countries can collaborate on a SUPERSONIC CM as well. We also need something that can match BRAHMOS in the neighbourhood.

Turkey is blessed in this regard as they are exposed to East and west Technologies and developing very rapidly their own products, I do consider their Brahmos as a legitimate threat and we must address it and counter it , but right now we need to focus on modernization of our fleet, replace old Ships from the new one and than constantly modify them as our needs expand .
Turkey is progressing by leap and bounds in its Defence Infrastructure,very impressive indeed. I would also like to point out maybe both brotherly countries can collaborate on a SUPERSONIC CM as well. We also need something that can match BRAHMOS in the neighbourhood.

Though we will have option of chinese supersonic, i think we should go for a shared project. Maybe a new design that can lead to a hypersonic version.
They should go with VLS for anti ship missiles. All the new Russian corvettes strictly use VLS for anti ship missiles.

The Pakistani MILGEM ships will have VLS, as confirmed by the admiral. But we shall leave this topic for the missile.

Though we will have option of chinese supersonic, i think we should go for a shared project. Maybe a new design that can lead to a hypersonic version.

Bro the naval air wing already has the CM-400AKG, Chinese designation YJ-12 supersonic missile in operation. But it has been confirmed that Pakistan is currently working on a separate supersonic naval cruise missile project.
From my understanding Pakistan already possess the Chinese C-802, which is in the same class as the missile in question. As far as ship launched missiles are concerned, Pakistan should try to get the Chinese supersonic, CX-1 system (or something similar to it):


If Pakistan could obtain in-house manufacturing rights for this system, it could give Pakistani navy an eye catching new capability.

Chinese designation YJ-12 supersonic missile in operation.

The YJ-12 system is another highly effective AshM. If indeed Pakistan has got its hand on this system, it provides a more potent capability over these subsonic systems.
From my understanding Pakistan already possess the Chinese C-802, which is in the same class as the missile in question. As far as ship launched missiles are concerned, Pakistan should try to get the Chinese supersonic, CX-1 system (or something similar to it):


If Pakistan could obtain in-house manufacturing rights for this system, it could give Pakistani navy an eye catching new capability.

The YJ-12 system is another highly effective AshM. If indeed Pakistan has got its hand on this system, it provides a more potent capability over these subsonic systems.
People forget that we also produce Harbah CM, which is equipping our ships:

It has 2 variants, Anti Ship and Anti Land.
Range :450-750.
The YJ-12 system is another highly effective AshM. If indeed Pakistan has got its hand on this system, it provides a more potent capability over these subsonic systems.

It's currently in operation with the naval air arm bro, it was bought back in 2018.


Surface version will be arriving with the Type 05A frigates.

Versatile missiles of similar operational ranges currently deployed from surface vessels include the 3M-54E (Indian Navy), Brahmos (Indian Navy) and the C-802 (Pakistani Navy).

Pakistan's C-802 has a range of 180 km while Indian AShMs like Kaliber and Brahmos have a range of 220 to 300km.

Isn't that something to be concerned about? India has signed MTCR and hence Russia can now export 600km range Brahmos to India. Indian Air Force already has tested the extended range Brahmos. Not sure about Indian navy though.

Pakistan navy needs to out-range Indian Navy effectively. Such qualitative advantages are needed for a smaller force like Pak navy to keep the bigger aggressor in check

Plus: Pakistan's Harba anti-ship cruise missile could possibly out-range all Indian AShMs, if we go by things we read on the internet. However, does anyone have a confirmed source as to the actual range of Harba? Like a Navy press release after a test or something like that?
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