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The rules not taken serious by The mods.

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Apr 22, 2013
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Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police | Page 16

in this topic, at #237, attention to the part in quote . and then ask yourself, if the mods are aware of the post and deleted it; then why have They not followed the rules and taken the neccessary steps against the member in order to stop possible repeat of such actions in future? Is there some exceptions and priviliges for some members here?

If the mods ignore such people and their posts, then what is the point to declare the rules?
Hello Webby, I have a question..Do you or someone from your team go through each and every reported message everyday ?

Entire mod team go through all unresolved reports.
the post was deleted; as i said in my first message; but what bothers me is that there has been no consequences to the member WHO wrote those terrible words. and got away from that action.

Actions are taken anonymously and member gets banned after certain violations.
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