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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Learn something from you who does his jihad from behind a keyboard in saudi and not old enough to travel or get a visa compared someone who has travelled twice there?

Thanks but No thanks your offer for Afghan knowledge is appreciated but lacking in substance as always like ur posts.


Canada I think.
If such thing happened in Jinnah time he would order Army to literally wipe these scumbags of earth.I would not worry much about Fundamentalist..he is a cyber miguided man who wants to Join Canadian Millitary...NATO LOL.Personal interests do come over misguided interests.
You are right that AQ and Afghan talaban are not connected , they have different agenda .


Who cares if the Taliban and Al Qaeda are connected to each other or not. as an afghan, it is the cruelty of the taliban which matter to us.
PBin Laden's fabricated Jihad serves a partisan political purpose as does that of all the affiliated "Global Jihadis"...that being their political end game which is the creation of a pan-Islamic Kalipha based political model...preportedly, according to them, fabricated along the same lines as the "rightous Kalipha's" that exsisted in the wake of the Prophet's(PBUH) death!

Hizb-ut-Tahrir, also advocates for a similar system, however, vocally disavows OBL's methodolgy for attaining same...and if you listen and look carefully, you will find that , if talking to a HUT person, the conceptual design, regarding eugalitarianism, is quite different than we would expect to receive at the hands of a regime(Kalipha) headed by men such as OBL...which would make the Taliban(non-Kaliphists) seem like "cream puffs"!

In addition, OBL would pursue Global Jihad indefinately and until he and his "pac-man type of Kalipha"...had swallowed up any and all that were different than he...perpetual Jihad...only a sick mind would welcome same, or the mind of a totally outt'a touch religious fundoo!

The problems regarding the Afghan Taliban (non-Gobal Jihadi) were created by the void left after the Soviets were driven from Afghanistan and America's "abject failure" in providing suitible building blocks for Islamic democracy within Afghanistan!

Now, some Muslims...of the fundementalist school (not all by any means) would argue that democracy is at odds with Islam, I couldn;t disagree more and even the founder of the Islamic Revolution in Iran knew that much.

Although democracy has been hijacked by the Achmajinejad regime...it functioned well for a long time and the revolution's founder made sure to incorporate many democratic values and ideals into it's first constituion(for the Islamic Republic) even as he rejected calls to install a Kalipha by groups such as HUT?

Unfortunately, that successful Islamic democracy has now been effectively hijacked by hardline Mullahs and Revolutionary Guard military secularists!

Hence we see millions of Iranians taking to their rooftops at night chanting, as they did during the waning days of the Shah..."death to the dictator"!

Islam is "fully compatible with democracy"...which in fact enables an Islamic nation to magnify the finer points and qualities of Islam!
Can you arrange visa for me:lol:

here you go! please follow the linked instructions. I bet Silent Ninja will let you stay with him while in Pakistan since you both share such close Jihadist views. Maybe even hook you up with some Taliban Connections. :flame: Not that you probably don't already have some. I'm sure you regularly cruise their known websites.
Why do some members here support the Taliban?
Only the people here with access to his IP address could really say were he truly lives. he has a tendency to change his residence flag.

Sorry to say you also involved into personal attack like other few stupid fellows just wanted to secure points through blame game and personal attack because you dont have any reason to support masacare of 3000 talaban POWs and other many innocient civilian killed by your fellow ISAF bombing .

I am happy you are now guilty concious that is reason getting help of blame game and personal attack.
Sorry to say you also involved into personal attack like other few stupid fellows just wanted to secure points through blame game and personal attack because you dont have any reason to support masacare of 3000 talaban POWs and other many innocient civilian killed by your fellow ISAF bombing .

I am happy you are now guilty concious that is reason getting help of blame game and personal attack.

tell me what is the reason of taliban killing the civilians? and you should know that the taliban have killed their prisoners of war in their custody, nothing new in afghanistan. Do you know that the taliban used to kill civilians because they were shias? they entered the houses and took people and killed them.
If such thing happened in Jinnah time he would order Army to literally wipe these scumbags of earth.I would not worry much about Fundamentalist..he is a cyber miguided man who wants to Join Canadian Millitary...NATO LOL.Personal interests do come over misguided interests.

Yup , i will join them only when they return from Afghanistan.:cheers:
tell me what is the reason of taliban killing the civilians? and you should know that the taliban have killed their prisoners of war in their custody, nothing new in afghanistan. Do you know that the taliban used to kill civilians because they were shias? they entered the houses and took people and killed them.

Your dont know killing of POWs is crime?
Your dont know killing of POWs is crime?

They had done the same thing to their opponents' pows, same same. so?

you are worried about the life of talib fighters but dont give a damn about the life of civilians who have got nothing to do with military. what is your answer to that?
dont have any reason to support masacare of 3000 talaban POWs and other many innocient civilian killed by your fellow ISAF bombing .


Why would you not want those 3000 guys to become martyrs? They must be with their 72 virgins by now and hopefully happy and exhausted.

The must be cheering Dostum, Blair and Bush from Hell.

Btw you still have to prove that your story was true as the prison was run by NA not ISAF and your own pathetic article states that.

They had done the same thing to their opponents' pows, same same. so?

you are worried about the life of talib fighters but dont give a damn about the life of civilians who have got nothing to do with military. what is your answer to that?

Your information is baised , if you can provide unbaised link about your claim, i shall appreciate.
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