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The Official Apology By Indians to MBI Munshi Thread

My mindset when I read this thread...njai.... RAW rulez :P

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Our financial capital is still here, and thriving - with a GDP comparable to the entire Pakistan's. But half your country is gone, gone forever, and no amount of trolling will bring it back.:victory:

(BTW ragtag men are doing plenty of their work in Pakistan as well, in case you hadn't noticed.)

And who has the last laugh when that half every now and then gives you a bloody nose.:pleasantry:
And yes, there are scumbags running helter skelter in Pakistan but only you have the Red corridor distinction. :D

And who has the last laugh when that half every now and then gives you a bloody nose.:pleasantry:
And yes, there are scumbags running helter skelter in Pakistan but only you have the Red corridor distinction. :D


You mean bangladeshis? They don't give us any bloody nose, at least not any bloodier than they would have if they were still Pakistanis. They are now a friendly and docile state to India. Earlier they were half of our worst enemy state.

Red corridor distinction? You have much worse problems, and if you don't know that, I don't intend to explain it to you. There is a reason the world considers your country a failed state.

Whatever parameter you try to troll India with, your country will look worse.
RAW agents raced ahead of ISI to nab IM’s Pak operative Waqas in Dhaka - The Times of India

Since Indians have been calling this man a conspiracy theorist and various other names. This operation by RAW has proved all his doubters wrong.

Indians should one by one apologize to this man and admit their mistake and give him the due recignition he deserves. I recommend it is time the Indians start reading his book The India Doctrine and start spreading the message around.

@MBI Munshi
so looks like book is making some sales , mushi has hired an assistant!

ok. we will apologize only if mushi promises , he does not write bad about our organization RAW! Promise?
Should we pick them up for interrogation? RAW is just next door. @MBI Munshi was asking for annexation of Tripura, Assam, & West Bengal by BD. I think it is time to bring them to justice for act of treason. In any case publishing such a book and then promoting it in every thread itself is an act of terrorism.

I haven't promoted the book on every thread and to overturn decades of Indian brainwashing requires a little pressure tactics ....
:lol:This thread has proven that Indians have no shame. It is official!
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