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The Origins Of Shaolin Kung Fu

Indian Tiger

May 31, 2011
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The origin of Shaolin Kung Fu is generally credited to an Indian monk named Tat Moh, who is also sometimes known as Boddhidharma. He began life as a prince in Southern India, but became a devoted Buddhist, renouncing his royal heritage to take up the simple lifestyle of a monk. He traveled widely, spreading the teachings of Buddhism. Eventually he rose to become the 28th patriarch of India.

In those days, it was common for Indian monks to travel to China where their Buddhist teachings were eagerly received. In the year 520 A.D. Tat Moh made just such a journey, right through India and China, finally settling at the monastery called Shao Lin - which means 'little forest'. He was disappointed, however, to find the monks very weak and unable to withstand the austere ways of Buddhism - a life which often consisted of long fasts and frugal living.

Tat Moh therefore retired into a cave and meditated in isolation in order to find a solution to the problem. When he emerged after nine years of hard study, he had devised a set of exercises for the monks. These were similar to some Indian exercises such as yoga and were intended to regulate and strengthen the monks' chi flow. Their intention was to strengthen the monks and increase their health and vitality; and this they did, so successfully that Tat Moh's Chi Kung exercises are still practiced to this day. They form the basis of the Shaolin Arts.

It seems that in China there was more than one temple named 'Shaolin'. In this history we will discuss only the Shaolin temple in Fukien Province, since ours is a Fukienese art.

In the history of China there was much lawlessness. Bandits and villains were widespread. Temples were vulnerable to attack, as were monks who traveled the country teaching the ways of Buddhism. So as to protect themselves, the monks developed a system of fighting based on the exercises taught by the founder master - Tat Moh.

Buddhist monks are very gentle and good natured. Their fighting system was developed only to defend themselves against harm. This system was called the 'Lohon' style after the monks in the temple (Lohons) who developed it. The Lohon style is a very basic form of Kung Fu which emphasizes low stances and strong body posture. It proved very successful.

The monks of the Shaolin temple practiced diligently to increase their martial arts skills and were constantly striving to improve their art. A great step forward came with the evolution of the third Shaolin style, called the Tiger style - Tai Chor in Chinese. This was developed by a Chinese emperor, who had relinquished his royal position to adopt the austere ways of Buddhism. He finally settled at the Shaolin temple where he studied deeply in the martial arts, eventually developing the Tai Chor style. For this reason, Tai Chor is sometimes also known as the emperor's style. Tai Chor uses the strong but mobile stance which we use in the Tiger-Crane combination, and which we call the 'walking stance'. It also emphasizes a very strong twisting punch. In fact, the straight punch which ends with a twist of the fist has become a hallmark of Shaolin Kung Fu. The Tai Chor style develops great power and was, therefore, able to defeat the Lohon style which it superseded.

No style is unbeatable. Every move has a counter. Inevitably, another style was later developed which could counter the Tiger style. This was the monkey style, known in Chinese as Tai Sheng. Monkey is a very fast, deceptive style. The monkey tends to close in on his opponent, strike and retreat all in one rapid sequence. Hence, the powerful Tiger may be unable to hit his tricky, constantly moving opponent. If the monkey misses with a strike, he will still move away from his opponent so as not to allow them the chance to counter him. The monkey's strikes are accurate, more than powerful and are delivered with fingers or the open palm. Grabbing is also a favorite monkey technique. The monkey likes to crouch and often attacks the lower body. He especially favours targeting the groin. For male opponents this can result in serious loss!

Because the monkey style consists of much crouching and rolling, it is best suited to people who are short. It is often considered one of the most entertaining styles to watch.

How can the techniques of the monkey possibly be countered? The answer is by the techniques of the white crane! The white crane style was the last and most technically advanced style to be developed in the Fukien Shaolin Temple. Even to this day, the crane style is regarded with great respect and is shrouded in secrecy by its masters. Hence it has been one of the last Kung Fu styles which the Chinese have 'let go' to westerners.

