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The Real Story of RAM Temple Issue


Feb 23, 2012
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I found this interesting video while browsing through youtube.

Some of the information provided are very revealing and interesting. I would love to hear your opinions.

Interesting reenactment of Muslims. Pakistani members should watch this video. There is plenty to learn.
what does it say can you please summarize, dont want to watch it.
Interesting reenactment of Muslims. Pakistani members should watch this video. There is plenty to learn.

Its the usual Togadia brand of woe be me the evil Muslims destroyed all our temples...what shall we ever do..India shall burn if we don't do something...carry on from there on onward. Because obviously we have nothing better left to do.
Its the usual Togadia brand of woe be me the evil Muslims destroyed all our temples...what shall we ever do..India shall burn if we don't do something...carry on from there on onward. Because obviously we have nothing better left to do.
I thought we all agreed that its one temple and no more? :p:
I thought we all agreed that its one temple and no more? :p:

Its not the temple in question which is the problem. If the Hindu community demands one temple in one particular place and that too based on at least some established facts then that's not wrong at all, in any way.

The problem is when you hijack national discourse for said temple, when you turn it into a matter that must take precedence over other more important things. Conflating this issue with our nation's survival or pride is fallacious, we'll live and thrive even if Babri had been left alone.
Its the usual Togadia brand of woe be me the evil Muslims destroyed all our temples...what shall we ever do..India shall burn if we don't do something...carry on from there on onward. Because obviously we have nothing better left to do.
Haven't seen to documentary, and don't really care about the whole VHP/BJP crap. Ayodha has a cultural significance for most of the Hindus if not religious.
Haven't seen to documentary, and don't really care about the whole VHP/BJP crap. Ayodha has a cultural significance for most of the Hindus if not religious.

Its one temple, the demand for it is legitimate. Holding the political dialogue of the nation hostage over it as some gooks did in the past is not acceptable though. Albeit one can, as always, start by placing the blame on Pappu Senior and his idiocy.
Its one temple, the demand for it is legitimate. Holding the political dialogue of the nation hostage over it as some gooks did in the past is not acceptable though. Albeit one can, as always, start by placing the blame on Pappu Senior and his idiocy.
That I agree with ... The whole nation can't be kept at ransom for a temple. It should have been built along with the Somnath. Now it's just an issue of vote bank which sadly has lost it's charm.
Haven't seen to documentary, and don't really care about the whole VHP/BJP crap. Ayodha has a cultural significance for most of the Hindus if not religious.
most hindus did not know that there is a mosque at the site where the temple was (before the movement) but vhp made it a big issue. Indian muslims showed their smallmindedness by insisting on keeping an old mosque that nobody bothered about before.
There is no solution really, I dont think a temple can ever be built there.
That I agree with ... The whole nation can't be kept at ransom for a temple. It should have been built along with the Somnath. Now it's just an issue of vote bank which sadly has lost it's charm.

And we all know who lit the matchstick around this particular keg of gunpowder. Damn fools, one mosque which had fallen to disrepair and neglect, they had to burnish their credentials of being religiously tolerant over it despite the fact that said desire to engage in the aforementioned burnishing was driven by fallacious logic to begin with.
most hindus did not know that there is a mosque at the site where the temple was (before the movement) but vhp made it a big issue. Indian muslims showed their smallmindedness by insisting on keeping an old mosque that nobody bothered about before.
There is no solution really, I dont think a temple can ever be built there.
I too doubt that a temple would be built there, the matter has been politicized so much that even after the SC no party would agree to it. It's going to be like Al asqa and temple mount kind of thing but more explosive in nature.

And we all know who lit the matchstick around this particular keg of gunpowder. Damn fools, one mosque which had fallen to disrepair and neglect, they had to burnish their credentials of being religiously tolerant over it despite the fact that said desire to engage in the aforementioned burnishing was driven by fallacious logic to begin with.
Can ya blame them? Had they had so much brain .... Indian wouldn't have been slave to foreign invaders. BC sab Khalifa ban na chahte hai !!!!
Palle ni dhayla karde mela mela !!!
I too doubt that a temple would be built there, the matter has been politicized so much that even after the SC no party would agree to it. It's going to be like Al asqa and temple mount kind of thing but more explosive in nature.

Can ya blame them? Had they had so much brain .... Indian wouldn't have been slave to foreign invaders. BC sab Khalifa ban na chahte hai !!!!
Palle ni dhayla karde mela mela !!!

Well such are the matters of import to us..lets see if anyone actually bites the bullet and builds the temple...hopefully a structure more tasteful and less gaudy than Akshardham here..we are yet to learn the art of sober understatement.

Waise tereko kya khujli hai, tune kaunsa mandir jaana hai?
And we all know who lit the matchstick around this particular keg of gunpowder. Damn fools, one mosque which had fallen to disrepair and neglect, they had to burnish their credentials of being religiously tolerant over it despite the fact that said desire to engage in the aforementioned burnishing was driven by fallacious logic to begin with.
its weird that VHP is now representing hindus world over, protesting against ganesha on chappals and chaddis... if hindus dont come out and condemn their acts we will be known as one of them.
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