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The Taliban will ‘never be defeated’

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Guys pl don't argue with a brainwashed fundo. You can never talk sense to him because he is completely brainwashed and is incapable of thinking straight. His mental faculties have been damaged completely by his handlers. He doesn't have any logic, analysis, academic background and any knowledge. He will always deviate and distract thread when he doesn't have any answer, which he never gets. He will stretch it and stretch it. I think he gets some kind of sadistic pleasure in it and thinks he is doing jihad. I ignored him when i had my first draw with him and found him dumb---. But i will give him one credit, he is best at derailing threads and putting his agenda, where everyone starts arguing with him. I think he is also hungry for attention. The best way is to ignore him and continue healthy debate.
Guys pl don't argue with a brainwashed fundo. You can never talk sense to him because he is completely brainwashed and is incapable of thinking straight. His mental faculties have been damaged completely by his handlers. He doesn't have any logic, analysis, academic background and any knowledge. He will always deviate and distract thread when he doesn't have any answer, which he never gets. He will stretch it and stretch it. I think he gets some kind of sadistic pleasure in it and thinks he is doing jihad. I ignored him when i had my first draw with him and found him dumb---. But i will give him one credit, he is best at derailing threads and putting his agenda, where everyone starts arguing with him. I think he is also hungry for attention. The best way is to ignore him and continue healthy debate.

Blame game and personal attack nothing else.

Any how still if you need any help to understand the Afghan issue you are wellcome.

Remember one thing either you are at sending end or receiving end .You have no other choice to listen others if you dont any knowledge about the subject.
Blame game and personal attack nothing else.

Any how still if you need any help to understand the Afghan issue you are wellcome.

Remember one thing either you are at sending end or receiving end .You have no other choice to listen others if you dont any knowledge about the subject.

Learn something from you who does his jihad from behind a keyboard in saudi and not old enough to travel or get a visa compared someone who has travelled twice there?

Thanks but No thanks your offer for Afghan knowledge is appreciated but lacking in substance as always like ur posts.

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People seriously need to understand what Jihad is and what context to use it in...happy bashers jumping on the bandwagon to unleash some of their venom here.

I sure think in a couple of weeks the facts on the ground will be known as to who is winning the battle of hearts and minds.........ANA needs to change it attitude, especially with corruption and sectarianism/tribalism if this is to success.....nontheless, something tells me it won't change and ISAF/coalition forces will end up getting bogged down and leaving as the strategy thus far, of using military force to get the Taliban to come ot the negotitaing table hasn;t worked.
Learn something from you who does his jihad from behind a keyboard in saudi and not old enough to travel or get a visa compared someone who has travelled twice there?

Thanks but No thanks your offer for Afghan knowledge is appreciated but lacking in substance as always like ur posts.


Do you know what is meaning of jehad ? Please learn about Islam and then open your mouth to critise some one .

Critisim for sake of critism will not be beneficial to any one here , you are just wasting your time and others wanted to know point of view of both factions at war.

As a retired U.S. service member and non-Muslim ...but one who has been active on the Pak Tribune site for four years...I can comment that the great counterfit Jihad that was laid on Islam by Osama and Aymin(later) is predicated on a flawed foundation as outlined within holy Qu'ran!

Oh...he (OBL) attempted to set the stage for what he belived would be viewed as a legit Jihad, replete with bogus FATWAS and subjegated(ideologically) Clerics...to do this he needed to draw the U.S. into the region, as well as other western powers, that's what 9/11 was all about!

Iraq, an unquallified mistake by the Bush administration was simply an added bonus for Al-Qaida!

Jihad, as referred to by the Prophet(PBUH) and within the holy Qu'ran...is most oft referred too and defined as the internal struggle that a person wages between the forces of good and evil!

When "external" Jihad is referred too...it is always with caveats that pertain to reasons and manner in which it may, and may not be waged!

"Anyone" reviewing the tactics and strategy of AQ, and like minded so called "Global Jihadi" organizations, can, if honest, easily deduce that the actions of AQ...in any theater in which they operate...are tactics and actions clearly prohibited by the tennents regarding what is allowable in waging Jihad, according to holy Qu'ran!