What is this devastating secret possessed by the white crane? The crane sticks. As soon as the crane is attacked it establishes touch contact. If its opponent tries to land the attack, the crane deflects it: if the opponent withdraws, the crane follows; never releasing its touch until it finds a certain opportunity to strike - which it does with no mercy. What use the tricky techniques of the monkey? As he tries to dart away the crane will follow, sticking to him until the chance presents itself to strike. The white crane style represents the pinnacle of the Shaolin martial arts.

The Origins of Shaolin Kung Fu
Strange. Shao Lin Kungfu created by Indians? But none of the indian in the world understand the philosophy of shaolin kung fu and there is no single Indian A san practices kungfu. Strange.............
Doesn't matter who created it.

At the end of the day, the Chinese adapted and perfected the art of Kung Fu. Now through-out the world, Kung-Fu is known as part of Chinese culture.
Doesn't matter who created it.

At the end of the day, the Chinese adapted and perfected the art of Kung Fu. Now through-out the world, Kung-Fu is known as part of Chinese culture.
Yes,Kung-Fu is known as part of Chinese culture but not even a small part in fact.
Wing Tsun is very popular here( of course not as much as Judo). I could see some lessons with a friend.
Thank you Bruce Lee.

Wing Chun is a great method. :tup: Bruce Lee actually combined Wing Chun with kickboxing, to create his own style, which he called Jeet Kune Do.

It's much more practical than the Shaolin methods.
Kalaripayattu - The Orient's treasure trove, a gift to the modern world and the mother of all martial arts. Legend traces the 3000-year-old art form to Sage Parasurama- the master of all martial art forms and credited to be the re-claimer of Kerala from the Arabian Sea. Kalaripayattu originated in ancient South India. Kung- fu, popularized by the monks of the Shoaling Temple traces its ancestry to Bodhi Dharma - an Indian Buddhist monk and Kalaripayattu master.

Kalaripayattu presented by Kalari Academy of Performing Arts
Varmakalai is an Art that of the highest level among all Martial/Healing arts. It’s a science of harmony between mind, soul and body. This knowledge it's not only used to afflict injury but also to cure. It’s a unique Neuro Martial Art in warfare practiced to control the enemy without any external injuries and much effort. Varma Kalai is the master of all arts, royal to its name, practiced by special Asaans (super masters) both for healing and selfdefense purposes.

Varma adi or Marma adi ("hitting vital spots") is a part of the art of healing and harming Varma Kalai (Tamil: வர்மக்கலை) Marma Vidhya, It is a component of adi murai "law of hitting" which is a martial art that teaches methods to attack pressure points of the human body. This system of marmam is part of Siddha Vaidhyam, attributed to the Tamil sage Agastya and his disciples.[1]

The 108 marmam points of Varma adi allegedly have parallels in certain schools of Chinese martial arts.

Marma Ati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This connection to Boddhidharma is fraught with controversies . Historians like Tang Hao, Xu Zhen and Matsuda Ryuchi often cite discrepancies in the Legend of Boddhidharma during the Ming Dynasty to point out that absolute proof cannot be given of these claims .

The historical evidence aside from similarities in styles ( Animal influenced ) of Shao Lin Kungfu and Kalari payuttu ....is a mural / portrait of Shao linn Monks practicing these arts with "dark skinned" monks which is certainly not conclusive evidence.
Strange. Shao Lin Kungfu created by Indians? But none of the indian in the world understand the philosophy of shaolin kung fu and there is no single Indian A san practices kungfu. Strange.............

They practice their own arts --Kalaripayuttu , Gatka , Varma Kalai etc .By Philosophy of Shao lin Kung Fu if you mean Buddhist Philosophies then those are carried on by Indian Buddhists ...and if you mean centres/meridians of energy , Chi , etc those have their "Indian Equivalents" in the art of Kalari Payuttu .

The concept of Pressure points --- is referred to as " Marmam " in Kalari payuttu.
I thought wrestling originated from India? :what:

And no, I am not referring to the American version of "wrestling".
I thought wrestling originated from India? :what:

And no, I am not referring to the American version of "wrestling".

Not sure about that ...every culture has its own version of wrestling ....No similarities between wrestling in one of the primitive African tribes or Sumo wrestling or the "Kusti " originating in the subcontinent...
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