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The 'problem' with Kashmir's accession to Pakistan

Talha Butt


New Recruit

Dec 29, 2010
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As a Pakistani national of Kashmiri ethhnicity[Family is originally from the valley, migrated like thusands of others in 1947] I just feel sooooooo Angry at all seculaist Pakistanis. It is thanks to them that the majority of my people want independence rather than accession to Pakistan Here are the words that express the sentiments of most Kashmiris in IoK-

To Afridi, BM, and others who think self oriented and self concerned is the only way to progress as a nation and Pakistan must think Pakistan first. This is a nationalist thought, although Islam is not absolutely against nationalism but if nationalism puts a blindfold on you to ignore injustice and persecution on other fellow human being or in particular a fellow Muslim, in pursuit of your nationalist agenda, your national objectives definitely fall in un Islamic.

I am from Indian occupied Kashmiri and to tell you honestly, Kashmirs were so much affectionate and sentimental about Pakistan and they still are but so much has happened in last 20 years armed struggle. Also change has due to exposure by modern technology, information and media. Before Kashmiris imagined Pakistan an ideal Muslim state where every one would live in peace and tranquility. A nation that was created to become a model Muslim state, where one and all would be treated as equals. A nation where Islam would reform a society in the best of moral character. Where knowledge would become a weapon to peace and prosperity. But unfortunately everything opposite happened. Now, who in a proper state of mind would like to fall from fire to fire pan. This indeed was a turning point for "Kashmir benaga Pakistan" slogan to an independent Kashmir.

Afridi and “Beautiful Mind” are thinking like President Mushraf who thinks prosperity of Pakistan is thinking Pakistan first. But his philosophy lacks the principle values of Islam which is brotherhood in standing against injustice First, because Nations no matter how big and how prosperous, vanish some day. Standing for justice prevails in principle. Being Pakistanis or Kashmiris we are also Muslims. We can not pick and choose Islam according to our Interests, that is called hypocrisy. Likewise, prosperity is not in modernity or social luxury or in so called cultural elite. as all these NGO's are chattering about. Prosperity is in honesty, integrity, simplisity, equality, struggle, patience, sharing and a vision. A vision that is inspired by the vision our Prophet had for mankind. A vision Alama Iqbal talked about. There is a difference of thought. We as Muslims do not have to make like India or America. We have our own identity and philosophy of living and only if we live it without man made addition of our own. There will be no nation beyond us. Imran Khan has the ability and wisdom to live that identity and carry on that VISON of Alama Iqbal that our present and old leadership in the Muslim world failed to live. That is why I admire him and his work and I would be happy if Pakistan one day receives his leadership at national level, though I don’t live in Pakistan but who wouldn’t like a country runs on Alama Iqbal’s vision. Every Muslim and non-Muslim would. I am looking forward to that day, Insha’Allah.