Now, many would state that the Taliban and AQ are not connected. Regarding the Afghani Taliban that is partially true...regarding Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan that is incorrect totally.

I would like to talk about the split between Mullah Omar and OBL and the resulting splintering of Haqqani Network from Omar's movement within Pakistan (or) the creation of TTP in 2007 by AQ and in which the Pashtoon in NWF/Waziristan and FATA were duped by AQ and then later brutalized by Baitullah(himself an AQ man)..but time does not permit today...I will return though later...promise!:azn:
As a retired U.S. service member and non-Muslim ...but one who has been active on the Pak Tribune site for four years...I can comment that the great counterfit Jihad that was laid on Islam by Osama and Aymin(later) is predicated on a flawed foundation as outlined within holy Qu'ran!

Oh...he (OBL) attempted to set the stage for what he belived would be viewed as a legit Jihad, replete with bogus FATWAS and subjegated(ideologically) Clerics...to do this he needed to draw the U.S. into the region, as well as other western powers, that's what 9/11 was all about!

Iraq, an unquallified mistake by the Bush administration was simply an added bonus for Al-Qaida!

Jihad, as referred to by the Prophet(PBUH) and within the holy Qu'ran...is most oft referred too and defined as the internal struggle that a person wages between the forces of good and evil!

When "external" Jihad is referred too...it is always with caveats that pertain to reasons and manner in which it may, and may not be waged!

"Anyone" reviewing the tactics and strategy of AQ, and like minded so called "Global Jihadi" organizations, can, if honest, easily deduce that the actions of AQ...in any theater in which they operate...are tactics and actions clearly prohibited by the tennents regarding what is allowable in waging Jihad, according to holy Qu'ran!

Now, many would state that the Taliban and AQ are not connected. Regarding the Afghani Taliban that is partially true...regarding Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan that is incorrect totally.

I would like to talk about the split between Mullah Omar and OBL and the resulting splintering of Haqqani Network from Omar's movement within Pakistan (or) the creation of TTP in 2007 by AQ and in which the Pashtoon in NWF/Waziristan and FATA were duped by AQ and then later brutalized by Baitullah(himself an AQ man)..but time does not permit today...I will return though later...promise!:azn:

i'm glad you understand the situation regarding AQ, even i don't like them or the TTP!

As a retired U.S. service member and non-Muslim ...but one who has been active on the Pak Tribune site for four years...I can comment that the great counterfit Jihad that was laid on Islam by Osama and Aymin(later) is predicated on a flawed foundation as outlined within holy Qu'ran!

Oh...he (OBL) attempted to set the stage for what he belived would be viewed as a legit Jihad, replete with bogus FATWAS and subjegated(ideologically) Clerics...to do this he needed to draw the U.S. into the region, as well as other western powers, that's what 9/11 was all about!

Iraq, an unquallified mistake by the Bush administration was simply an added bonus for Al-Qaida!

Jihad, as referred to by the Prophet(PBUH) and within the holy Qu'ran...is most oft referred too and defined as the internal struggle that a person wages between the forces of good and evil!

When "external" Jihad is referred too...it is always with caveats that pertain to reasons and manner in which it may, and may not be waged!

"Anyone" reviewing the tactics and strategy of AQ, and like minded so called "Global Jihadi" organizations, can, if honest, easily deduce that the actions of AQ...in any theater in which they operate...are tactics and actions clearly prohibited by the tennents regarding what is allowable in waging Jihad, according to holy Qu'ran!

Now, many would state that the Taliban and AQ are not connected. Regarding the Afghani Taliban that is partially true...regarding Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan that is incorrect totally.

I would like to talk about the split between Mullah Omar and OBL and the resulting splintering of Haqqani Network from Omar's movement within Pakistan (or) the creation of TTP in 2007 by AQ and in which the Pashtoon in NWF/Waziristan and FATA were duped by AQ and then later brutalized by Baitullah(himself an AQ man)..but time does not permit today...I will return though later...promise!:azn:

First of all wellcome to you to PDF.

Dear Sir,

Jehad is very waste term not easy to understand even by few non practicing muslims.

Major types of Jahad are

Jehad bil Nafs ( it is for your personal safety from evil forces)
Jehad Bil Mal and Jan (it is required for muslims learning and preaching to non muslims )
Jehad Bil Saif.(It is momentry act , allowed only if enemy attacked any muslim country or for individual self defence).

First two types of Jehad are continues 24/7 daily basis.

I agree with you that OBL interpretation about jehad is not correct , he only wanted Jehad bil saif but with wrong way , The correct method of jehad bil saif is to give three times invitation to enemy to accept Islam or peace, if they reject offer of peace and wanted war at any cost then muslims as nation must do jehad uptill any decision .

9/11 incident is shocking for whole world including muslims, if it is planned by OBL or his organisation because it mainly damaged the image of islam.

You are right that AQ and Afghan talaban are not connected , they have different agenda .

I request to you and all American please force your government to stop war in Afghanistan , all your concern about future safety of America and Europe has no link with Afghan Talabans , they will never targeted America and Europe in past or have any objective.

Real issue is to destroy breeding grounds of Al Qaeda , i am sure MO will cooperate with USA and NATO upto their desired level but if they agreed to leave Afghanistan .
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Won the Hearts and minds :rofl::rofl::rofl:

joke of day

you dont know the masacare of ISAF ?

3000 Talaban POWs and quater million Afghan innocient citizens killed by desi cutters and tomo hawk missile of US NATO forces .Stiil you are supporting them , do you want to become their partner in their crime against humanity?????

ISAF might not be wining the hearts and minds, and neither do the taliban. that is why in a surevey they ended up scoring 6%, so you can imagine how popular they are.

Secondly, 25% of all the civilian casualties have been because of Nato/isaf fire power and 75% of them have been killed due to the Taliban attacks and suicide bombing. 3000 taliban were killed here and there and you and I shouldnt be worried about it, they chose that path and they got what they wanted. the main issue should be civilian casualty. Tell me where did you get that 1/4 a milion civilian casualty from?
Pakistan ,Saudia and many muslim countries recognised them even US wanted to sign deal for oil pipe line with Mullah Omar which he refused. may be you are school boy these days.:lol:

YOu know nothing about nothing. nobody recognized the Taliban except the uae, pakistan and saudis. dont say many muslim countries recognized them.
Do you know what is meaning of jehad ? Please learn about Islam and then open your mouth to critise some one .

Critisim for sake of critism will not be beneficial to any one here , you are just wasting your time and others wanted to know point of view of both factions at war.


Never want to learn your version or the Talibani scum version of Jihad.

I doubt most pakistanis also favor ur version of Jihad? Thats why Mullah Brother will now jihad in jail where he belongs.

ISAF generals, Gen Dostam, Bush ,Blair all should be trailed in ICJ for masacare of 3000 talaban POWs for justice.

Here you go, what a joke. You call for trial of Dostum(he is one of those cruel guys just like your mullah omar) and others for the murder of taliban fighters, but you justify the killing of civilians in the hands of the taliban!!! what sort of joke is that?

Blame game and personal attack nothing else.

He was giving you the taste of your own medicine.

Any how still if you need any help to understand the Afghan issue you are wellcome.

I believe everybody else knows alot about afghanistan than you.
The Taliban will never be defeated militarily alone...that's true enough...you can't defeat an insurgent military movement 100% militarily...but I, at least, have every confidence that they will ultimately be defeated through a combination of political and military action coupled with significant efforts at improving the "social condition" within Afghanistan!

The Taliban are your basic run of the mill thuggish ideologues who , when in power, and since, have depended on violence and intimidation...they are no more repesentative of Islam and it's best ideals than is a Kafur trying to impose a new social order on an Islamic society!

Most Muslims and most Afghanis are fully aware of this... give Obama's new strategy a chance and remember that President Kharzie is "not" the defining word on democracy within Afghanistan...as Zardari is not within Pakistan!

Democracy, is planted and then nurtured by strengthening democratic institutions and laws..it evolves over time as we have seen within every democracy!

Jinah knew that!
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