A question to all those Pakistanis who favour an independent Kashmir- do you really think an Independent Kashmir is good for Pakistan's ideology? If Kashmir doesn't join Pakistan, then Pakistan should take the 'k' out of its name.
But I WANT Kashmir to join Pakistan. A nd you secularist Pakistanis and Musharraf and PPP lovers, you are responsible for the alienation of my ethnicity from Pakistan, which was meant to be the fort of Islam. Go to any Kashmiri page on facebook-be it aalaw,frontline kashmir, disputed kashmir, we love syed ali shah geelani, hoshaar jamaath-and you will find the same things I say.Why do you pakistani secularists hate zia-ul-haq? Do you know how popular he and the jamaat is amongst the Kashmiri Muslims. The slogans of Mard-e-momin and mard-e-haq have reached my kashmir too. Pakistan's only way forward is Islam!!!!!!!
This is a frustrated Kashmiri speaking, and i have seen Pakistan and realised its great potential as an ISLAMIC state, yet the millions of kashmiris in IoK who have not seen Pakistan, do not realise its true potential but still love Pakistan. You secularist pakistanis should be grateful to the little support you have left in kashmir!!!!!!! Where were u secularists when jamaat-e -islami was the only voice who spoke for kashmiris in the wake of musharraf's betrayal
And indians are requested to stay away from this thread, as a Pakistani AND Kashmiri I have DOUBLE hatred for all things India and Indians. I won't bother reply to indian members...
Most of my ppl wanted to join Pakistan in 1989, now they have become alienated and want independence. I simply CANNOT bear this-and the traitors of Pakistan are responsible for this. Pakistan must become an Islamic state if it is going to win back the hearts and minds of my ppl. Do you who closed down mujahideen camps and supported Musharraf and Zardari know how much damage u have done to the image of Pakistan amongst Kashmiris!!!!!!!!!!!
And its just not me, add friends on facebook from kashmir and they will tell u the same story. There is still time. Pakistan cannott afford to lose my ppl and break with its ideology, which is ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also so frustrated to those [like mehru]who don't want an Islamic revolution in Pakistan, coz an islamic revolution in Pakistan is exactly want the ppl of occupied kashmir want. go on pro-freedom kashmiri pages on fb and see for urself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am also frustrated at ppl like Jana on this forum, who support an independent Kashmir, they are giving up the battle already 4 accession of my beloved homeland with a country that was supposed to be created 4 islam...
And 4 ur information, please don't associate our freedom struggle with Yasin Malik and Mirwaiz , everyone in kashmir hates jklf and 'moderate' hurriyat. All eyes are for GEELANI.
This thread pleases me greatly :D

Whatever happened to Kashmiriyat and all that hoopla ? Evident from this post, situation in Kashmir is a fallout of radical ideologies from Pakistan
These days one can find the Indian media, the puppet Kashmiri media, Kashmiri pandits and some nationalists talking a lot about Kashmiriyat (kashmiri nationalism). They are trying a lot to fool the common kashmiri muslims by telling them that it is no use struggling to get rid of Indian occupation and then getting kashmir occupied by pakistan and that kashmir belongs to kashmiris alone. However looking back at history one finds that these slogans were coined by Sheikh Abdullah(may Allah's curse be on him) to to suppress the islamic touch in kashmiri politics and introduce nationalist politics in kashmir. History is witness that kashmir never remained with kashmiris. When someone asked Abdullah that while he talked of kashmir belonged
to kashmiris alone then why did he accede it with India, his reply was that the only thing in common between him and Nehru is that KASHMIRIYAT RUNS IN OUR BLOOD!!! ALLAH-U-AKBAR!! It is clear where kashmiri nationalists want kashmir to head to but we have lended too many sacrifices to let them hijack our freedom struggle; A freedom struggle based on the basic principles of Islam. Insha'Allah they will be defeated and so will be nationalism from every corner of the Muslim world.
The more religion is injected into Kashmir issue,the more international support we"ll get.
even 2day most kashmiris prefer to watch tv channels, rather than indian. do u secularists know how it hurts kashmiris when they see indian on channels
even 2day most kashmiris prefer to watch tv channels, rather than indian. do u secularists know how it hurts kashmiris when they see indian on channels

---------- Post added at 10:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 AM ----------

I said no Indians allowed!!!!!!!!!

This is an internal issue btwn pakistani and kashmiri brothers.

And what makes you state that Kashmiris don't see Indian channels?

One wonders if you were sitting by the side of all Kashmiris!
i mean pakistani tv channels*
it hurts kashmiris when they see indian stuff on channels

---------- Post added at 10:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

TOO BAD MOST OF US KASHMIRIS ALREADY LOVE HIM[zaid hamid][in fact u should see his following amongst the kashmiri ppl], N NO INDIANS ALLOWED
being a kashmiri, and having relatives and friends in IoK i can definetely tell you that kashmiris PREFER 2 watch tv channels, rather than indian


How long have you been in Kashmir? Our side that is.

I have been there since 1951 and seen it evolve in long tenures in Kashmir therein.

What's your problem about Indians?

This Zaid Hamid is the one who is a Bihari and son of a Colonel?
This thread pleases me greatly :D

Whatever happened to Kashmiriyat and all that hoopla ? Evident from this post, situation in Kashmir is a fallout of radical ideologies from Pakistan

Kashmir will become another A'stan if, God forbid, India ever let go of it.
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